Bring Me My Chariot of Fire! (and look out cause here I come)

Bring Me My Chariot of Fire! (and look out cause here I come)     Chariots of Fire Theme (enjoy but make sure you read the article)

Bring me my Bow of burning gold;
Bring me my Arrows of desire:
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of fire!
I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand:
These words from the now classic poem “Jerusalem” by William Blake (words and music link below) help me introduce my posting which deals with the fact based story of two athletes leading up to the 1924 Olympics and the movie “Chariots of Fire”.  Now one has to remember that I deal in Leadership and thus not any particular religion or country ideology. What this posting hopes to show and to that end I will challenge you now to ponder your comments to me on your thoughts of what I am choosing to show. 
Ok, so now that I have set the table, I need to provide you with some menu items so you can follow my story and then decide for yourself just how much aspects of the 21 Laws of Leadership come into play. So I will mention outright the Laws that I have determined to be part of this posting…The Law of the Lid, The Law of Process, The Law of the Picture (aka the Big Picture), The Law of Victory, the Law of the Big MO, The Law of Priorities, the Law of Sacrifice and the Law of Legacy. I will not define these laws here for they can be looked up in John Maxwell’s Book, ‘The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership’. You may determine that there are more laws covered and I leave that to you to work out. There are no rights and no wrongs here. Instead we have a story that inspires us to follow and understand that the Laws are indeed the Laws and to deny their existence is like denying our very own.
This historical fact based film covers the running lives of devout Scottish Christian Eric Liddell, whose sole purpose is to run for the Glory of God and that of Harold Abrahams, an English Jew who runs to overcome prejudice and anti-semitism. It should be noted that the original phrase of “Chariot(s) of Fire” come from 2 Kings 2:11 and 6:17 of the Bible. Abrahams was able to achieve an undefeated string of victories at the national level. Along the way, he fell in love with Sybil whom he met while performing on the college stage. You see he was also an avid actor in the school’s Gibert and Sullivan Society.  Eric on the other hand had been born in China of Scottish parents who were missionaries. Being a missionary was in his blood and would be a major factor and calling of his life. It was his sister who being so devout tried on numerous occasions to get him to stop his running. But you see, running was his calling in the way to Glorify God and would help him along his road to going back to China to do his mission work. 
After years of training, both are accepted to run for Britain in the 1924 Olympics. One of the races that Liddell is to run is to take place on a Sunday. It is here that he clearly states that he will not run that race because of his Christian convictions which prevent him from doing so on the Sabbath. Liddell goes on to even deliver a sermon at a local Paris Church of Scotland and in his sermon he describes Isaiah 40 which for many of us is the verse of “Eagle’s Wings”…..”They shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint.” Liddell will run a different race on a non-Sabbath Day and will win the Gold Medal.  Abrahams is badly beaten in his first race and is severely distraught. But for his years of training, desire to show through the anti-semitism and inspired by others, he is able to win his race and the Gold Medal.
In closing, with the Medals won both men are able to pursue the final phases of their purposes on Earth. As John Maxwell has always reminded me…the 2 most important dates in my life are the day I was born and the day I know why. Abrahams would marry his sweetheart to whom he had put to the side to focus on his running and go on to a very successful career of managing British athletics. Liddell would get back to China where he would eventually die during the Japanese Occupation of China in 1945.
How prepared are you to put it all on the line to achieve your goals? How prepared are you to raise your levels of awareness to work towards those goals? How prepared are you to prioritize your tasks and make the required sacrifices to get to the finish line (of life)? In doing so, what will your legacy be? You see, I realize that the dash between my dates is what counts on the last day!
Do what you enjoy and enjoy what you do but most importantly, pour your heart and soul into it for you may not get another chance!    Jerusalem…The Theme   *Author’s note: I chose this version of Jerusalem as clearly so much in our lives rests on the youth that follows us.
Don’t forget, I am looking for your comments. Tell me how you exude these ideals and what your goals and dreams are!
Peace. BB

Are You an Agent of Change or just a Secret Agent?

