It’s always important to tell the truth so that you will not have to try to re-remember what you said in the first place.

It’s always important to tell the truth so that you will not have to try to re-remember what you said in the first place.

You may be wondering what this might have to do with Leadership. Well suffice to say that many of us if not all of us have told a “little white one” at some point in our lives. Well you out there in the business world will run into instances where by your telling it the way it is will end up being more beneficial than your having to do other wise. Surely, you will also run into those around you who may not always be on the up and up as they try to fix that which gets worse the more they try to fix it.
That was a mouthful, wasn’t it? When you tell the truth, you simply are telling it like it is from your perspective. Remember that where you are is where you are! The truth you tell today will be the same truth that you tell next week, next month etc. A non-truth is not like that. You would have interjected some non-truth and when you are asked again to recount what you said a week, a month etc. you will be hard pressed to remember exactly what you said and you will probably need to interject another non-truth of some kind. It will get to the point where you end up in over your head. John Maxwell always likes to say “that when you are in over your head, it does not matter how deep the water is”. How true this is!
Just remember that the TV shows are full of Law and Order and other types of stories that put people in front of lawyers and the courts and under cross examination people convict themselves because they could not get the story straight.
So in conclusion, Be the Leader that you are meant to be. Stay out from getting in the water above your head. For if you always tell it like it is, you won’t have to remember what it is that you said because it will always be what it is.
What are your thoughts on this topic? Would love your interjection.
Peace. BB

Leaders should and must look in the mirror from time to time.

Leaders should and must look in the mirror from time to time.
Thursday 24 July 2014

It would seem that we live in unique times. The news abounds on any given day about what our Leaders are doing or fail to be doing. Of course, it is usually the political leaders that we pay the most attention to but Leaders come in all shapes and sizes. They come from many different avenues of our society…business, political, education, military, law enforcement, religious just to name a few.

Regardless of from what venue leaders derive, one thing that must be attended to by all leaders is a “Motive Check”. Leaders Must Do the Right Thing for the Right Reason! Perhaps you were curious as to why I stated in my title that Leaders need to look in the mirror once in awhile. Well the main reason is to check themselves out. Yes, that is correct. Leaders can so easily get caught up in doing things for image sake. In case we forget, leaders are being watched by so many people and when you least expect it.
One of the lessons that I teach from John Maxwell’s Book “Everyone Communicates. Few Connect” is to ask leaders when does “first impression” mode cease. After some thought and discussion, the answer clearly comes forth that first impression mode never ends. I can remember being taught that you have 8-10 seconds to make a first impression and that may be true with those that you are speaking with up close but clearly we always have to remember that as Leaders we are being observed by people we don’t even know are observing us.
Sometimes as Leaders, we forget and get caught up in facades and hypocrisy. You remember the scripture (loosely translated) that those who fast should not show that they are fasting and that those who have title should not walk around flaunting it. We are compelled as Leaders to ensure that we do good, give to charity, prioritize what we do and ensure that our values are in order. Of course, as this is a Leadership and the Bible posting, we should also realize that prayer is of immense importance. For those who may not have prayed in a while, it couldn’t hurt to try it again for the first time.
But the most important part of this posting is to remind Leaders of the need to establish, define and action the Core Values.
1. Do the right thing for the right reasons
2. Relationships will make or break you (Sounds like an Inner Circle statement)
3. Don’t sweat the small stuff (and it’s all small stuff)
4. Judge yourself before you judge others
5. If you need something…ask. If you have something…Give
6. Stay true to YOUR Convictions. Stay the path
7. **When you tell the TRUTH you will never have to remember what you said**
In closing, how many of the Leadership Laws can you deduce from this above list? If you are a leader or looking to become a leader, there is no time like NOW to do what you need to do to become that leader. Remember the law that people first buy into the leader and then they buy into the vision.
What are your thoughts? Send me your comments. Peace. BB

I Have Not Yet Begun to Lead (A Special July 4th posting)

I Have Not Yet Begun To Lead!

