I Have Not Yet Begun To Lead!

Happy 239th Birthday America. Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.
As I sit here writing this, those who are American like me,  are about to  celebrate Independence Day also known as the 4th of July with fireworks and BBQ’s and so much more. The original 4th of July of 1776 seems like it was so long ago and yet it was just 239 years ago. A mere minute in the total amount of time that man has been on Earth and even a mere speck in that of the total that our planet has been around. Values go hand in hand with Transformation. How the consistency and evolution of these values are paramount to the continuation and fulfillment of Transformation. And thus came about The Declaration of Independence, one of the most important documents to ever be written and loaded with a multitude of values. In fact, it was because of these values that many were inspired and compelled to face the hardships of what lay ahead on the road to what was hoped to be a better way of life. Let me also mention as an aside, that the Laws are of equal importance but whether you choose to agree with them or not, the Laws are the Laws. Thus, when cited in the document, the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God are indeed valuable. But it is the changing or adopting of specific Values that lead us down that Road less traveled by.
“We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal.” and that the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of  happiness should never be violated. A Document so profound in all of history that ended with “with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor”… and so my story of Leadership and Valor continues below…
This story is posted today, as we prepare to celebrate…in our Now! My story takes place on September 23rd 1779, 236 years ago.
We have all had situations where things were not going well. I am sure that you can relate to a job situation where because of leadership or the lack thereof your boss has caused you to lose your sense of morale, support and desire to be there. I am sure that you have seen or been amongst individuals at the job who just don’t care anymore because…well quite frankly…what’s the point? What’s the use? Why bother? One of the first things that you and your peers begin to do is to talk down the situation and feed on the negativity of the situation to the point where all you live for is that negativity. In fact, rather than work to defend your organization or situation and seek to improve it, the reverse is true. It may even get to the point that you seek to be elsewhere or find a new job. Have you ever looked at the reason why you may be seeking job after job after job? Is your boat leaking or taking on water so badly that all that is left for you to do is abandon ship or face going down with her?
In September of 1779, a young  Naval Captain was in command of a ship borrowed from the French and refitted to be a warship to help out the fledging infant Continental Navy (not yet the United States) during this American Revolution. The ship was renamed the Bonhomme Richard (literally translated Poor Richard after the almanac by Ben Franklin). Her state of affairs was so deplorable that her crew took no pride in her and would really have wanted to be somewhere else. She leaked and creaked, her crew at times wondering how she stayed afloat. She had only half the fire power of the British ships she might encounter. Her speed left a lot to be desired. BUT…she was home to the crew.
On that fateful day of 23 September Jones encountered the British warship “Serapis”. The Serapis was far faster and outgunned the Bonhomme Richard but into the battle, into the fray she went. For over 4 hours the battle ensued at the cost of nearly half of Jones’ crew. The Richard was badly damaged, on fire and taking on water. Realizing the situation Captain Jones ordered the crew to move along side the British Serapis and grapple the 2 ships together. If he was going to sink, by God, he would take the British ship with him. Hand to hand fighting took place. At one point the American Flag had fallen due to a broken mast causing the British captain to call out asking if the Americans had surrendered. Jones seizing the moment was heard to yell…Surrender? Surrender? Sir!  “I HAVE NOT YET BEGUN TO FIGHT”! The American crew rallied, rehoisted the flag and went on to win the day even though the Bonhomme Richard would eventually sink mortally wounded. I can guarantee you that not a man still living on that crew thought about the misgivings of their ship prior to the battle and that not a man was not remorseful to see THEIR ship, THEIR home sink.
I ask you in closing, no matter what country you are living in… Are you prepared to show Leadership and work for and take pride in what you are busy complaining about at work or home? Are you prepared to defend your ship or just willing to man the boats and go elsewhere? We are seeing so much today that is troubling and you wonder whether tomorrow will be any better in a country that is still the Greatest in the World no matter its shortfalls. Remember that Transformation begins in each one of us. As with Jones’ rallying cry of “I have not yet begun to fight” I challenge you to rally around Your new Motto, Your new Battle Cry….”I HAVE NOT YET BEGUN TO LEAD”!

