Today’s post is about comparing how the Fermi Principle interacts with your ability to Focus in a very populated and noisy world. Not just what you can hear noise but all those sounds that you can’t.
Look forward to your comments.
Friday 31 August 2012
We have all heard the famous song from Man of La Mancha…The Impossible Dream. This is the story where the famous Don Quixote was always dreaming that he was on a majestic horse charging dragons and other knights back in the middle ages. The reality was that he was on a donkey and was charging windmills. But he never gave up on his dreams and his quests to follow that star no matter how hopeless, no matter how far. To fight for the right without question or pause….I don’t know about you but I am hearing it being sung and it is reminding me that we too once dreamed only to have our dreams quashed by the reality of life. This has always proven to be a quagmire and a quandary in my life. As a child, we were given toys by which to use our imagination. We were asked to dream and state what we wanted to be. And then suddenly, we were told to get serious as that was what life was all about.
Well, I have learned in the autumn of my years (and at 58, I still have lots of road to cover) that not dreaming and stealing dreams away from others (you know we become a product of our environment and we tell others to get serious and stop dreaming), that I am grateful for the dreams of others. I type on this computer because someone had a dream. I speak on my phone because someone had a dream. Racial Harmony is today better because someone had a dream. I guess what I am trying to say to ALL of US today is to start dreaming again. I remember the classic quote…..”First the Dream!”
What will you do today to dream on? What will you do today to fulfill the dash between your dates? Who will you encourage to do the same?
Love to hear your comments and thoughts. Peace. BB
I take great pride in the topics that I write about in my postings. More often than not, after pondering and thinking of what I want to write about and share with you, something happens in my life and what I want to write about ends up on a list for another time as something happens in my life that triggers me to write what I end up writing about. Hmm, talking in circles you might say. Well let’s see…..
Because of my personality, I have found that one of my love languages is hearing words of affirmation. And in many cases, this caused me to do things because I wanted to hear good things which caused me to put myself on a pedestal and yes, even get a swollen head. And oh, how devastating, when after doing something the words of affirmation did not materialize! But wait, to have a servants attitude, which is what I am writing about today does not imply the need for praise. It is more so for self-fulfillment. It is more knowing in my heart that a good deed or service was done to help someone else. The greatest of teachers in my life clearly said that he who humbles himself will be exalted but he who exalts himself WILL BE HUMBLED. I have also seen in life where some people find it humiliating to serve as it is seen as slavery. There is nothing more off course on this. In fact, to be a true leader implies that true service is and be involved. Too many businesses and governments for that matter are failing today because they FAIL to teach their staff and themselves about “service”. The greatest establishments are those who have simply learned to sincerely serve many people. Service and Leadership go hand in hand. Service gives me a warm fuzzy. So in closing, and I look forward to your comments, “How may I serve You today”?! Peace.
We are here enjoying a beautiful weekend. It just happens to also be Memorial Day Weekend. This is a time that is set aside to be thankful to those who have and continue to serve but more so to remember those who have given up of themselves so that we can enjoy what we have today and also to continue to live relatively safe lives. Some gave all and ALL gave some! When I think back while I was growing up in Syosset, NY and all the parades attended while in the Boy Scouts. I wonder if today’s generations really know what it is all about. I live in Bermuda today. Not everyone knows about Memorial Day. A couple of the kids asked me some questions in church today as to why I was wearing a flag tie etc. I was pleased to answer them which led to more questions. Well I was determined to at least help them to know a bit more. Determination….when it comes to what we do on a daily basis, to what others are called to do in times of trouble, to doing whatever it takes to ensure a successful outcome. Just 3 more feet, just 3 more feet…
What is it that determination means to you? Are you prepared and determined to do whatever it takes? Would love to hear your comments on today’s post. Peace!
Let me start off by stating that I am thanking my Pastor Father Paul who included a story/statement in his recent homily that reminded me that I had heard this before. You know we need to hear something 6-7 times before it becomes permanent data in our minds. The story goes….The animals were gathered in the barnyard and chatting about what it was that they provided(contributed) to the big picture. But they had not heard anything from the pigs. So the chickens clucked over to the pigs and asked them what the deal was. The pigs replied back to the chickens that it was EASY for them to talk in that the eggs they provided were a contribution but when it came to the pigs what they would provide was a TOTAL Commitment!