This story is posted today…in our Now! My story on September 23rd 1779, 238 years ago.
We have all had situations where things were not going well. I am sure that you can relate to a job situation where because of leadership or the lack thereof your boss has caused you to lose your sense of morale, support and desire to be there. I am sure that you have seen or been amongst individuals at the job who just don’t care anymore because…well quite frankly…what’s the point? What’s the use? Why bother? One of the first things that you and your peers begin to do is to talk down the situation and feed on the negativity of the situation to the point where all you live for is that negativity. In fact, rather than work to defend your organization or situation and seek to improve it, the reverse is true. It may even get to the point that you seek to be elsewhere or find a new job. Have you ever looked at the reason why you may be seeking job after job after job? Is your boat leaking or taking on water so badly that all that is left for you to do is abandon ship or face going down with her?
In September of 1779, a young  Naval Captain was in command of a ship borrowed from the French and refitted to be a warship to help out the fledging infant Continental Navy (not yet the United States). The ship was renamed the Bonhomme Richard (literally translated Poor Richard after the almanac by Ben Franklin). Her state of affairs was so deplorable that her crew took no pride in her and would really have wanted to be somewhere else. She leaked and creaked, her crew at times wondering how she stayed afloat. She had only half the fire power of the British ships she might encounter. Her speed left a lot to be desired. BUT…she was home to the crew.
On that fateful day of 23 September Jones encountered the British warship “Serapis”. The Serapis was far faster and outgunned the Bonhomme Richard but into the battle, into the fray she went. For over 4 hours the battle ensued at the cost of nearly half of Jones’ crew. The Richard was badly damaged, on fire and taking on water. Realizing the situation Captain Jones ordered the crew to move along side the British Serapis and grapple the 2 ships together. If he was going to sink, by God, he would take the British ship with him. Hand to hand fighting took place. At one point the American Flag had fallen due to a broken mast causing the British captain to call out asking if the Americans surrendered. Jones seizing the moment was heard to yell…Surrender? Surrender? Sir!  “I HAVE NOT YET BEGUN TO FIGHT”! The American crew rallied, rehoisted the flag and went on to win the day even though the Bonhomme Richard would eventually sink mortally wounded. I can guarantee you that not a man still living on that crew thought about the misgivings of their ship prior to the battle and that not a man was not remorseful to see THEIR ship, THEIR home sink.
I ask you in closing. Are you prepared to show Leadership and work for and take pride in what you are busy complaining about at work or home? Are you prepared to defend your ship or just willing to man the boats and go elsewhere? Remember that Transformation begins in each one of us. As with Jones’ rallying cry of “I have not yet begun to fight” I challenge you to rally around your new Battle Cry….”I HAVE NOT YET BEGUN TO LEAD”!

June 6, 1944 – The Longest Day and a Day to be remembered

June 6, 1944 – The Longest Day and a Day to be remembered (Be sure to watch the video clip included at the end)

Everything and I mean everything rises and falls on Leadership. As John Maxwell has said often, that when you are in over your head, it really doesn’t matter how deep the water is. In my last posting I wrote an article that was entitled “Everyday is an Anniversary of Something of Importance to Someone”. Well clearly, “D” Day, June 6th 1944 is and should be an anniversary not only to those who lived it but to all of us in the generations that follow.

It would be so very easy for me to write this article with an American bias but this is a Leadership article and as I stated above, Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership. So here we are over a paragraph into this article and I have not yet mentioned the significance of this Day. The significance of what has gone down in the history books as being the “Longest Day”. On this day in 1944, the Allies executed Operation Overlord and attacked and stormed the beaches of Normandy in their efforts to get a foothold from which would begin the destruction of Fortress Europe under the Nazi regime. Over 150,000 Allied Troops made up of Paratroopers, Glider Forces and the largest Amphibious Landing ever attempted were involved and if all went well would be followed by 2 million more troops.