Are You an Agent of Change or just a Secret Agent? 

(Secret Agent Man    Theme from Secret Agent Man)
There are so many factors out there when one asks the question…”What does it take to be a leader?” Well, I don’t know about you, but clearly one of the major factors and answers is that a Leader needs to be an “Agent of Change”.
Why does it take people so long to realize that change is necessary? The old adage that the highest form of insanity is to keep doing what you are doing and expect a different result is so applicable. Don’t mistake my meaning though that change for the sake of change is NOT what I am referring to here. Continual change will result in continual improvement as long as you are following YOUR Plan. Let me point out a major maxim…Some things never change. That’s right. Times Change. Technology Changes. Cultures differ BUT the Principles of Leadership are constant.
Max Dupree said “We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are”. Change is inevitable. Change is not new. We have been experiencing change since the beginning of time. Who do you think is the most resistant to change…Leaders or Followers? And the correct answer is…both. You see change is agreeable when it is our idea that change is necessary. A leader must determine that he/she is willing to pay the price required for change. One does not discover new lands without losing sight of the shore for a period of time.
In closing, here are some key points to ponder when it comes to change:
-Reduce your change to the simplest of terms
-Change your thinking to shape your values
-Change your priorities to shape your commitment
-Evaluate as you go or you will stalemate
-Change your habits to improve your results
-Get by in from your Team
Unless you enjoy running the Gauntlet and the pain that goes with it, work your plan and plan your work and make the changes count.
Peace. BB
Enjoy some closing music on Change    Changes David Bowie

Are you Going to Inherit the Wind or just Chase the Wind?

Tuesday 3 September 2013

You can’t see it. You can’t touch it. Heck, you can’t even smell it but you can definitely feel it! Have you ever tried as they did in the American Folk Tales to try to lasso it? Without any control it takes on a mind of its own. Have you ever been on a plane fighting it head on or grateful that it was at your tail?
I will pause here to note that at the end of this essay, I will post a couple of videos that will be worth watching / listening to. One will be the classic song “Blowin’ In the Wind” and the other will be a film segment from the Classic Movie “Inherit the Wind”. Thus, I wish to point out that my essay is not political nor religious in nature. It is based on Leadership as is my norm.
Wind is a scientific phenomena that results from the unequal heating of the earth’s surface. The wind is so important to us and yet we control it not. Our lives are comparable to the wind and all that happens by it. We run into people who don’t see things the way we do (headwind) and we work with people who believe the way we do and help us to accomplish common goals and tasks (tailwind). But sometimes we run into the unexpected wind that comes across as a full blown hurricane or tornado and that can mess up our entire day.
If we remember back to the days of the sailing vessels, the winds were so important so as to maintain momentum and a full sail to get to that destination on or even ahead of schedule. And yet, a slight variation to course a few degrees either way could cause those sails to lose their winds and end up in the doldrums. Then the captain would have to order the small boats over the side and the crew would need to row and pull the boat until they found the winds once again.
So where am I going with all of this cool info? Well of course, I am going to tie this all together from a Leadership perspective. Naturally, I am going to recommend and remind you that the Laws are the Laws and you should make every effort to study the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and the 15 Laws of Personal Growth as a beginning. You have the opportunity and the options to work to controlling the winds that surround you and your daily activities. You are the source code for where those winds blow and to help ensure that you don’t end up in the doldrums. Remember the Law of Navigation that states that anyone can steer a ship but it takes a leader to chart the course.
So go out there and Inherit the Wind that abounds and stop being affected by that which you had no control over. Stop allowing that which others wish to attempt to place control on or over you. Get on the offense and don’t rely on defense for the best defense is a good offense. Blow Baby, Blow and ride the air currents that abound and await YOU!
Peace. BB

Don’t just have an Obsession…Make it a Magnificent Obsession! There has never been a better time.