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Being a Duck is not the best thing, especially during hunting season! Eagle School, here I come!

If you want to soar, don’t send your ducks to Eagle School! One of the main purposes of Leadership (as we know it) is to add value to others but be it as it may, not everyone responds in the same way. Some people will change, some won’t.  In fact, it can be very frustrating, not only for the leaders trying to evoke the change(s) but for those that the changes are for. What this clearly means is that good people are found and not changed. Motivated people are found. It is far harder to motivate the unmotivatable. To quote a line from a famous hotel chain…”We do not teach our people to be nice.” “We hire nice people”. Now don’t get me wrong on this as there are a good number of people who are motivatable but it is more so that they already know how to be nice. It is just that they have forgotten how to be.
There are 3 good reasons as to why you would not want to send your ducks to eagle school:
1. If you send your ducks to Eagle School, you will frustrate the ducks. The bottom line to this as was the case in the ugly duckling is that ducks are not supposed to be eagles nor do they want to be.  Ducks do have their strengths (and weaknesses). They swim and migrate well, together. Eagles on the other hand would find these tasks daunting. Leadership is all about placing the right people in the right place to help guarantee their success.
2. If you send ducks to Eagle School it will frustrate the Eagles. Eagles don’t live in barnyards. They were born for one reason…to soar! Thus, hanging with ducks causes them a great deal of impatience. They don’t want to be held back. As a leader, you should always challenge people to move out of their comfort zone, but never and I stress, never, out of their strength zone.
3. If you send ducks to Eagle School, you will FRUSTRATE yourself. I am sure we have all experienced situations whereby people have not risen up and fulfilled our expectations. This sometimes happens to parents but that will be another entry another time. No matter how much training, motivation and provision of the best resources they just did not rise to the occasion.  It is very important for a leader to get the right people in the organization and put them in the right positions.
I am sure you are like me in that for years you have been exposed to all sorts of personality assessments and traits. And of course, we take it for what it is worth but don’t always put what it is worth into effect. Having just finished a certification course on Human Behavior, I came to realize that I had to deal with my own traits before I could work and deal with others. If you haven’t recently participated in a personality assessment, I would strongly recommend that you do. Contact me and we can discuss this. What has this got to do with ducks and eagles…well just about everything.
One thing is for certain, that no matter how hard you try or want something for someone, if they are not ready or want it themselves you probably won’t make an impact on them. What I have been experiencing lately are Turning Point or eureka moments in my life. Clearly, it is because I am ready to realize that I am ready to realize. That may sound like a play on words but there are times when I can be a duck and times when I can be an eagle. I will tell you that being an eagle is much better and produces better results in the long run.  And of major significance, I have learned that no matter duck or eagle, that my attitude is always showing so better to show a good attitude than not. Remember that we are always in first impression mode and that our attitude displayed may come back and quack like a duck when we are trying to be that Eagle. If you need eagles, then go out and find the eagles. If they are not to be found in your organization, then you must go outside the organization. If you need ducks, then find ducks but know that you should always look for that eagle who has great potential and that you can develop into a great Eagle! Remember that being a duck is not a popular thing during hunting season as compared to being that eagle who is the hunter. So let’s quit quacking and start soaring!Eagle1
Thoughts and comments welcome. How would you rate the comparison of those around you? How many Eagles have you come across?  Are you being the eagle today?

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June 6, 1944 – The Longest Day and a Day to be remembered

A Re-post in Honor of this Special Day to be remembered in History


June 6, 1944 – The Longest Day and a Day to be remembered (Be sure to watch the video clip included at the end)

Everything and I mean everything rises and falls on Leadership. As John Maxwell has said often, that when you are in over your head, it really doesn’t matter how deep the water is. In my last posting I wrote an article that was entitled “Everyday is an Anniversary of Something of Importance to Someone”. Well clearly, “D” Day, June 6th 1944 is and should be an anniversary not only to those who lived it but to all of us in the generations that follow.