The Allies had planned and planned this invasion for quite some time. I can go into great depth and detail on this but suffice to note that this information is easily gained from a good history book or a google search. What is to be noted are the Leadership points that came about. What the Allies did not plan and account for was Mother Nature throwing a curve ball into the works. And this is where Leadership shines. The Supreme Allied Commander was Dwight D. Eisenhower. It was his responsibility to determine the Go-No Go status of the invasion. The Invasion had already been postponed but if it were to be postponed again, the Allies would clearly lose a major advantage that included surprise. How many more men would have died? You see under the Law of Navigation, it is noted that anyone can steer a ship but it takes a Leader to chart a course. Eisenhower or “Ike” as he was affectionately called consulted with his inner circle of Staff Officers but he and he alone would have to make the fateful decision. You might say that he was clearly in over his head. But he chose to stand up and rise out of the depths and be the Leader that he was chosen to be. His response to his Staff Officers was “I am quite positive we must give the order. I don’t like it, but there it is”. The Invasion was on!

There is so, so much more detail on this Invasion that I can go into as previously stated but I must note that many of the 21 Laws of Irrefutable Leadership would come into play in the next 24 hours. Leadership would rise on so many levels on the Allied side and fortunately for all, the German Army did not bode well when their Officers and NCO’s were eliminated. The Allies had been taught to think outside the box.

In closing, just envision what today would be generations later if that invasion had failed.Just ponder as to whether you would even be had that invasion failed or the War lost. And it for this reason and many others that we must teach our younger generations the significance of the dates that are of importance.

This is the kind of article that allows for a great deal of comment. My call to action to each of you is to add a bit of yourself and describe what you know and most assuredly the impact that this had on your life. Ponder for a few moments, especially if you are from the Baby Boomer Generation. But let me leave you with this rare piece of information that clearly showed that Ike was a Leader’s Leader. On the eve of the Invasion he had a hand written note that he would use if all went wrong which said…”Our landings in the Cherbourg-Havre area have failed to gain a satisfactory foothold and I have withdrawn the troops. My decision to attack at this time and place was based on the best information available. The troops, the air, and the navy did all that bravery and devotion to duty could do. If any blame or fault attaches to the attempt, it is mine alone.”  Well the Invasion on that Longest Day did not fail because of the Leadership and Initiative right down to the basic foot soldier who realized that being in over your head just didn’t cut it!

In remembrance of all who fought in this Great Battle and especially to those who made the Ultimate Sacrifice for the rest of us. Yes, the rest of us, yesterday, today and tomorrow!
Peace. BB

Ike’s Pre Invasion speech to the Troops and Song “The Longest Day”

