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If you tell the truth, you never have to remember what you said!
Monday 8 April 2013…Repost from February
Reposting this from elsewhere in my blog as the topic came up today and it is just as valid yesterday as it is today as it will be tomorrow!
Suggestion or thought: If you tell the truth, you never have to remember what you said! Wednesday February 6 2013
It’s always important to tell the truth so that you will not have to try to re-remember what you said in the first place.
Are you making the presentation or your software?
Monday 4 January 2013
Are you making the presentation or your software?
“Is your Phoenix built and ready to fly”? And most important, “Are you ready to fly it”?
Monday 28 January 2013
This week’s Blog post is entitled “Is your Phoenix built and ready to fly”? And most important, “Are you ready to fly it”?
I guess the first and best place to start with this posting is to go back to the classic film released in 1965 and later the remake of the same name “The Flight of the Phoenix”. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the movie and the plot, let me take a few moments to briefly describe it for you. The story describes several men struggling to survive their plane crash in the formidable Sahara Desert. The crew and surviving passengers come from all walks of life as well as nationalities. Naturally, the radio does not work and while they have an abundant supply of dates (yes, those dried pieces of fruit) water on the other hand will only last about 10-15 days. The story clearly covers all aspects of whether to give up and die or to attempt to overcome their obstacles and survive. It is a story that matches “wit” against “braun” and “pride” against “logic”. They set out to build an airplane from what was left of their crashed airplane and they name it the “Phenix” after the mythical bird that arose from the fire and ashes. I guess you will need to see the movie to find out the outcome. Instead I will now attempt to bring all of the above in ‘our’ everyday lives.
I will have to write this from my perspective and look forward to your feedback on agreement with what I have to say or your coming at this from a differing point of view. In life, we will experience many instances whereby things may not be going as well as one would like. To the point of failure, distain, disillusionment, grief and down right just not caring anymore. We have a choice. We can either roll over and give up the ghost or we can learn and grow from the experience(s) and rise anew better and more able to take it to the next level. Quite frankly, from a religious point of view, I have come to believe and understand that my God (Grand Overall Designer) has and is putting certain obstacles in my path to test me and prepare me for the greater things that He has planned for me. How I handle my challenges, failures and defeats will determine if I am prepared and ready for the greater that awaits.
Every once in awhile, I will play the song whose lyrics refer to “I get knocked down, but I get up again. Nothing’s ever gonna keep me down” (enjoy the link below on this) I am also reminded of the classic scene, not to mention the entire movie “Spartacus” (2nd link below). That classic scene where the Slave army under Spartacus was defeated and when the Roman General offered to spare the life to anyone who could turn Spartacus over to him instead chose to a man to stand up and say “I’m Spartacus”! You see, they had chosen to all rise from the ashes in the quest for their freedom. You have a choice. Are you going to rise from the ashes no matter how many times it takes and fulfill YOUR destiny? Or are you going to allow others to knock you down and try to keep you down so that they can rise up at YOUR expense? The choice is yours. That is why Leadership training is so important. That is why you must continue to grow.
So what are your comments, feelings, thoughts on this topic? I would love to hear from you. By the way, have a read of my other postings from this week. One of them is about not sending Ducks to Eagle School. Not only am I a Phoenix but I am an Eagle. How about you?
Peace. BB
I Get Knocked Down but I GET UP Again!
Your Year of Jubilee: A time to Rest and Sharpen the Saw
Friday 28 December 2012
I need to tell you that true bloggers usually take some time to ponder as to what they want to blog about. So after careful consideration on this matter I am choosing to write about not only a “well earned rest” but also the “Focus” of what is to come. To many of us that implies the annual New Year’s Resolution list but remember that I clearly implied focus.
This is not something that is new. In fact, for those that study the Bible, this is clearly explained in Leviticus. Jubilee was something that called for people to stop their usual labor, alter their usual routines and change their normal existence. So I think the key here is to stop the “usual/normal”. I have always been taught that the highest form of insanity is to keep doing what you are doing BUT expect a different outcome. It is our most common and usual practice at the end of each and EVERY year to come up with a new list of resolutions that we intend on accomplishing with the birth of the New Year. I pause to take a page out of my mentor Dr. John C. Maxwell, who by the way is the World’s #1 guru when it comes to leadership. He actually takes a week at the end of the year to pause and reflect on what he did or did not do during the preceding year. How in the heck can you focus on what is to come when you have not focused on what was to come?