So today’s question: Which are you? The True Leader is one that ultimately is committed to the vision and goals. But the true leader realizes that being positional will eventually erode from this. They must “touch hearts” before they ask you for “your” commitment. The true leader will show you/ expose his own heart first showing you his passion and enthusiasm which causes you to “buy into” the Plan. The true leader will live the message, focus and believe in the Team and provide hope. Don’t get me wrong, while “contributing” is important it is not until you throw it all in and become committed that you will realize YOUR God given giftedness. You are Worthy! You are Capable! And you are Deserving! NOW are you committed?
I look forward to your comments either here or on Facebook (BermudaLeadership441)
Complacency. Procrastination. Missed Window(s) of Opportunity. One Day. Ready, Aim, Aim, Ready, Aim…(Do you ever “Fire”?). Time Flies….
Well I am sure that the above has described you, I know it has described me at times. So today is a New Beginning. Today is what both you and I have. Today is YOUR Destiny Moment! Sleepers awaken. You know there is no going back. Yesterday ended last night. From the Latin “Carpe Diem” to seize the day. See our moments are passing us by but it is always good to know that it is not too late. The fact that you are alive and reading this indicates that it is not too late to get it done. Our Nike in life “just do it”! The best phrase from Les Brown….”it’s not over till I win”! Dust off that list of things that you always wanted to accomplish in your life and get on with it. The most important thing that people will remember about you is what you did with the dash between your dates. Each of us was put on this earth with unlimited possibilities. Do not disappoint our Creator by allowing those windows of opportunity to pass by. He has established great things and done this in allignment with a Big Picture. Do you hear your calling and purpose….? Well the time is NOW!
I think back to New Year’s Eve 2011, New Year’s Day 2012 and ALL the resolutions that we annually make….to eat better, to exercise more, to diet, to read more, to spend more time with family, to become financially free, TO RETIRE! Well all of those resolutions are and were doable. The question is> how much time and effort have we/did we put into them and are they still on the active list. Well, I can safely say that I try each and everyday to cook healthy (although on the rare[weekly] occasion I will grab a burger or some KFC or yes…PIZZA!) Had a bit of a set back earlier in the year when my AF (Atrial Fibrillation) went silly and kept me out of the gym for a month but I am back there for 30-40 minutes everyday. I am reading more but most times it is on an audio while I am driving or exercising. Ya gotta make the most of the 24 hours you are blessed with on a daily basis. I communicate with my kids (well they are in their 30’s now) but still my kids several times a week. Thank goodness for Apple, iPhones, iPads and FaceTime not to mention Skype. I always make a point of telling them before hanging up that “I love them and am proud of them”. Yeah, they drove me crazy when they were kids but that is what they are supposed to do. Did I mention that they are still my kids?. I am retired. Retirement is a mindset. See you get to do what you want to do and what you enjoy doing. That is exactly what I get to do. I am not at the mercy of a “JOB…just over broke” scenario. While I am not monetarily where I want to be at, I am at least at peace with my day. I LOVE IT!
So tell me….WHERE ARE YOU and what are you doing about it? Love to hear from you….Peace.
Today is the anniversary of an event that goes back more than 2000 years ago. The story of a “server” and that of a “leader”. I was going through the 21 Laws of Leadership trying to choose the 1 law that best exemplifies that of “service”. I wonder when Dr. Maxwell was putting these Laws together whether he was thinking about the man who gave up HIS life on this very day as the Laws all seem to tie into one another based on…yes, you got it…Service AND Leadership!
So to bring this home, I will cite several of the 21 Laws. Law #2 The Law of Influence-Leadership is not Title, Position, Power or Stature. It is Influence, nothing more, nothing less. Clearly this man came into the world and left this world with innocense. He certainly influenced many before but certainly many after. Law #4 The Law of Navigation. Anyone can steer a ship but it takes a Leader to chart a course. Well 2000+ years later we are still following a course established. Law #10 The Law of Connection-Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand. Well 2000+ years later, the number of hearts that have been touched on a daily basis….and the number of hands that have reached out to others during this journey. Law #11 The Law of the Inner Circle– A leader’s potential is determined by those closest to him. Who could have guessed that a few “fishers of men” would go on to carry forward the message that would reach the whole world? Law #18 The Law of Sacrifice– The Leader must give up to Go Up. Well there can be no greater love than to give up one’s own life. In our own very lives the best leaders have been those who have been the best servers and have humbled themselves and exalted others.
I could go on and on citing the 21 Laws today. It is my hope that you will get yourself a copy of the 21 Laws. Those who do not live by the laws…well as Dr. Maxwell says “Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership”.
I look forward to your comments. Have a Happy Easter!