Are you being all you can be? Are you willing to take it to another level? Remember that a rising tide floats all boats and that boats and ships were not built to stay in a safe harbor. They were meant to be free and out in the open sea. I look forward to your comments and input on these weekly tips…. Friday 23 May 2014
Tuesday 8 July 2014
Are you using that magnet that all of us have, known as Charisma?
What is the Elevator Pitch of Your Life?
Monday 28 April 2014
Questions are So Important. Are you asking the Right Ones?
Tuesday 4 March 2014
The Results are In…Being a Leader requires People!
Tuesday 28 January 2014
Not Everyone Will Still Be With You at Your Journey Finish Line?
In 2014 Your Drought is coming to an end…but First You Must Declare It!
Friday 22 November 2013
You must give up in order to go up…and what is it worth to You?
Friday 11 October 2013
Influence is like a Boomerang…It should always come back to You.
Tuesday 27 August 2013
The Decisions you will make are based on the choices you have already made. So will you make them or will they make YOU?
Monday 5 August 2013
If you are just focusing on climbing the ladder, not only make sure that the ladder is up against the right wall but Be sure to Connect as well. (Make sure the rungs are secure and you don’t step on anyone going up)
Wednesday 4 June 2013
The Secret To A Good Meeting Is the Meeting Before the Meeting
Friday 19 April 2013
In continuation from last week’s posting on Experience… I want to ask you this week to provide some feedback from some profound sayings. I look forward to your input and the discussion that comes forth.
Friday 5 April 2013
So if you had to make a statement about experience…would you say that it is the best teacher?
Friday 22 March 2013
Be Honest, have you ever left a Company because of the Company or because of the company kept? I am paraphrasing of course because if you were to take a survey you would find that most people left a job not because of the Company but because of someone or someones that were trying to run the company. Go on…admit it…you know this is correct. Look in the mirror or see if the shoe fits. Oscar Wilde once said “Some cause happiness wherever they go. Some cause Happiness whenever they go”. So what are the some of the reasons why people abandon the “leadership”? We have chatted on this before. Remember that all too many leaders are really people who are managers in leadership positions. That all to often you will hear someone say that when they get promoted to that position, then they will go out and buy a leadership book or take a leadership course…..TOO LATE! Then of course, we have the leader who buys the book and then….yes, that’s right….does not read it. Here are 4 good reasons why people Quit: 1. People Quit People Who Devalue Them – All of us and I mean all of us, like to hear good things said about us. We want to be appreciated. We want positive feedback. But what is the norm is that we don’t in most cases. In fact, a new phrase was created in this generation called “dissing”. 2. People Quit People Who Are Untrustworthy – People must experience the leader as believable, credible and trustworthy. But a recent survey (Quite a few actually) are indicating that trust in the workplace is on the decline (might even apply to politics too). When leaders break their trust with their people it is like the breaking of a mirror. Even though it is possible to pick up and glue all the pieces together does it ever resemble the original? 3. People Quit People Who Are Incompetent – When leaders are incompetent, they become distractions to the team. They waste people’s energy. They keep people from keeping the main thing the main thing. The vision and values of the organization become blurred. In fact, the team will become afraid that the leader will mess things up. Blow it. Not lead when the time comes. (Reminds me of the chapter in Band of Brothers concerning Lt. Dye) 4. People Quit People Who Are Insecure – This is by far the most important even if the other 3 above are addressed. The desire for power, position. When the Leader is so afraid that the people he is leading will develop so well that he works himself out of a job. Thus, the leader has to show that he is indispensable. So training is little if any. Mentorship is non existent…..etc….. In conclusion, here are 6 important points to ponder and work towards: 1. I take responsibility for my relationships with others 2. When people leave me, I do an exit interview. 3. I put a high value on those who work with me. 4. I put credibility at the top of my leadership list 5. I recognize that my positive emotional health creates a secure environment for people 6. I maintain a teachable spirit and nurture my passion for personal growth “It’s wonderful when the people believe in their leader. It’s more wonderful when the leader believes in the people” Friday 8 March 2013
A True Leader will know what to do when the chips are down (Tough times don’t last but Tough Leaders do!)