Clearly we have choices as to continuing to keep on making lists and letting them fall by the wayside or rather treating the upcoming year with a more focused and balanced sense of urgency. There is enough insanity out there that you should not need to add to it.
So as you are enjoying this Holiday Week leading up to New Years, I challenge you to approach 2013 with a sense of “Jubilee”. I include some steps as you should always be looking to sharpen your saw every chance you get:
1. Take the time you need to get some rest…both mental and physical
2. Take some time to have redemption of home. Home is where your heart is.
3. Take the opportunity to reflect so that you can move forward.
4. This is the time and place for your ax sharpening. Read positive, Watch positive and by all means BE positive.
5. Relationships are your priority over anything materialistic.
6. Last but not least…Focus and re-focus…focus and re-focus…..
In closing, ONLY YOU can make the true difference in what you do and what YOU accomplish. Make this coming year 2013 the best you have experienced yet! Be the Leader that you are meant to be. Peace and God Bless. BB
And please don’t forget that I look forward to hearing back from you. Your comments are always welcome and I challenge you to tell me what YOUR Jubilee year is going to look like…. Enjoy this film as you Focus and Re Focus
Do you understand the value of Servant Leadership or are you afraid of it?
Do you understand the value of Servant Leadership or are you afraid of it?
It has become my daily habit to pick up my copy of the Maxwell Leadership Bible (as noted previously, John has gone thru and broken it down from a Leader / Leadership perspective) and randomly without looking pick a spot to open up to.
Upon opening up today, I came across a section on David in I Samuel 30 17-20 that talks on what is probably my most favorite topic and subject. That on Servanthood or Servant Leadership.
Servant Leadership can be so misunderstood at times and yet when the full aspect and impact of what servant leadership stands for is encountered it can be so fulfilling. What do I mean by this? Well to some, Servant Leadership by its very name can give the impression that it is about be a slave to someone. To some people, I have noted that Servant Leadership can be insulting but it is alright for the other person to serve you. Servant Leadership should be mutual to all parties.
David’s leadership was first and foremost about serving his team and not about his own fame or that of his conquests. It was about relationships and partnerships. After a particular battle, a great deal of plunder was acquired. It appears that prior to this battle a number of his soldiers were worn out from previous campaigns and were left in the rear to deal with bringing up supplies etc. What would have been obvious and is more the norm in today’s world, would be for the soldiers who actually fought the battle to say that the plunder belonged to just them. But because of David’s leadership and the principles of servant leadership, he was able to clearly show all involved that ALL members of the team deserved to share in the spoils as well as the joy of the victories.
So let me sum this up in a few steps but before I do let me say that be it politics, elections, or the running of companies, Servant Leadership can and will bring about many successes and feelings of satisfaction in a Job Well Done and relationships that will last.
David’s Servant Leadership
- helped others see the contribution of everyone’s gift (everyone brings value to the total Team event.
- Allowing everyone to celebrate the victory and share in its spoils clearly showed the true Big Picture that it is not just about one person.
- The promotion of the goodwill of Servant Leadership is contagious and becomes a win-win for all.
- When a leader serves today, it pays big dividends tomorrow in future relationships
- Servant Leadership if properly developed can be totally instrumental and mutually beneficial on a nationwide basis.
Peace. BB
What are the Sands of Your Hourglass doing today?
First off, let me give thanks to my mentor Paul Martinelli for giving me an hourglass and teaching and showing me about the hourglass of My Life! While today’s entry is from my heart and mind, I give credit to Paul for his original teaching on this subject. Today’s Post is also dedicated to my best friend who has shown me both through actions and words the value of not wasting the “Sands of Time”.
If you are not aware of what an hourglass is, it is that awesome timepiece that bulges on both ends and is very focused to a narrow path at it’s center. It is a used for keeping track of time. The sands of time that pass through to mark and denote a passage, a journey, an experience etc.
I am feeling very nostalgic today as I ponder that this year is fast coming to an end and how I have allowed the sands of time to flow through my hourglass that is me. It will soon be time on the 31st of the 12th month in this the 12 year of the New Millennium to put into action the goals and plans on the road to the fulfillment of my dreams (your dreams). You see there are Hourglasses of time everywhere. One has to remember that if you believe in a Creator. A Grand Overall Designer. My God. That He too has an Hourglass of time running that denotes and depicts my / your personal life profile.