Monday 5 August 2013

     This is something that I am writing for me but I am sharing with you. I am sharing this with you, personally, because deep down within you lies a seed or thought that is seeking to be set free. This seed or thought for some of you has been bothering you because you are so close to the fulfillment of the happiness that it will produce within you. How can I be so bold, you may be saying to yourself? Well I can be so bold because when you are done reading this, some of you are going to change. You will know that it is time to set this idea and concept free and it will indeed free you to pursue that which you are intended to pursue.
     I remember for years my mother always speaking about a movie, more from her days than mine. That movie, which starred Rock Hudson and Jane Wyman was known as “Magnificent Obsession”. It was not until the other night when my mentor, Les Brown, mentioned those two words my heart jumped and that suddenly I knew not only what I needed to write about and share with you but more so the key to unlocking and defining what will be MY DESTINY for my remaining days. This movie based on the writings of Lloyd C. Douglas was a love story but more than a love story. It was inspirational but more than just inspirational. It was fulfillment of a dream(s) but more than just fulfillment of those dreams. So let me seek to explain.
     The principal of this is so very obvious that sometimes we overlook the obvious and because something else is in front of us, we may not see it at all. As my mentors John Maxwell and Paul Martinelli have said, it is difficult to see the picture when you are part of the frame.  Having an Obsession is one thing but to have a Magnificent Obsession takes it to the nth degree. All of a sudden the sands of the hour glass running out become so important because there is work to be done. This obsession becomes as limitless as the number of stars in the sky. Having a Magnificent Obsession is the ability to reach out and help others. It is the ability to reach out and share yourself without expecting a reward, payment or commendation. But there is one more aspect to all of this. Having a Magnificent Obsession also means that all that you do for the good of others does not need to be broadcast to the world. It is enough to know in your heart that the sharing of yourself, your goods and your services was enough of a reward that your Father in Heaven knows about. And after all, isn’t that where it really matters?
     This is why it is sometimes hard for someone to have a Magnificent Obsession because we as humans tend to seek that exaltation, praise and glory. It matters not, if you are a sinner or not. Anyone who chooses can have a Magnificent Obsession. There are many of you out there who are ready to have a Magnificent Obsession. There are many of you who like me have a servants heart. There are many of you who long for recognition based upon this servant’s attitude BUT now I FULLY realize that I no longer need to anguish over a lack of praise. This is not just about money. This is about sharing a part of what you have. An ability to be part of a great cause. Your most precious assets and your greatest of powers that you can and will share are often invisible and intangible. No one can take them from YOU and YOU alone must and will have to share them. And oh, by the way, the more you share, the more you will have.
     After reading this, you will know if this Magnificent Obsession is ready for you and you ready for it. You will know if you are ready to give warmth from your heart. Cheer, encouragement, hope, honor, credit and applause, good thoughts, love for your fellowman, happiness AND Most importantly…Your Time. Remember that time is the most valuable asset in your life.
     So, I close from the sharing from the deepest recesses of my heart to encourage you to go out and find your Magnificent Obsession. I am today avowing that I am ready for mine. Those of you that know me know that many times I have been practicing without knowing it. Today, I kick off the training wheels.
     How about you? Isn’t this just Magnificent!  Magnificent Obsession – The Belief (excerpt from the movie)

100 Years…What a Difference a Generation Makes when it comes to Transformation and the realization of Values.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