Segment from the Replacments Thursday 28 February 2013
Keep Learning to Keep Leading
Tuesday 12 February 2013 Tip:Don’t Manage Your Time, Manage Your Life
Tuesday 5 February 2013 Tip: Keep Your Mind on the Main Thing
Tuesday 29 January 2013 Tip: If you want to soar, don’t send your ducks to Eagle School! One of the main purposes of Leadership (as we know it) is to add value to others but be it as it may, not everyone responds in the same way. Some people will change, some won’t. In fact, it can be very frustrating, not only for the leaders trying to evoke the change(s) but for those that the changes are for. What this clearly means is that good people are found and not changed. Motivated people are found. It is far harder to motivate the unmotivatable. To quote a line from a famous hotel chain…”We do not teach our people to be nice.” “We hire nice people”. Now don’t get me wrong on this as there are a good number of people who are motivatable but it is more so that they already know how to be nice. It is just that they have forgotten how to be. There are 3 good reasons as to why you would not want to send your ducks to eagle school: 1. If you send your ducks to Eagle School, you will frustrate the ducks. The bottom line to this as was the case in the ugly duckling is that ducks are not supposed to be eagles nor do they want to be. Ducks do have their strengths (and weaknesses). They swim and migrate well, together. Eagles on the other hand would find these tasks daunting. Leadership is all about placing the right people in the right place to help guarantee their success. 2. If you send ducks to Eagle School it will frustrate the Eagles. Eagles don’t live in barnyards. They were born for one reason…to soar! Thus, hanging with ducks causes them a great deal of impatience. They don’t want to be held back. As a leader, you should always challenge people to move out of their comfort zone, but never and I stress, never, out of their strength zone. 3. If ou send ducks to Eagle School, you will FRUSTRATE yourself. I am sure we have all experienced situations whereby people have not risen up and fulfilled our expectations. This sometimes happens to parents but that will be another entry another time. No matter how much training, motivation and provision of the best resources they just did not rise to the occasion. In conclusion: It is very important for a leader to get the right people in the organization and put them in the right positions. If you need eagles, then go out and find the eagles. If they are not to be found in your organization, then you must go outside the organization. If you need ducks, then find ducks but know that you should always look for that eagle who has great potential and that you can develop into a great Eagle! Thoughts and comments welcome. How would you rate the comparison of those around you? How many Eagles have you come across? Tuesday 15 January 2013 Tip: If you want to know how the leader is progressing…then have a good look at the people involved. To quote my mentor Dr. John C. Maxwell “Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership”. When ever you have a good leader, the team, the organization, the department etc. gets better. When ever you have a bad leader, everyone has a tougher time. In fact, if you have not gone over the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, let me know and I will get you into one of my mastermind groups. These laws are the laws! I learned from personal experience that thinking that I did not need the laws was actually slowing down my progress! I am dating myself again, but do a comparison of the great debate between Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan during the 1980 Presidential Election. The whole election balance was turned on one single question asked by Reagan. “Are you better off than you were four years ago?”. Reagan caused everyone to focus on what the Leader of the country had done or not done during the past 4 years. The state of the country was the result of who their leader was. So what was the solution….change leaders! When leaders are healthy , the people they lead are healthy. When they are not, so to tend to people the conditions of their followers. I will go into more detail on this topic in my next writing. But for the sake of this article….If you want to know how you are doing as the leader or to analyze the leadership of someone else…ask these 4 questions: 1. Are the people following? Is the leader going somewhere and are they able to persuade people to go with them. 2. Are the people changing? Are the people willing to make changes for the sake of progress. In the words of President Harry Truman “Men make history and not the other way around”. 3. Are the people growing? The growth and development of people is the highest calling of a leader. You as a leader will go out there and look to find the right or good people BUT if you don’t develop them will cause you to lag behind. The development of your people falls on YOU the Leader. And we are talking about more than just job skills. 