There are times when the sand may get a little caked up or damp and not flow smoothly through the “choke point” of that hourglass. So you may have to shake it a bit to get it flowing again. You cannot stop the flow. It must flow. To stop the flow is to stop your life!
Time is something that will happen with or without you. Life will go on either with or without you. Are you taking responsibility for your Life? Are you ensuring that you are not wasting the passage of the Sands of Time in Your Life? Are you just full of excuses? Love the precious people that have been, are and will come into Your Life. You know who they are. Remember that the most beautiful thing that you can do with an Hourglass is to be able to “Turn It Over” and start a fresh! I challenge you today to get your sand flowing and to move forward with the Lives that we have ALL been Blessed With!
Peace. BB Your Leadership Expert
I knew you’d come!
I am not sure about you, but the anger and disappointment of what occurred and did not occur on September 11th of this year, 2012, wells up in me so deeply. Not to mention the sadness that goes with it. Let me qualify my essay with the fact that this is about Leadership and not that of questioning politics or about whom you are going to vote next week. It is about Leadership! Everything rises and falls on Leadership. If you have been following my Facebook and Twitter posting today….As a Leader, are you ever inattentive, uncooperative or late? People will question your sincerity as a leader.
I am qualified to comment on this for several reasons. The first of which is that I am a certified Teacher, trainer, coach and speaker and proud to carry the name of Dr. John C. Maxwell, the #1 Leadership Guru on the planet, where I pride myself on being and teaching Servant Leadership. Secondly, I am retired military. To have had the opportunity to serve and defend my country is something that will always be a part of me. In this essay, I am going to tell two stories that took place in roughly the same part of the world and it is my hope that you will come to the same conclusion that was my intention to bring about. Further, this is not a story about me and so my use of the word “I” will be limited.
To be in the military is no small feat. Training followed by training, followed by yes, more training is the norm. See, we train the way that we are expected to conduct ourselves on any mission that the National Command Authority dictates. The following of all legal orders goes without saying. In fact, before becoming an Officer, we took and recited our Oath of Allegiance:
“I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”
Here is something that was ingrained in us and continues to be a part of all who served; No man would ever be abandoned or left behind. Of course, that includes our women comrades today, but you get the picture. Knowing that to do so would possibly mean putting yourself in Harm’s Way was not even thought about. It was part of our creed to our fellow comrades. And yes, sometimes the rescued people were so badly hurt that they did in fact pass away after the fact, but they did so with internal peace. As is the case in many organizations, people are put in Leadership positions where, in reality, they are really just managers who may or may not have leadership qualities. I can only begin to wonder how, with all the Intel capability that we possess, we could possibly have not ensured that our men, including our Ambassador, were not adequately supported. And, if the facts are completely correct, were left behind or were abandoned to their fate.
The second story goes back over 2000 years ago somewhere near Jerusalem. Martha and Mary were distraught because Lazarus had died. They had pleaded with Jesus, well before and while Lazarus was sick, to come and heal him. But Jesus was being inattentive, uncooperative and yes, late. If we follow this story and we believe, we begin to understand that this was all part of His plan so that more people would come to believe. To make a long story short, Jesus did come and Martha, who kept the Faith, said, “I knew you would come!” And of course, Lazarus was brought back to life.
In Benghazi, our people were told to “stand down” and not attempt to rescue fellow Americans including the Ambassador. At least 2 men, who were former Navy Seals, chose to ignore these orders because it was part of their creed to leave no man behind. They would ultimately pay the supreme sacrifice of giving up of their lives to attempt a rescue and to hold off the enemy…YES, the enemy, while all the while communicating and awaiting the help that would never arrive.
As I stated earlier in this essay, that it is not my intention to tell you who to vote for or to even try to sway your vote. Rather, it is my intention to call for answers to questions that must be addressed. The Leaders, stemming right up to the Commander in Chief himself, need to come clean and tell not only the American people, but the World Why!
While Martha was able to clearly say to Jesus that she knew He would come, I can only guess and imagine that the last words and thoughts of these heroes as they were awaiting help and ultimately met their fate that night was…..
May God forgive you for abandoning us…..”You didn’t come.”
Do you want to be Great…then be a Humble Server (Replay broadcast)
Please join Sharon Johnson and me as we speak to this Leadership Topic on Comtivate Radio.