Everyday is an Anniversary of Something of Importance to Someone

     Everyday indeed is the Anniversary of Something. It may be of historical importance. It might be something that is important or relevant to your life. And clearly, if you wait long enough, it will even be the 50th Anniversary of something. Now while that may or may not sound important to you, our lives today are based on those Anniversaries of something.
     As I write this article, I would like to remind my readers that I am a leadership teacher and coach and thus I strive to the utmost to keep any and all political views out of my writing.
     Tomorrow, May 4th is the 44th anniversary of the shootings at Kent State. May the 4th, 1970 and the days around it are deeply embedded in my memory. For many of you who are reading this, you may have no knowledge or recollection of these events. That is why it is so important for us to remember that everyday is an anniversary of something in history.
     Back in 1968, Richard M. Nixon as part of his campaign promises for President clearly stated that he would exact a “Peace With Honor” ending of the Viet Nam War. Nixon was successfully elected and the people of the United States awaited for him to fulfill his campaign promise. Everything seemed to be progressing according to plan until April 30th of 1970 when suddenly it was announced that US Forces had and were invading Cambodia (of special note which will be saved for another posting is the fact that eventually Cambodia under Pol Pot would become known as the “Killing Fields”.)  In response to this invasion, students across the US began major protests. In one particular location, Kent State University in Ohio, a series of demonstrations had been taking place and were getting so bad that the mayor requested the Governor for help. The Ohio National Guard was mobilized and sent to the University to regain and maintain order. I wish to remind you the reader that members of the National Guard are your citizen neighbors who serve their State and Country in time of need. I to this day have no idea what caused or why the National Guard opened fire that day. Bullets in many cases are not taught to kill specific people and clearly there were some innocent people hit, wounded and killed that day. Some who were shot were either in the area or the protest or were on their way to their next class. But that fateful day saw 4 Dead and 9 wounded.
     Part of the results of this shooting was to cause students from across the country to protest with even more fervor. I clearly remember having just arrived by bus (I was 16) at high school that morning when all of a sudden kids from all the buses were jumping out the emergency exits etc and forming big protest groups. Back then, I was of a different mind set than some of my class mates. These were the radical 70’s. I did not agree with a lot of what they said and did. But here is one thing that I have learned over my 60 years. That part of what has always made the United States the great country that it was and is and that while we don’t always agree with what others think, we will defend their rights to think, say and do even when it verges on the edge of civil disobediance. I am in touch with many of those same classmates today due to something called Facebook. I guess it is true that things and people get better with age.
From a Leadership perspective, none of this should ever have happened. From a Leadership perspective, people in Leadership roles need to continually be upping their game and knowledge of how to handle situations. All too often, when people are put in roles of Leadership that in reality they are being put into roles of management and so badly need to learn what it takes to lead. The Laws of Leadership are the Laws of Leadership just as the Law of Gravity is the Law of Gravity.
     My call to action and reason for this writing is to bring to your attention that everyday is an anniversary of something. What anniversaries in your life are happening and how will they effect those that follow us 10, 20, 50 years from now.
    Please join me in remembering this tragedy as well as all those who served during that conflict. I am posting some pictures of the day and the song by Crosby, Stills, and Nash about the shooting.

The Greatest Story of Victory and not just under Friday Night Lights

The Greatest Story of Victory and not just under Friday Night Lights

This story of Values started many years ago on a chilly night when a Star shone brightly in the East where in a manger lay a baby wrapped in swaddling. The long awaited Savior and Messiah had arrived. Not much is really known about the first 30 years of His life for it was the final 3 years by which the Greatest Story would be told and for which we today are the victors because of it. My analogy of using the phrase “Friday Night Lights” is to bring to the forefront that when the clock hits 0:00 and you have not crossed the goal line, that Victory has not been achieved. This would not be the case for the Man called Jesus, the Christ for when the clock struck 0:00 in His Life, that He did indeed cross the goal line and with it He took the sting out of death.
Today is the anniversary of this event that we refer to as Good Friday. And for many of us, we will be at our places of worship under those Friday Night Lights to honor His death and crucifixion and await the glorious 3rd Day that we celebrate as Easter. While my faith and beliefs are strong, I strive always to write here from a Leadership perspective and I will endeavor to do so in this article. I write of a Man who was both a “server” and a “leader”. Jesus was the true and perfect example of what Transformational Leadership is all about.
There are so many of the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership that apply but I will speak to several of these laws and how Jesus exemplified both being a Leader and showing Leadership. Law #2 The Law of Influence-Leadership is not Title, Position, Power or Stature. It is Influence, nothing more, nothing less. Clearly this man came into the world and left this world with innocense. He certainly influenced many before but certainly many more after. Law #4 The Law of Navigation. Anyone can steer a ship but it takes a Leader to chart a course. Well 2000+ years later we are still following a course established. Law #10 The Law of Connection-Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand. Well 2000+ years later, the number of hearts that have been touched on a daily basis….and the number of hands that have reached out to others during this journey. Law #11 The Law of the Inner Circle– A leader’s potential is determined by those closest to him. Who could have guessed that a few “fishers of men” would go on to carry forward the message that would reach the whole world? Law #18 The Law of Sacrifice– The Leader must give up to Go Up. Well there can be no greater love than to give up one’s own life. Jesus gave up His life so we could have ours back. He died like us so we could live like Him. In our own very lives the best leaders have been those who have been the best servers and have humbled themselves and exalted others. The mark of a true leader is that a Leader will pay any price to get the job done.
I will close with that of the Law of Legacy. A Leader’s lasting value is measured by Succession. Anyone can make an organization look good for the moment or be a “flash in the pan”. But legacy leaders take a different approach. They are tomorrow people while keeping today in mind. The lasting legacy of what this Man did for us is clearly measured by how well each succeeding generation has evolved after His leaving. 
1. decided ahead of time what He was willing to give up
2. took the initiative to start the process
3. established goals and priorities with each of his disciples
4. knowing his Death was nigh prepared to pass the baton. And pass it He did.
Jesus, invited, led by leading and showing
     He invited His disciples to come and see
     He asked them to follow Him
     He asked them to commit to Him
So, as I get ready to go to my House of Worship and Live the Friday night lights, I ask you to take a few moments to ponder these laws and facts. If you are a believer, than please remember what this day is all about. Know that even though the clock is about to hit 0:00 that the sands of God’s Hour Glass never run out. Remember that Tomorrow Starts Now and that the Future Started Yesterday and we are already Late.
Have a Blessed and Wonderful Easter. Peace to all of You. BB