4. Are the people succeeding? The bottom line in leadership is always about results. Leaders may impress others when they succeed but they impact others when their followers succeed! Remember, we are about Serving Others. We are about helping others to become successful. In the words of the late Zig Ziglar “If you help enough people get what they want you will get what you want” (paraphrased). What are your thoughts? How have any of the above questions impacted you in your environment? Peace. BB Saturday 5 January 2013 Tip: A Leaders’ First Responsibility: To define Reality. This is actually a real life phrase that comes from Leadership Expert, Max DePree. While the statement clearly makes sense it clearly also does not imply that you will be good at it. People generally change only when they hurt enough that they have to or that they have learned enough that they want to. There are enough cases in your life where things are staring you right in the face and yet you still refuse to accept or face the reality that awaits. There are 6 rules for successful leadership according to Jack Welch (there are probably more but these 6 will suffice for this writing): 1. Control your destiny or someone else will 2. Face reality as it is, not as it was or as you wish it were. 3. Be Candid with everyone 4. Don’t manage, lead 5. Change before you have to 6. If you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t compete So just short of having someone throw a bucket of ice cold water in your face, know that “Realistic” Leaders are objective enough to minimize illusions and that self-deception can cost them their vision. Ask yourself the following 6 questions on your way to your “reality check”: 1. What is reality in this situation? Do others agree with my assessment? 2. Can I identify each issue? Can I break down reality to better understand it? 3. Can the issues be fixed? Separate the solvable for the unsolvable. 4. What are the options? Establish a game plan. 5. Am I willing to follow the game plan? My commitment as a leader is essential. 6. Will my leadership team follow the game plan? Their commitment as leaders is also essential. You may want to keep a copy of these 6 questions on hand for ready reference. These questions will compel you to look realistically at the issues rather than glossing over and putting a positive spin on them., Wednesday 26 December 2012 Tip: Be a Problem Solver. Don’t allow them to fester? The best way to solve many problems is to confront them. All too often the problems can be the people you deal with. As we prepare for the dawn of 2013 (the world is still here) make a resolution and be determined to allow that Leader that is in you to come out and become the problem solver: 1. Pray through your own anger. Don’t let emotion get the best of you. Wait and allow that emotion to pass. 2. You be the initiator. If you have to wait for the other person things will only fester the more. 3. Begin with the end in mind and that starts by showing affirmation. Encourage the other person and then seek permission to speak candidly. 4. Admit that YOU have a problem. Don’t just put it on the other person’s shoulders. 5. Discuss the issue and seek clarification as you don’t understand how things got to be the way they do. 6. Give the other person the opportunity to speak and respond. There are ALWAYS 2 sides to every situation. 7. Narrow and prioritize. Change takes place one issue at a time. 8. Allow for forgiveness and repentance. 9. Compromise is a wonderful thing but not at the expense of principles. Be flexible. 10. Don’t ever be afraid to pray. True Leaders require help and guidance from a higher authority. Tip: “Get in the Zone and Stay There” Simply stated “Find out what you do well and keep on doing it.” Sounds easy. The reality of this statement is that your mission is to discover your strength and not only start to develop them but to keep on developing them! Do you think that major league ball players don’t practice? Do you think that the greatest of surgeons don’t practice? It can and probably will take you a while for you to search out what it is that you in fact do well. I think of the statement by British Poet Samuel Johnson who said “Almost everyman wastes part of his life in attempts to display qualities which he does not possess.” Let me share a few points: 1. Knowing your purpose in life…your purpose in life is always connected to your giftedness 2. Growing to your maximum potential and 3. Sowing seeds that benefit others So here are my suggestions so that you can get on the road to the Zone: 1. Ask yourself….What am I doing well? NOT what are you doing right but rather what are you doing Well. 2. Get Specific. Your strengths are always specific. This is where you are looking for your “sweet spot”. 