It would be so very easy for me to write this article with an American bias but this is a Leadership article and as I stated above, Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership. So here we are over a paragraph into this article and I have not yet mentioned the significance of this Day. The significance of what has gone down in the history books as being the “Longest Day”. On this day in 1944, the Allies executed Operation Overlord and attacked and stormed the beaches of Normandy in their efforts to get a foothold from which would begin the destruction of Fortress Europe under the Nazi regime. Over 150,000 Allied Troops made up of Paratroopers, Glider Forces and the largest Amphibious Landing ever attempted were involved and if all went well would be followed by 2 million more troops.

The Allies had planned and planned this invasion for quite some time. I can go into great depth and detail on this but suffice to note that this information is easily gained from a good history book or a google search. What is to be noted are the Leadership points that came about. What the Allies did not plan and account for was Mother Nature throwing a curve ball into the works. And this is where Leadership shines. The Supreme Allied Commander was Dwight D. Eisenhower. It was his responsibility to determine the Go-No Go status of the invasion. The Invasion had already been postponed but if it were to be postponed again, the Allies would clearly lose a major advantage that included surprise. How many more men would have died? You see under the Law of Navigation, it is noted that anyone can steer a ship but it takes a Leader to chart a course. Eisenhower or “Ike” as he was affectionately called consulted with his inner circle of Staff Officers but he and he alone would have to make the fateful decision. You might say that he was clearly in over his head. But he chose to stand up and rise out of the depths and be the Leader that he was chosen to be. His response to his Staff Officers was “I am quite positive we must give the order. I don’t like it, but there it is”. The Invasion was on!

There is so, so much more detail on this Invasion that I can go into as previously stated but I must note that many of the 21 Laws of Irrefutable Leadership would come into play in the next 24 hours. Leadership would rise on so many levels on the Allied side and fortunately for all, the German Army did not bode well when their Officers and NCO’s were eliminated. The Allies had been taught to think outside the box.

In closing, just envision what today would be generations later if that invasion had failed.Just ponder as to whether you would even be had that invasion failed or the War lost. And it for this reason and many others that we must teach our younger generations the significance of the dates that are of importance.

This is the kind of article that allows for a great deal of comment. My call to action to each of you is to add a bit of yourself and describe what you know and most assuredly the impact that this had on your life. Ponder for a few moments, especially if you are from the Baby Boomer Generation. But let me leave you with this rare piece of information that clearly showed that Ike was a Leader’s Leader. On the eve of the Invasion he had a hand written note that he would use if all went wrong which said…”Our landings in the Cherbourg-Havre area have failed to gain a satisfactory foothold and I have withdrawn the troops. My decision to attack at this time and place was based on the best information available. The troops, the air, and the navy did all that bravery and devotion to duty could do. If any blame or fault attaches to the attempt, it is mine alone.”  Well the Invasion on that Longest Day did not fail because of the Leadership and Initiative right down to the basic foot soldier who realized that being in over your head just didn’t cut it!

In remembrance of all who fought in this Great Battle and especially to those who made the Ultimate Sacrifice for the rest of us. Yes, the rest of us, yesterday, today and tomorrow!
Peace. BB

Ike’s Pre Invasion speech to the Troops and Song “The Longest Day”

Leadership and Reality or are You living in the Outer Limits of Your Twilight Zone?

Leadership and Reality or are You living in the Outer Limits of Your Twilight Zone? 
A Leader’s first responsibility is to define reality and then work with that reality. I think back to my younger days, and yes, I am dating myself but that’s okay, to two programs that ran in Black and White on my color TV. Those two shows were the Outer Limits and the Twilight Zone (see attached videos at end of post).Now I have chosen these two shows which were in the day supposed to be of a science fiction nature but with closer scrutiny will hopefully lead you to ponder and think after reading this blog or listening to my podcast version.The Outer Limits began with a voice telling me that there was nothing wrong with my TV set, which for the young person that I was, suddenly thought that some force had taken over control of said TV. The voice would go on to say that they were controlling the transmission. The Horizontal and the Vertical etc.  As far as the Twilight Zone was concerned, well let me provide you with that opening word for word:

There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone.