As I sit here writing this, we are just past the celebration of Independence Day also known as the 4th of July. The original 4th of July of 1776 seems like it was so long ago and yet it was just 237 years ago. A mere minute in the total amount of time that man has been on Earth and even a mere speck in that of the total that our planet has been around.
I am not going to go into a lot of historical info as that is readily available either by books or on the internet (totally unthought of back in those days). What I am going to do is show how Values go hand in hand with Transformation. How the consistency and evolution of these values are paramount to the continuation and fulfillment of Transformation.
The Declaration of Independence one of the most important documents to ever be written is loaded with a multitude of values. In fact, it was because of these values that many were inspired and compelled to face the hardships of what lay ahead on the road to what was hoped to be a better way of life. Let me also mention as an aside, that the Laws are of equal importance but whether you choose to agree with them or not, the Laws are the Laws. Thus, when cited in the document, the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God are indeed valuable. But it is the changing or adopting of specific Values that lead us down that Road less traveled by.
“We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal.” and that the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of  happiness should never be violated. It is to these that I will show the evolution of events that are indeed still evolving thru to today.
Due to the Triangular Trade it was quite apparent that values were lost in the quest for making a profit. The Slave Trade was such a major portion of the Triangular Trade. The framers of the Declaration of Independence realized the wrongness of Slavery and the need to correct this practice. But the framers also realized that first things must come first and if they insisted on dealing with slavery at that point that the Declaration would never be unanimously signed and the Revolution would not have occurred. The rest of this part of the story is history as we say and the American Colonies would go on to become the United States.The Eagle must be born first or nothing could follow.
Now let’s jump roughly 100 years to 1860. Slavery could no longer be an issue which could be swept under the carpet. The United States was no longer united and Civil War was in play. Again, much on this is written in the History Books for your research and how ironic that perhaps the greatest battle of the Civil War would occur in a town known as Gettysburg during the 87th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. It is here that I want to focus on both President Abraham Lincoln and the famous Gettysburg Address.
Lincoln had resolved to uphold Values. Before he could attempt to set things right, he would need to ensure that he saw things right. His translation of the “Golden Rule” required him to ask himself as to how he would want to be treated. His answer was that since he would not be a slave, he would not wish to be a master. He also realized that there was a difference between what a leader can do or what a leader should do. His passion and his support of values during his administration was to work to preserve the Union and abolish slavery. This would need to be done through laws but also with a high regard for Values. In an excerpt from the famous Gettysburg Address, Lincoln would say Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal  and that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated for his convictions to Values!
So now we jump another 100 years and we are right in the throes of the Civil Rights movement. Yes, it was true that the slaves were freed 100 years earlier but because of a lack of values on the part of many the Freed Men were still realizing restrictions. Segregation, discrimination, poverty and exile in their own country. There were many Civil Rights Leaders but perhaps the best known was a Pastor by the name of Martin Luther King Jr.  Dr. King decided to utilize the principles and values that Mohandis Ghandi had used. That was to follow a policy of non violence. The Road was long, with many a winding turn. Suffice to say that over the next 20-30 years drastic change would take place. I include the link to Dr. King’s famous “I Have a Dream” Speech for you to read.   Dr. King would not live to see the fruition of his dreams.
Dr. King was assassinated for his convictions to Values!
So here we are 237 years from the start of this. 150 years from the Emancipation of the Slaves and 53 years from Civil Rights. Yes, because of Transformation and Values which caused Laws to be changed or created anew, the United States and the effect the process has had on the world continues to evolve. What is next? Clearly it is not necessary to assassinate someone every time change is required.
I conclude by asking you…How will Transformation and Values impact you to impact the betterment of where you are and of this world.
Repeat after me…and say this several times a day….IF YOU DARE and CARE….
Transformation Begins with ME!!!
Peace. BB (Bermuda Bob)
Dr. Martin Luther King “I Have a Dream”
Excerpt from the Move “1776”  The Birthing of a Nation…

Analogy: Guatemala Transformacion and the Symbolic Meaning of the Mocking Bird

In this essay, I hope to show how the symbolism and meaning from “To Kill A Mockingbird” (a novel written by Harper Lee circa 1960) fits in appropriately with my recent journey to a nation that is rising into the Modern World and yet maintains its innocence throughout.

The name of this nation is Guatemala and has been a part of Central America for quite some time. In fact, it dates back to the days of the Mayans and their ancestors are still present to this day. And most importantly, Guatemala is now trying to become part of the world. How does this occur? It occurs with “transformation”. And that transformation must occur from within before it can be expressed from without.