3. LISTEN for what others Praise about YOU. 4. Check out the Competition. Don’t spend all your time comparing yourself to others but don’t waste your time doing something that others do in fact do better. People don’t pay for average. If they are better, find something else to focus on. BUT if you CAN DO it better DO IT! Last but not least, if you are in a Leadership position…Find and Develop the Strength Zones of YOUR people. As always, I welcome your comments and feedback especially after putting the above to use. Peace. BB Tip: “Chances are, that if you are not out there leading, you probably will never get kicked in the butt” Being a Leader and Being In Charge will almost certainly garner you with criticism. And some of the best critics are those who are not leading. I love the statement of why the rear view mirror on a car is so small compared to that of the windshield ahead. Heck, even Moses faced a lot of complaints, criticism, and whining. But there was no turning back. Ya know the famous saying…”if you are not the lead dog, the view is the same”. Not everyone handles criticism in the same way. Some of us try to ignore it. Some of us go on defense mode and some of us are just plain witty and reduce the size of the critic. But one thing is for certain…ALL LEADERS have to deal and will have to deal with negativity and criticism. You cannot and will not be able to avoid it. It just goes with the territory. And the bigger the leader you are…guess what…yes, you got it! So here is what I suggest starting today and moving you forward from now on: 1. Know Yourself. Have a realistic view of yourself. Many times it is the position and not the person that garners the criticism. 2. Change Yourself. If the criticism is in fact accurate, you have one of two choices. The correct choice is to evaluate the situation and then CHANGE for the better! 3. Accept Yourself. The easiest thing in the world is to be you. The hardest is to be what others want you to be. As the motto of the US Army recruitment used to say….”Be all that you can be”. Being who you are and getting better at it will take you to the level of being better than you are. 4. Lastly, Forget Yourself. Let the light shine on someone else. A secure leader never needs to defend himself. It is hard enough in this short lifetime that we have to just be ourselves. There is no time to work at being someone else. If you were meant to be someone else…..”Blessed are the flexible for they shall not get bent out of shape” And that my friend is and will be the price for being out front. And I will say that I actually prefer it out here than back there. What about you? Tip: “Don’t put live eggs under dead chickens.” (Sunday 14 October 2012) Whenever I hear this quote, the first thing that always comes to mind is Law #1, The Law of the Lid from the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership…Leadership ability determines a person’s level of effectiveness. There are so many instances in business today whereby the teams growth and effectiveness is stifled by a manager who micro manages or worse is threatened by knowledge, passion and energy by those same members of the team. What eventually happens is that some of those eggs become rotten and waste away, while others still may hatch on their own but what comes out is anything less than what should have. But worse still is that with no one to properly watch the eggs and nurture them along comes a fox or two to raid the hen house and those eggs end up in some other nest and watch out what happens to that company as a result! My suggestion is that you seriously consider a mastermind group on the 21 Laws and follow that up with John’s book the 360 Degree Leader. Contact me today and let’s talk about this and how we can get the “Lid” raised in your organization. Tip: Never Work a Day in Your Life. (Saturday 29 September 2012) Wow, this is one of those phrases that some people will come back with..”Are you Kidding”? “Yeah, right”! or even “if I don’t work, who is going to support my family…the Government”? (Actually, that would be an interesting topic for another day as I try to stay away from political jargon and that new word in the English Language “Entitlement”. So, where I am coming from is more to the tune of some people asking me about what I do and when am I going to retire etc. My response is usually, depending on who I am speaking with that I am either retired or that I will never retire. If I am doing what I want to do and I am enjoying doing it…IS it really work? Is it a JOB “Just over broke”? I know you have all heard the phrase…”I don’t have to go to work…I get to go to work”. Well that’s it! You see I am doing what I enjoy doing and what I do I enjoy! I try to always do it with passion. My life has been a journey as I am sure that your life is a journey. It has taken me to reach my late 50’s to realize that my passion is to teach Leadership and to be a Leadership Coach. Everything that I have done previously has set the stage for today. No longer do I want to try to herd cows (no bull) but rather I quite enjoy trying to herd cats. You should try it. You should work to live and be in the moment. Talent is never enough. Opportunity will never get you to the top by itself. Knowledge can be a great assets, but it won’t make you “all that you can be”. We need to pour passion and desire into our mix. In conclusion, know that “The World will belong to passionate, driven leaders…people who not only have enormous amounts of energy, but who can energize those whom they lead”! Here’s a question or two for you to comment on….How often have you felt like you were just one of the herd and are just going through the motions? Do you personally feel that life is just about reaching 65, retiring and THEN having a life? Look forward to hearing from you. Peace. BB Tip: Learn not only to handle Criticism, but actually grow from it. (Saturday 22 September 2012) Not everyone handles criticism the same way. Some try to ignore it. Some try to