So you may be asking, Twilight Zone? Outer Limits? Reality? Well yes, exactly. You see we all and I will include ALL of us tend to visit these dimensions in our quest to discover “What is Real”. Too often, we get stuck in our “settle for” mode and fail to take adequate advantage of what we have and use those tools to bring us greater success. And that is where leadership comes in. A return from the Twilight Zone of our lives to the Reality Zone that we need to pursue. Let me go back to my opening statement and bring this writing home. A Leader’s first responsibility is to define reality and then work with that reality. Oh, did I mention that each of our realities may differ? And while the statement is pretty clear and makes sense it clearly also does not imply that you will be good at it.

Leadership is being dissatisfied with the current reality. Your current reality or the team’s current reality. Take your pick. So let me ask you, are you where you want to be? Do you even know when you get there that you are there? And are you or will you be satisfied? As we go through life, we go through different phases. It matters not what generation you are in be you a Boomer, X, Y, Millennial, Centennial or even this new one called “igen”. There is more to life then being in a rut. Did you know that a rut is just a grave with the ends lopped off? What should your actions be? Today is the day! As my mentor Dr. John C. Maxwell, the World’s #1 Leadership and Management Authority always says…YELN! Yesterday ended last night. And to take it a step further “Tomorrow Starts Now” . Today is the day that you need to start learning to be dissatisfied with the reality around you. There are many positive things that await you out there. You have been put on this earth with talents and treasures that only YOU will be able to bring forth to mankind. What a waste if mankind never gets to benefit from what YOU have to offer.

People generally change only when they hurt enough that they have to or that they have learned enough that they want to. There are enough cases in your life where things are staring you right in the face and yet you still refuse to accept or face the reality that awaits.

There are 6 rules for successful leadership according to Jack Welch (there are probably more but these 6 will suffice for this writing):
1. Control your destiny or someone else will
2. Face reality as it is, not as it was or as you wish it were.
3. Be candid with everyone
4. Don’t manage, lead
5. Change before you have to
6. If you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t compete

So just short of having someone throw a bucket of ice cold water in your face, know that “Realistic” Leaders are objective enough to minimize illusions and that self-deception cant cost them their vision. Ask yourself the following 6 questions on your way to your “reality check”:
1. What is reality in this situation (the one that you are currently in)?
2. Can I identify each issue? Can I break down reality to better understand it?
3. Cann the issues be fixed? Separate the solvable from the unsolvable.
4. What are the options? Establish a game plan.
5. Am I willing to follow the game plan? My commitment as a leader is essential.
6. Will my leadership team follow the game plan? Their commitment as leaders is also essential.
You may want to keep a copy of these 6 question on hand for ready reference. These questions will compel you to look realistically at the issues rather than glossing over and putting a positive spin on them. Hey, why not pick up a Leadership book, get a Leadership DVD or CD and most of all, go to your quiet space and meditate and then write down the goals…YOUR Goals that come to your mind. I can guarantee you won’t be alone in your quiet space.

So now that we have traversed the twilight zone of reality and to use the closing remarks from that classic Outer Limits TV Show…We now return control of your television set (Reality) to you. Until next week at the same time, when the control voice will take you to – The Outer Limits.

Oh by the way, if you want to pursue some REAL reality, contact me today at [email protected] or on Facebook at Bermuda Bob Your Transformational Leadership Expert and let’s get you in a mastermind group. Now that’s real!

Peace. BB

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You can change socially but heredity is a locked in thing for sure.