Leaders should and must look in the mirror from time to time. Matthew 6: 1-34

Friday 21 March 2014

It would seem that we live in unique times. The news abounds on any given day about what our Leaders are doing or fail to be doing. Of course, it is usually the political leaders that we pay the most attention to but Leaders come in all shapes and sizes. They come from many different avenues of our society…business, political, education, military, law enforcement, religious just to name a few.

Regardless of from what venue leaders derive, one thing that must be attended to by all leaders is a “Motive Check”. Leaders Must Do the Right Thing for the Right Reason! Perhaps you were curious as to why I stated in my title that Leaders need to look in the mirror once in awhile. Well the main reason is to check themselves out. Yes, that is correct. Leaders can so easily get caught up in doing things for image sake. In case we forget, leaders are being watched by so many people and when you least expect it.
One of the lessons that I teach from John Maxwell’s Book “Everyone Communicates. Few Connect” is to ask leaders when does “first impression” mode cease. After some thought and discussion, the answer clearly comes forth that first impression mode never ends. I can remember being taught that you have 8-10 seconds to make a first impression and that may be true with those that you are speaking with up close but clearly we always have to remember that as Leaders we are being observed by people we don’t even know are observing us.
Sometimes as Leaders, we forget and get caught up in facades and hypocrisy. You remember the scripture (loosely translated) that those who fast should not show that they are fasting and that those who have title should not walk around flaunting it. We are compelled as Leaders to ensure that we do good, give to charity, prioritize what we do and ensure that our values are in order. Of course, as this is a Leadership and the Bible posting, we should also realize that prayer is of immense importance. For those who may not have prayed in a while, it couldn’t hurt to try it again for the first time.
But the most important part of this posting is to remind Leaders of the need to establish, define and action the Core Values.
1. Do the right thing for the right reasons
2. Pray God’s Agenda and not your own
3. Relationships will make or break you (Sounds like an Inner Circle statement)
4. Prioritize Eternal things
5. Don’t sweat the small stuff (and it’s all small stuff)
6. God’s Kingdom is paramount. Seek it
7. Judge yourself before you judge others
8. If you need something…ask. If you have something…Give
9. Stay true to YOUR Convictions. Stay the path
10. Obedience to God is the only sure foundation for life.
In closing, how many of the Leadership Laws can you deduce from this above list? If you are a leader or looking to become a leader, there is no time like NOW to do what you need to do to become that leader. Remember the law that people first buy into the leader and then they buy into the vision.
What are your thoughts? Send me your comments. Peace. BB

Are You standing on the Pillars of Hercules or lying in Sampson’s rubble?