defend themselves against it. Some will actually try to use a witty remark as a comeback. You cannot allow yourself to get into a tit for tat situation. This is such an important topic that I am going to spend the next couple of weeks on this. This is a Leadership blog to my focus is pointed on how to help improve and work through criticism from that stand point. All leaders have to deal with negativity and criticism, regardless of position or profession. It is something that cannot be avoided as it is written into the annuls of human relations. All too often criticism evolves from lack of understanding and even from jealousy. To take from the famous quote of Aristotle…”Criticism is something you can avoid easily – by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing”. Clearly, we will conclude that YOU ARE NOT NOTHING and hence there will be the possibility of criticism. In conclusion for this entry: Know Yourself – this is a Reality Issue. You must and need to continue to be an upfront person. You as the leader must have a realistic view of yourself. Learn to separate the position from the individual. Learn not to take it personally. Learn to begin with the end in mind and work to be solution driven. Ben Franklin said “there are three things that are extremely hard: steel, a diamond, and to know one’s self.” Know yourself…be patient, try hard not to assume, and by all means work hard not to jump to conclusions. Tip: Defining Moments Define Your Leadership (Saturday 15 September 2012 (Sorry that there was no entry last week as Bermuda was getting ready and experiencing Hurricane Leslie) To quote Winston Churchill “In every age there comes a time when a leader must come forward to meet the needs of the hour.” All too often we as individuals focus on our milestones in life. You know those things that mark what we accomplished in life. Clearly as you are reading this, you can appreciate that you are still here and that there can and will be many more accomplishments yet to happen in your lives. Remember that we have already chatted about what you are going to do with the dash between your dates. I am sure that you will agree and realize that some of our defining moments come as a total surprise and all too often rise to the top during times of crisis: having to make an unpleasant and unpopular decision; taking a stand on an issue; facing a personal challenge/failure; having to decide on forgiving. Forgiveness is a topic we will spend time on at a later date. Unfortunately, there are times when a leader has the opportunity to make a positive difference in society and tragically does not rise to the hour and occasion. Quoting John Maxwell’s Law of Process “Leadership develops daily, not in a day” Thus, we must be in continual preparation/preparedness for when those moments that will define us appear. Defining moments put the spotlight on us. Our character is not made during these times – it is displayed. Defining moments are intersections that appear in our lives that compel us the opportunity to turn, change direction or even to seek a new destination. Remember the line from the poem…”The Road Not Taken”? So in conclusion, reflect on your Defining Moments from the Past, Prepare for your Defining Moments in the Future and Make the most of your Defining Moments right now here in the present. Remember that Leaders become better leaders when they experience a defining moment and respond to it correctly! And by all means….seek the help of a Maxwell trained Coach….”hint, hint”. Your feedback and comments are always welcome. email me at [email protected]. Tip: The toughest Person to Lead is Always Yourself (Friday 31 August 2012) There are so many accomplished and qualified leaders out there and the usual assumption is that “I wish I could be more like them. Just like them. Be them” We tend to say these things because these people look, smell and act like they are there. Well the fact is that some of the best leaders always have and always will be the toughest person that they will ever lead. Can you name a few? Clearly in life, we as leaders do not see ourselves as we see others. We may even be harder on others than we are on ourselves OR we may even be harder on ourselves than we are on others. Have we looked in the mirror lately and liked what we see? Action: Over the next few weeks, we will be going into more detail on this and I would like for you to ponder on the following: 1. Do you see yourself as you see others? How clearly do YOU see yourself? 2. Are you harder on yourself than on others or vice versa? Where do YOU need to Grow and how well do YOU take advice? 