Thursday May 7, 2015
You can change socially but heredity is a locked in thing for sure.
As part of my recent training through my mentors, I have been studying (again for the 1st time) the classic book by Napoleon Hill, “Think and Grow Rich”. If you have not ever read this book, I whole heartedly suggest that you get a copy either for your device or the printed version. What goes with that though, is the need to take it as a Mastermind Study group and really get into the meat of the teachings. While the word “Rich” may sound like you will become just that, it is more. So, so much more.
While I was in the book store on my last trip, I came across an add on book by Napoleon Hill called “Napoleon Hill’s Golden Rules”. I must say that so far, it is more than I expected it to be. And that is not a bad thing! So some of my future Blogs, Podcasts and Video Blogs(Vblog) will be about sections of this book. I make this point as I want to give ALL CREDIT to the Author. My only credit is providing you with an in depth look at these writings and my interpretations thereof.
So here is an interesting set of facts to open up with…Your parents made you what you are, physically, but you can make yourself what you WILL, mentally. It seems that you and I are the sum total of just two things: Heredity and Environment. We got our heredity from our parents and our other ancestors but we clearly are a product of our environment also known as our social heredity. And while it is not possible to change your physical heredity, it is very possible to change that of your social heredity. However to note that the ones that you developed at a very early age will be the most difficult to change. The most influential  sources come from your first teachings that you received as a child at home, and also those you received at church and school. And lastly, those that you received by newspapers, magazines and other readings. Sound interesting? Then let’s continue…
Now what I found most interesting, as I was reading through this material, was that one of the most important and fundamental principles of psychology dealing with the human mind, is the tendency for that same mind to want, yes want that which is withheld or prohibited or even hard to get!  It appears that the moment, yes, the very moment that you remove an object out of the reach of a person, that at that moment the person’s mind develops a desire for that object. The moment, yes, the very moment  that a person is forbidden from doing a thing, that person’s mind develops a strong desire for that very thing that has been forbidden. It seems that the human mind resents being forced to do anything. So how do we get a person to do that thing that we need to be done? This is a very great question based on all that I have just pronounced in the previous sentences. The way is to plant that idea in the person’s mind needs to be in such a way that they welcome and readily accept its planting.
This is clearly a mouthful of information to swallow but all Leadership is dependent upon this. I remember John Maxwell clearly saying words to this very effect when he stated that people must want to be led. They cannot be forced. So, the other day as I was on FaceTime with my son and daughter and law, I was able to observe my two year old grandson put this information into use. Now you can be sure that he did not read up on this nor I am sure that his parents purposely went about teaching him this but remember my opening remarks about heredity. So here goes…
It appears that prior to us calling, he was busy watching some sort of cartoon on his mother’s iPhone. So in comes our call which was answered and thus his cartoon watching came to an end. Well he made every effort to try to get the situation returned to cartoon time and attempted to gain control of the phone. When that did not work, he then proceeded to demonstrate his displeasure to the point that his parents had to resort to the famous “if and then” statement and a withdrawal of any other electronic devices that he knew he could get his hands on. Eventually which seemed like an eternity but really only lasted a matter of minutes, he realized that he was not going to get his way. Now, my grandson is not unlike any other child his age but if you take that example and personify it years later, these learned traits if not ended with a positive, can have major and serious impacts on a person’s life events for the negative. Oh wow, it just occurred to me, I am part of his heredity! Scary thought. Was I like that? Am I like that? Good thing that change is always possible!
So in conclusion, I agree that an individual’s environment can having major effects and impacts on the road that that person may travel. Will it be a positive and fruitful life of positive experiences or will it be a negative on that ends up bearing little if any fruit ending in disaster?
What are your thoughts and comments on this? I look forward to hearing from you either on my Facebook page: Bermuda Bob, Your Transformational Leadership Expert or email me at [email protected].   Ask me how you can take part in one of my MasterMind Groups.
Make it a Great Day!
Peace. BB
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Whether you realize it or not…You are ALWAYS in 1st Impression Mode