Before I go any further, I should probably input some information stemming from the Novel / Movie “To Kill A Mockingbird”. I will interlace this information throughout this essay but suffice to say and I quote: “The mockingbird is a bird that only pleases people. It sings a pleasant song and then flies away.” The story relates to double symbolism dealing with prejudice and racism and the loss of perceived innocence.

I just came from Guatemala. The purpose of my trip was to work with 150 of my colleagues who were trained and part of the John Maxwell Team but came from all corners of the world. That same world that was so big for so long and yet these people came when called. Space and time were no longer a continum. They came with their hearts and minds in anticipation of not knowing what to anticipate. The mission of this trip was to work with the people of Guatemala and help to bring Transformacion (Transformation) and it was to begin from within each and every one of them. Originally, I thought that just meant the people of Guatemala but what was quickly apparent was that transformation was to occur in each and every one of us as well.

At this point, I should mention a few things that would handicap most other missions. Such as the fact that half of the children of Guatemala suffer from chronic malnutrition and stunted growth. This highest rate of malnutrition in Latin America results in lower IQ levels. That Guatemala is a source country for the trafficking of both women and children for sex and also serves as a “transit” country for sex trafficking from neighboring Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador. Because of its position, Guatemala is like an intersection in the transit of illegal drugs. There are well over 370,000 orphans and the 140,000 youth that come of age each year can only hope to secure a mere 20,000 new jobs. This is a country where the average age is in the 20’s. This is a country where there are no national heroes. No heroes period! A country with many natural resources but the greatest of these resources are the people themselves.

Sounds like a hopeless story and yet the mockingbird has come along and is singing pleasant songs. The mockingbird has not flown away yet and in many ways I can see the mockingbird evolving into the likes of a phenix or even that of an eagle. You may be asking yourself, as I know I was, how this can be? Well from the very moment that John Maxwell spoke to many of us back in February, I knew that this was in the hands of the Grand Overall Designer. He clearly was hearing the cry of His people. The people of Guatemala. You see, the people were and also are the Mockingbird.

These people heard the call of Guatemala Prospera and wanted to be the source of a new country. These people heard the rallying cry of their President and came and came. In fact, they are still coming with open hearts, and smiles and tears, yes tears in their eyes. The appreciation factor that these people from all walks of Guatemalan life have shown, are showing and will continue to show is so awesome that words really cannot describe what I witnessed. My heart and my soul were impacted and I came to realize that this was part of the reason why I was put on this Earth.

Guatemala is truly the mockingbird. It is a sin to kill a mockingbird. I’ve come to my own personal conclusion that a mockingbird is more than someone who is innocent. A mockingbird is a songbird, that does no harm and provides only beauty. To kill something harmless and beautiful would be wrong. For me, the mockingbird is a symbol of expression, of speech. You don’t kill or suppress this freedom. And that is why Guatemala is rising. My sorrow as I conclude this essay is that I only wish the country I was born and grew up in was paying attention. It would almost seem that someone is trying very hard to kill a mockingbird there.

I am ready to go back and help the mockingbird sing whenever and wherever he will be found.

Peace. BB

Memorial Day and Veterans Day: Remembering Two Vitally Important Days and …. what makes each one unique!

Memorial Day and Veterans Day: Remembering Two Vitally Important Days and ….what makes each one unique! 

Prologue: I have chosen to base my essay this week on Memorial Day. As this is an essay, it will be a bit longer than my usual postings but no less important. To that point, I would ask that you take the time and read this essay in its entirety. Our children and children’s children, should be aware, when celebrating these two important dates, the real reason Why we have been blessed with these two days off — to honor those individuals, men and women of valor, who have sacrificed their lives to ensure that “We the People” can live our lives freely, securely and happily! Now, let’s celebrate our freedom and remember those who are no longer with us!

The Essay:

There is a vast difference between Veterans Day and Memorial Day although both are celebrations and remembrances of our Armed Forces and those who served in other ways.