3. Focus on these 4 key areas as we prepare for further discussion: -Learn Followership -Develop Self Discipline -Practice Patience -Seek Accountability Your comments and feedback are welcome either here on this site or by email to me at [email protected] Tip: Leadership is the power of one harnessing the power of many. (Friday 24 August 2012) How effective is a tug of war if you are the only person on your team? How well would you play baseball if you had to play all 9 positions? How great would the impact of your corporation be if you were all there was? I think back to the great movie Ben Hur just before the classic chariot race where Charlton Heston explains to the Shiek (owner of the horses) that he was going to re-harness the 4 horses as they all had different strengths and thus harnessed together their power would become as one. Action: Today, take some time to reevaluate your plan of action for your project or what goes on in your office. Do this especially if you are classified as a leader holding a position or title. Determine if you moved a couple of things or people around how the end result could and would be different. Remember that there is so much power in a Team and that Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership. Look forward to your comments…Peace. BB Tip: Leadership is evoking in others (and yourself) the capacity to dream. (Friday 3 August 2012) Going back to the 60’s song by the Byrds whose chorus line was “I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now” reminds me as to how fast the days go by. Clearly we build up momentum from the time of our birth and reach a certain zenith and then begin a downward swing. BUT WAIT A MINUTE…We were in fact put on this earth to be dreamers and to put those dreams into effect. Some of our best inventions came from dreams. It is so unfortunate that we have allowed (in many cases) to lose the ability to dream. When we were young our parents and relatives asked “and what do you want to be when you grow up”? We would then ramble out so many things ranging from our heroes to places to go etc. Then as we got older, we were suddenly told to “get serious and STOP dreaming” This was Wrong then and it is Wrong Now. I don’t know about you but I have come to realize that our lives are a series of peaks and valleys like a roller coaster. So there is still time to make time to enjoy the dreams that we have not lived yet. Action: Today, no matter your age…Take some time to enjoy the terrain around you. Take some time to look at some pictures of what you would like to do. Take out a piece o paper and sit down with yourself or with your significant other and write down a list of things that you would like to do this month, this year, the next 5 years etc. For some people they refer to this as a “Bucket List”. The world may be smaller because of Technology but it is no less beautiful. Never be afraid to dream. You or someone you know may have the answer or the cure to something this world needs but will never be realized. I could go on all day about this but please, please do not be part of the never achieved dreams that are in the graveyard unfulfilled. Ensure that the dash between your dates was all that you “DREAMED” it could be! Look forward to your comments…..Peace. Tip: July 20 and 27 was away on vacation and visiting family recharging and enjoying. Tip: Leadership is the ability to submerge your ego for the sake of what is best. (Friday 13 July, 2012) I don’t know about you but all too often these days (especially from those who have NOT had any Leadership training/courses) I run into what I refer to as “SIP’s” (Self important people). And I should know as I used to be one! It is ok to be knowledgable but not to the point where you step all over other people to get the job done. I am so grateful to Dr. John Maxwell for a number of his books that relate to this topic. One that comes to mind is the Book the 360 Degree Leader. Action: Take a few steps back upon approaching a project that involves people. It is ok to ask some questions and make some statements but it is EVER so important to take the “I” out of the discussion and LISTEN to what others are offering. Oh and try to leave your Ego at the door. You can always pick it up on the way out. Oh and did I mention that you should look into some Leadership training. Peace. Tip: Leadership is about practicing patience. (Friday 6 July 2012) I don’t know about you, but for most of my life, I have been a pretty impatient person. I was constantly trying to look ahead, think ahead, move ahead and yes, even get ahead. Did not matter if some people got stepped on along the way. I am grateful for learning personality traits as the first thing was that I now understood myself better and most importantly, I am now able to better understand the personalities of others and respond accordingly WITH Patience. Action: Take the time to go online and google Dr. Robert Rohm’s DISC Personality assessment. And Take the Assessment. This is going to be (actually already is) a long hot summer. As such, your patience may be tested more than usual. Take a few moments to pause before reacting. I would be that in many cases, it won’t be worth your energy to get aggravated. Tip: Leadership is the readiness to stand out in a crowd. (Friday 29 June 2012) How easy it is to just stay in the background on things. To just fit in to what is going on and let someone else make a decision or decisions. But what ultimately happens is that all too often the decision(s) that someone else makes on your behalf are not the decisions you would have made and how sorry you end up being. We are living in a day and age where we need to make our own decisions. This will mean standing up for what is right and separating yourself from the crowd. Action: Monitor what is going on around you. Take an account of your thoughts and ideals. This may result in you having to vote for the other guy. If you