Whether you realize it or not…You are ALWAYS in 1st Impression Mode

When I am out there working with people on leadership and interacting with people, one of the first questions I will ask is “When does first impression mode end”?
The answers will vary and most of the answers will be time related ranging anywhere from 8 seconds to several minutes. As I develop the question with those present they begin to better understand and then suddenly the light goes on and the reply becomes “We are always in first impression mode”! To which I reply…Exactly!
When taking into account the title of John’s Book,  “Everyone Communicates. Few Connect”, we are communicating on a constant basis. By that, I mean that while we are in the process of connecting with those in our immediate area, we are communicating with those on our peripheries. We are not always aware of this and this is something that as a leader you need to become more aware of. But while I stress that you need to become more aware of it, if you have taken the necessary steps, you should not have to worry about it. To elaborate a bit further as to what I mean, I always do a bit of extra thinking and preparing before I leave the house. The question I ask myself is that If I were arrested for being a John Maxwell Teacher, Trainer and Coach (or whatever field you are in) would there be enough evidence to convict me. To that end, I try to ensure that I am dressed accordingly. Sometimes that requires full dress and at others it can be smart casual. The rule of thumb is that you can always dress down from a dress up but you can never dress up from a dress down. All too often, I observe the dress of those around me as I am more conscious of this today. Whether we choose to accept it or not, once we put ourselves out there for business, politics, whatever, we are observed more than we think we are.
So in closing, and a Call to Action for you today is to realize that the choice of what you do and how you do it is totally up to you. It is not just about communicating but it is more about connecting. So get on in there with a firm handshake, a friendly hello and a repeat of the person’s name you are meeting and remember that other’s are observing what you do and how you do it.
Your comments are always welcome and encouraged at [email protected] [contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form] 

Your Values are Important as are the Transformational Dreams and impacts of those Values

Your Values are Important as are the Transformational Dreams and impacts of those Values
April 14, 1865
Today marks  the 150th Anniversary of the Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States. I am asking you to take a few moments to read this article which takes into account the road that was paved. How important are your values? Are you prepared to put your values on the line? Since the beginning of time, slavery and bondage have been prevalent. Racism as well. Many struggles, indeed, many wars have been fought. Then in the 20th Century came the personification of non-violent demonstration under that of Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr.   The road indeed was long with many a winding turn… Lincoln was assassinated just a mere 5 days after the surrender of the Confederate Forces that ended the American Civil War. At the end of the article are links to Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, Martin Luther King’s famous speech and that of a now Classic Song “Abraham, Martin and John”. 
Are you prepared to do what ever it takes to ensure that your values survive and be the shining light that others know you by and ultimately remember you by? Are you prepared to stand up for what is right when standing up for what is right may cause you to get knocked down? And will you get back up no matter how many times it takes?
239 years ago, just a mere speck in the total amount of time that man has been here on Earth and even more of a speak in the total that our planet has been around 55 men would put their transformational values on the line that would not only be for them but would represent many, many others.
“When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another”.
You see values and transformation go hand in hand. Values are paramount to the continuation and fulfillment of Transformation. 
The Declaration of Independence is one of the most important documents ever to be written, is loaded with values. And it was because of these values that many would be inspired and compelled to face the hardships of what lay ahead on what they hoped would be a better life.
“That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it and to institute a new Government.”
Yes, it was in pursuit of these goals and values that would bind the men who signed this document to have to stick together and put it all on the line.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain  unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.
It is the adopting of specific values that lead us down the path, the road less traveled by. This pursuit should never be violated. But first the Eagle must be born. But sometimes, we have to put aside our values for that of the Greater Good knowing that eventually the Greater Good will evolve and  not only renew our values but strengthen them.
Less than 100 years later this young fledgling country would find itself embroiled in a Civil War due to the divergence of those values. The slavery of man could no longer be tolerated. Abraham Lincoln resolved to uphold these values. His understanding that he would not wish to be a slave nor equally wish to be a master inspired him to understand that there was a difference between what a leader can do and what a leader should and must do.
Thousands from both sides would test the limits of their values. Brother against brother. On the very anniversary of the birth of that eagle a battle would rage that would cost the lives of thousands of men who gladly gave up of themselves to preserve their values…The Battle of Gettysburg.
President Lincoln would go on to say…”Four Score and seven years ago our Fathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the proposition that All Men are created Equal and this Nation under God shall have a new birth of Freedom and concluded that Government of the People and by the People shall not perish from the Earth.”
It is important to note that President Lincoln was assassinated for his convictions to these Transformational Values!
But is of equal importance to note that the pursuit of these values and transformation would continue and have its greatest impacts to date under that of 3 Great Leaders: Martin Luther King Jr., President John F. Kennedy and his brother Bobby Kennedy.
These men sought to expand and enhance the values of Civil Rights and Transformation that continued to grow so that the Eagle born so many years prior would be able to stretch those wings and fly and soar to the betterment of the peoples involved.
Dr. King sought to continue the fight to rid the nation of segregation and discrimination. But he chose to enact the values of another great man. That of Mohandis Ghandi whose values enhanced the principles of non violence. It would be a long road with many a winding turn. But he was a man with a Dream.
As Dr. King put it “the time is always right to do what is right” and “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that”
Dr. King was assassinated for these transformational values.
Last, but not least was that of President John F. Kennedy who strove to re-awaken the sleeping values of a generation whose time had come.
“We choose to go to the moon in this decade…NOT because it is easy but because it is HARD!  “Because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, unwilling to postpone and which we intend to win!”
The United States of America did go on to accomplish those hard things but to note that John F. Kennedy was assassinated for these transformational values as was his younger brother, Robert (Bobby) Kennedy.
I ask you today to once again consider your values and the lengths that you are willing to go to fulfill and preserve them. I ask you whether you are prepared to put it all on the line. I ask you what are your values worth not only to you but to those that will follow you as a result of your fulfilling those values. Racism and slavery are still out there in our World. We are embroiled in so many conflicts both at home and abroad. Even the zealousness of Religion is rearing its head. But clearly, the principles that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and many before and many after have continued to strive for, that of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness will always persevere.
But I close with reminding you that while these men sacrificed all and made the ultimate sacrifice YOU don’t need to be assassinated to fulfill yours! But what choice will YOU make today to carry forth the flame?
Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address
http://youtu.be/lOig2v7ZfcA              Dr. Martin Luther King     “I have a Dream”
http://youtu.be/a5hFMy4pTrs            Classic Song “Abraham, Martin and John”