Do you remember the movie “Born on the 4th of July?” During several points in the film there were parades taking place in many towns and cities. I remember these parades as if they were yesterday and they were an important part of my youth. I would march with my Boy Scout Troop and looked forward to the day when I would be the one leading my Troop up the Avenue. The Marching Bands and the Majorettes not to mention the floats. People would line the streets on both sides and many would be waving flags etc. Most of America was very Patriotic back in those days even though Viet Nam was on the rise. I mention Viet Nam because that was the War of my Generation. I was born at the tail end of the Korean War. I think back to over 238 years of American History from the ramparts of Bunker/Breed’s Hill to the hardships and suffering at Valley Forge. To the numerous other battles that led to victory and the creation of the New United States. To the War of 1812 and Francis Scott Key penning the words to the poem that would eventually become the US National Anthem “The Star Spangled Banner” and the Battle of New Orleans. To the War Between the States/Civil War where brother fought brother and cousin fought cousin in many great battles to include the Battle of Gettysburg where in this one battle there were more casualties than all of the Viet Nam War combined. Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address…”Four Score and seven years ago our Fathers brought forth upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Leading on to the Mexican War and the Spanish American War and Teddy Roosevelt charging up San Juan Hill. To the Dough Boys of World War I (also known as the Great War) that was supposed to end all wars. Then there was World War 2 and the need to end the tyranny of the Great Dictators and the genocide of races. Numerous battles that were so bloody to describe here but to mention Normandy, Iwo Jima, Guadalcanal, Bastogne, Burma. And then on to Communist threats and the War (yes War) in Korea. Having mentioned that I grew up in the Viet Nam era I would be remiss to leave out such names as the Ia Drang Valley and Khe Sanh to name a few. We can’t leave out The Gulf War conflicts nor can we speak any less to Beirut, and Somalia (Black Hawk Down) and finally Iraq and Afghanistan. And last but certainly not least is the continuing War on Terrorism that includes the recent activities and loss of life in Benghazi.

I am sure that in my quick run through history I have left out items that may be familiar to you or that your relatives were involved in. What I am pointing out is that in all that I have mentioned is that good men and women gave up their lives and made the ultimate sacrifice for causes that they considered worthy. The lives that they gave up were to help ensure that a better America would emerge and that future generations would be better off as a result. The United States of America is a Nation of Immigrants, yes, immigrants who came in order to fulfill the dreams and goals that awaited. The ability to have a new and free life. And yet, in so many cases, these immigrants and their off spring now citizens were prepared and continue to be prepared to answer the call to duty.

The History of Memorial Day (originally known as Decoration Day) stems back over 140 years. It celebrates the American fighting men and women who lived and died honoring a Code. That code states “I am an American Fighting Man. I serve in the Forces that guard our country and protect our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense”.. Article I, United States Code of Conduct. Memorial Day is a day of Remembrance of those that made this sacrifice. It is not about division but more so about reconciliation. Our coming together to honor those who gave ALL.

As time has gone by, Traditional Observances have diminished as many Americans have forgotten the meaning and traditions that stemmed forth. Part of this problem is that our children have not been taught. We need to ensure that our children know about the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier where a guard stands 24/7 365 days a year no matter what the weather or conditions.

In today’s lingo, the Code has also come to include some other critical points: To serve the People of the United States, to always place the mission first, to never accept defeat, to NEVER quit and to NEVER leave a fallen comrade (again I remind us of our current dilemma in Benghazi) etc.

I am proud to be speaking to this as my Father served before me, and my Son and Son in Law have and are serving after me. We are not about loving War…We are about loving our Country and working to maintain the peace what ever the cost. So as you can see, Memorial Day is more than just a day or weekend off. It is about Remembering and Never forgetting.