have never voted before…Vote! Be someone who is not afraid in this day and age to stand up for what is right. Be contagious and watch how others begin to follow your lead on your way to being a Leader. Tip: Leadership is seeing the possibilities in a situation while others are seeing the limitations. (Friday 22 June 2012) All too often and I was guilty of this….anytime something different came up or was not my idea was never going to work. Some people look at the glass half full of water and will say that it is half empty. I remember the story of Thomas Edison who went through 100’s of failures trying to make a light bulb. His answer to the neggie people was that he had simply found 600 ways that did not work. Fortunately, he did not listen to them and we can see quite well at night today. Action: When planning out or contemplating a task that is coming up take a step back and look at it from a wider perspective. Take a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle….on the left write the Pro’s and on the right the con’s…work to ensure that your pro’s outweigh your cons and if you get stumped…ask someone for help. We are a virtual world today. Who knows, your collaboration with someone to make something work may be the next ______ that helps us all on Planet Earth. Tip: Leadership is taking responsibility while others are making excuses. (Friday 14 June 2012) We see it and hear it everyday in the workplace, in the news, on the radio and TV. In fact, almost everyone is quite comfortable “passing the buck”. To be honest, it is a natural defense mechanism to blame everyone and everything to the point where they/it becomes the scapegoat for what goes on or fails to go on. But to be real, someone has to take responsibility. Responsibility is different from blame. Action: If you are in charge then BE IN CHARGE…take action. Plan your work and work your plan. Ensure that the tasks for both you and your team mates are going properly. Remember the Law of Navigation…anyone can steer a ship but it takes a Leader to chart a course. You be the Leader, You Chart the Course and You be Responsible. Tip: Leadership is being dissatisfied with the current reality. (Friday 7 June 2012) Are you where you want to be? Do you even know where you want to be? Will you know when you get there that you are there? And are you satisfied? As we go through life, we go through different phases. It matters not what generation you are in be it a boomer, x, y or even this new one called “igen”. There is more to life then being in a rut. Did you know that a rut is just a grave with the ends lopped off? Action: Today is the day! Today is the day that you need to start learning to be dissatisfied with the reality around you. There are many positive things that await you out there. You have been put on this Earth with talents and treasures that only YOU will be able to bring forth to mankind. What a waste if mankind never gets to benefit from what YOU have to offer. Pick up a Leadership book, get a Leadership DVD or CD and most of all, go to your quiet space and meditate and then write down the goals…YOUR Goals that come to your mind. I can guarantee you won’t be alone in your quiet space. Peace. Tip: Leadership is the passion to make a difference with others. (Monday 21 May 2012) I have been living in Bermuda for the past 35 years. When I first arrived on these shores I found it strange (i came here from the Great Empire State of New York, a place called Long Island <pronounced: Lung Guyland>) Anyway back to my story…I found it strange that everyone here greeted you with a “Good Morning” etc with a big smile. People they did not even know. Hey we did not do that in NY ya know! But as time marched on and people got “busy” with their lives, it seemed like this process almost disappeared. Action: Take some time TODAY and this week moving forward to make that extra effort to look people in the eyes, smile and provide a greeting. Who knows where this process will leave you. It might even cause people to want to come back to your business if you have one. It might help someone who is down today to “get back up”. I’m just sayin’! Tip: Leadership is being dissatisfied with the current reality. (Monday 23 April 2012) Action: Either at the beginning of each day or at the end sit down and write down some goals and dreams that you want to accomplish. Now list the things that you do on a daily basis. Then take your list and put a “date” on each item and focus your daily events towards accomplishing those goals. The maxim that “if you keep doing what you are doing, you will keep getting what you’re getting”. Aim to improve yourself by 1% a week and look where you will be by years end! Tip: Leadership is the willingness to put oneself at risk. Tip: Leadership is the passion to make a difference with others. (Friday March 23rd 2012) Action: Take a few moments this week to interact with some of your colleagues in a positive way. Perhaps do a lunch or a coffee and find out more about them. See what is on their mind and attempt to help them with it.
Very we’ll said Bob (aka dad in-law). What a wonderful subject to ponder! If we all invest in future generations just think how wonderful the world will be. Thanks for being an active grandfather to Michael! We love you!