The Law of Timing…Law #19 Jesus goes to see Lazarus – John 11:1-6 (Easter Week Special Post)

The Law of Timing…Law #19  Jesus goes to see Lazarus – John 11:1-6

I am sure that most of you know the story of Lazarus and the fact that Jesus did in fact (according to belief and scripture) raise Lazarus from the dead. Correctly that would be that Jesus would awaken Lazarus. But what many do not know is that Jesus purposefully waited and did not go running to prevent him from dying. He stayed another 2 days where he was. You see the timing was not right. There was a bigger purpose. There was a bigger plan. Jesus was feeling the pain of not going right away but He knew that the timing had to be right in order to fulfill the Father’s Plan.

Timing is everything. His followers believed that the dead would rise again on the Last Day but now that the crowds had indeed been gathering, Jesus was able to say and I quote “I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.”

Thus under the principles of the Law of Timing, by Jesus waiting for all that was to precede him to happen, the raising of Lazarus would indeed get the attention of everyone in Jerusalem.

So I ask you today, what steps and actions are you putting in place to ensure that the Law of Timing works as it should for you?

Peace. BB

Communication: Everyone does but how effective is it?

Communication: Everyone does but how effective is it to you as the Leader?

The development of excellent communication skills is of the utmost importance to being an effective leader. The ability to share information in such a way that others realize and understand its importance and to do so with enthusiasm is paramount to accomplishing goals. Gilbert Amelio, President of National Semiconductor Corp says it best “If a leader can’t get a message across clearly and motivate others to act on it, then having a message doesn’t even matter.” There have been many great “communicators” throughout history but one who really comes forward, at least in my lifetime, was Ronald Reagan. He has gone down in History as being called the “Great Communicator”.  He had an uncommon ability to connect and communicate and he did this with maximum effectiveness.
Connection and communication are so very important in the Big Picture of Leadership. The ability to state your clear vision, make decisions and be able to effectively delegate cannot be stressed enough. Those you communicate with need to be able to know who you are, what you stand for and what results you are looking to achieve. In fact, clear and concise communication will be a major contributing factor in helping you to be the person that others want to follow. After all, I did start this essay out referring to you as an effective Leader. Even if your goals are not to be a President or other world leader, your ability to communicate can and will have direct effect on your marriage or relationship, job and other relationships. People will not follow you if they don’t know what you want or where you are going!
So let’s give you a few hints on how you can be a more effective communicator.
1. Keep it Simple – Your message is not just about what you say but also about how you say it. I marvel sometimes as to how some people try to overwhelm us with the biggest words that they have learned. I am glad that they know the words but for the rest of us we may still be trying to figure out what they said. So, keep it simple. If you truly want to connect with people, keep it simple.
2. Know your audience. Know who they are. Anticipate what their questions may be. Know what needs to be accomplished and how much time will be allotted.  Communicate as if you are truly a part of the audience.
3. Have Credibility. If you don’t believe in what you are saying, neither will the rest of us! You must speak with conviction and live what you say. If you do this, your ability to lead others will jump to new levels.
4. Ensure you receive a response and action. You are not communicating for the sake of dumping a whole bunch of info on us. You want people to not just hear you but rather feel what you are saying, giving them something to remember and most importantly something for them to do.
