Be In The NOW Moment!

Complacency. Procrastination. Missed Window(s) of Opportunity. One Day. Ready, Aim, Aim, Ready, Aim…(Do you ever “Fire”?). Time Flies….

Well I am sure that the above has described you, I know it has described me at times. So today is a New Beginning. Today is what both you and I have. Today is YOUR Destiny Moment! Sleepers awaken. You know there is no going back. Yesterday ended last night. From the Latin “Carpe Diem” to seize the day. See our moments are passing us by but it is always good to know that it is not too late. The fact that you are alive and reading this indicates that it is not too late to get it done. Our Nike in life “just do it”! The best phrase from Les Brown….”it’s not over till I win”! Dust off that list of things that you always wanted to accomplish in your life and get on with it. The most important thing that people will remember about you is what you did with the dash between your dates. Each of us was put on this earth with unlimited possibilities. Do not disappoint our Creator by allowing those windows of opportunity to pass by. He has established great things and done this in allignment with a Big Picture. Do you hear your calling and purpose….? Well the time is NOW!