Veterans Day is about remembering all those who have served and who are also still living and has a different meaning which we can talk about in another essay. Thus, when people come up to me and thank me for my service to MY Country, I thank them but I point out that others have paid a higher price and are deserving of so much more when it comes to thanks. I am about Leadership and write about leadership. There appears to be some issues right now when it comes to our leaders actually leading. The last Minute from Maxwell word that I wrote about this week was “resurrection”. How fitting to be the word just before this holiday. I can only hope that all who have made the sacrifice and have gone before us are not “turning in their graves” at what is presently going on. I will end with the words of Abraham Lincoln from that same Gettysburg Address and I quote “That we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain – that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom – and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

I have so much more that I would love to say but now it is your turn

Please share your personal thoughts and experiences stemming from your childhood to your feelings  today of Veterans Day and Memorial Day and help others to understand the true meaning of these Special Holidays.

PS. Please take a few moments to watch and take in the videos attached.

Peace. BB

Gettysburg Address

Memorial Day Tribute

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier / Changing of the Guard

US Marine Corp Silent Drill

Monday 29 April 2013

What is the One Song (thing) that will tell everyone what you will be remembered for? Will YOU step up to and cross the Line of Intention? Or will you Walk the Line?

If you have been following my postings throughout my blog site ( of late you will have noticed that I have been focusing on making the most of the time that you have been provided with noting full well that each and every day we receive is a gift. The purpose of today’s title is not to be that of someone who has reached the end of their road and ready to meet their maker. No, the purpose of today’s title is to get you to begin to focus on what exactly you want to be remembered for. I would like to add that these thoughts should be reflected on no matter what age you are at.

Okay, so let’s break this down a bit. So many of us go through life (yes, me too) like ducks on a pond. We look really good at the surface but we are moving our legs in what seems a hundred miles an hour and yet, we go no where. What ends up happening is that we get frustrated and go look for another pond with similar results. From pond to pond to pond we go all the while the days of our lives and the sand of our hour glass keep running. Now those Eagles out there on the other hand soaring in the sky grew their wings on the way down. They did it afraid. They knew that there were bigger and greater things to be achieved than just sitting on the pond.

So let’s wrap this up… There are 2 dates in your life of major significance…the day you were born and the day you found out why. If you had to make a choice, a decision, a reality check right now as to what one thing you would do to be remembered, WHAT would it be? It would be your song, YOUR Opus! What? Now. Now is the time to really think this one through. Now is YOUR moment. Cross that Line. Don’t just walk it!

Peace. BB

Oh by the way, this is a great opportunity to provide feedback on this…don’t hold back. Think like an Eagle and let us hear from you.

What One Thing Will You Be Remembered For…Walk the Line

Getting a Message to Garcia…are YOU up to it?

Getting a Message to Garcia

This posting comes from the Classic Book “A Message to Garcia” by Elbert Hubbard.

This story is over 100 years old now and for those that have read it have learned and understood the value of this message. It is a simple message of hard work, dependability and integrity. It is a story of how something so complex was handled so simply and yet it was not an easy task.

A story that takes place during the American War with Spain around the turn of the Century. The President of the United States needed to communicate with a key leader of the insurgents in Cuba. A man by the name of Garcia. No one was sure where he was but he was there somewhere in the mountain vastness of Cuba. No mail, no telegraph, no cell phones…no nothing, and yet everything. The President was informed by his team that there was one man that could do the job. Lt. Andrew Rowan was his name. Lt. Rowan reported to the President and was given the letter to be delivered. 4 days later he was in Cuba and 3 weeks after that he emerged on the other side of the Island having been through the worst of what Cuba had to offer. Mission Accomplished! Letter delivered!

Now by now you are asking yourself…Rowan took the letter and Did NOT ask one question…not a one! I ask you in today’s society if you were to ask someone say like your employee to do the same would he or she do so without asking a question? Would they not comment “that’s not my job” or “why isn’t so and so doing this” or even “is there a hurry”. I think you get the point. Is it any small wonder why this very story was translated into many, many languages and was considered so valuable then and today?

I challenge you to go and get a copy of this story and have a good read. After that, I challenge you and those around you to go out and get a “Message to Garcia”

How about telling of your experiences in life when it comes to the track of this story.

Peace. BB

Getting a Message to Garcia