You are the Leader. You are there to get others to do and to get things done. You are there to inspire, motivate, guide, direct and most important, to listen. Yes, to listen (to them). No matter how great your vision and your intentions, if you do not learn to communicate and connect, you will find the road long and tough ahead.
My call to action for you this day is to take a step back and note how many times you have communicated of late but most importantly to note how many times you actually connected to those you communicated with.
Contact me today at [email protected] and find out how you can be part of either a MasterMind Group or Lunch and Learn on “Everyone Communicates. Few Connect”. You won’t be sorry. Peace. BB

Your Competence will pave the road of your potential ahead of you.

Your Competence will pave the road of your potential ahead of you.
(Passion / Purpose / Consistency)
You were clearly born for a purpose. Now this may seem like a very profound statement and depending upon where you are in your timeline of life,  be questionable. But the answer, the true answer is that you were indeed born for a purpose.
Competence goes beyond words. As John Maxwell has stated “It’s the leader’s ability to say it, plan it, and do it in such a way that others know that you know how and know that they want to follow you”.  While we would clearly like to think that we are going to be good in everything that we set our minds on, it would seem obvious that you are talented and gifted to do specific things well. But that is not to say that you cannot become competent in many things while you work to become that master of what you will excel at.
But let me pause here for a moment for it is necessary to take into account that there lies a degree of passion that must be introduced into your journey on the road to your discovery of what you will excel at. Your passion will determine and control your consistency on this road. Thomas Edison did not fail thousands of times creating his inventions. He excelled in his passion for finding what did not work to determine what would work. The Wright Brothers put their competence behind their passion and successfully flew at Kitty Hawk. It is the recognition by others of your abilities that will clearly allow your competence to speak for itself.
Now this journey to Excellence in Competence requires some steps along the way:
1. Show up everyday – There are no free rides. Responsible people do indeed show up but competent people go that extra step by being ready to play each and every day no matter how they feel and they always get out from under the circumstances.
2. Keep Improving – It is so easy to just “let it ride” once you have achieved a level of competence. But the real leader will continue to learn, grow and improve. There is no resting on your laurels.
3. Follow Thru with Excellence – Performing at a high degree of excellence is ALWAYS a choice. Your Choice! I think back to the movie “Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure” when the classic line was “Be Excellent, Dude”. Leaders always want the ball when the game is on the line. You must work towards that excellence and be ready to take the ball and run with it.
4. Accomplish More than Expected – Always go the extra distance. It is here that you need to work your Passion and Purpose with Consistency.
5. Inspire Others – Whether you like it or not, you need to rub off on others. Inspire and motivate while using your competencies to ensure that excellence will shine forth in not just you but those around you.
Let me close with a couple of statements…
1. Keep your head in the game.  If you have found your Passion and purpose waning…reengage and rededicate yourself. If you have found that you have lost your edge, then identify what is holding you back and challenge yourself to excel.
2. Redefine the standards. Are you shooting too low? Do you find yourself cutting corners? Time to aim higher and demand more from yourself before you can demand more from others.
3. Find 3 ways to improve. Find some ways that you can put into use that will help you improve your skills and competencies and dedicate and find time to do it.
Your comments are always welcome. My call to action for you today is to determine what your purpose and competencies are and where you stand it fulfilling them. What steps will you put into place that will bring you back on track?
Peace. BB