Friday 7 March 2014

It is necessary to start out this essay with a quick synopsis of the Title. The Pillars of Hercules from ancient Greek Mythology are now what are the 2 strong cliffs that form the entrance to the Straights of Gibraltar and in mythology served as portals between the known and unknown world. Samson on the other hand as is noted in Judges 16 of the Bible having lost his sight and powers at the hands of Delilah was able to reclaim his honor by bringing down the Pillars onto the Philistines. It is not mythology or biblical verse that I write about today but rather garnering the strength of the 5 Pillars as opposed to allowing yourself to be torn down into ruins.
Further, the Pillars that I will describe in this writing come from a book about to be released called “Leadership by Invitation” by fellow John Maxwell Team member Barry Smith. I have read the pre-published manuscript and I would clearly recommend you getting a copy of what will prove to be an asset to you and your journey forward.
     The five pillars that I will reference are awareness, environment, growth, communication, and influence. It is important to note the importance of placing greater value on who you are than what you do. And it is ironic that just as iron sharpens iron, the pillars will sharpen the pillars. As Dr. Wayne Dyer stated, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”. All to often we find ourselves with too much weight on our shoulders so strong in fact, that we trip and fall and wonder if we can get back up. This being caught up in the overwhelm causes us to actually shut down our awareness and lose sight of our identity. You cannot maintain this status quo and not expect to fall into mediocrity and complacency. Your ability to move forward is severely hampered to the point of trying to handle “today” with no chance of considering “tomorrow”. You need to and must gain perspective by learning that it is ok to think outside the box. The very same box that has been you. And to do so with a great rekindling of passion for happiness is the true key to driving success. Summing up, Awareness is knowledge and knowledge is power.
     The 2nd Pillar, Environment, includes your family, friends, colleagues, neighbors etc. And let me also include a new level of environment that has many positives but also many potential negatives. This is “Cyberspace”. We truly are a product or the product of our environment. The impact of our environment on ourselves is huge. Will it be a positive experience or negative? We have choice and cannot ignore the pathways of choice that are put before us. Do we choose to keep following the rut lined road or do we instead take the path less traveled by? Do you collaborate on a daily basis with like-minded individuals who share similar goals and values? When was the last time that you truly chose the right Inner Circle? Will you allow your old way of thinking keep you in the same environment as time moves on? Don’t become a product of your environment. Let your environment become a product of you!
     The 3rd Pillar, Growth, is based on a journey. Your Journey. Your growth will be based on 3 key must haves. They are Awareness, Intentionality and Accountability. Because of the way we have programmed by our environment we all too often put our attentions to those things that we think are important but are they really important? Are you taking care of the things that matter or are you taking care of the things? What one needs to learn is that Family and Health matter. We can all too often get side tracked into thinking that other things matter more and we lose our focus. This loss of focus is where our growth stagnates. Is being the first into the job and the last to leave a sign of growth? How high will you set the bar? If you set it too low you cannot fail but you will not grow. Failure will never ruin you it will instead reveal you. Growth must occur. As John Maxwell stated in the title of his latest book “Sometimes You Win. Sometimes You Learn”.
     The 4th Pillar is communication. If we cannot properly communicate with others we will not be able to Build What Matters. To realize that only 7% of communication is realized thru the spoken word we must ensure that we learn how to properly communicate the other 93%. All too often we live in an illusion that communication has indeed taken place. How often, do you find yourself having to restate or repeat instructions. John Maxwell’s Book, “Everyone Communicates, Few Connect” is so valuable a tool to help us bring about the change that we need to personally apply for better communications amongst the people we deal with. Are you able to set the tone of a room when you walk into it by exhibiting a positive demeanor? Please take a few moments to note that those 7% of the words you use if not used well can totally destroy the relationship you are trying to build. Be authentic. Be accountable but by all means ensure that you strive to encourage those around you. Communicate with compassion and empathy but most importantly, be a person of affirmation.
     The 5th and Final Pillar is that of Influence. “Leadership is Influence, Nothing More, Nothing Less”. When the invitation to lead crosses your path, you cannot and should not take it lightly. Leadership is Influence. You cannot be a leader by being a “yes” man. You cannot be a leader by trying to please everyone. But by all means, to be a good leader and exact influence, you must learn to be a servant leader. Your success, is based on how many people you help to be successful. This creates a win-win situation. It is about being able to create clarity. But do not allow yourself to fall into the trap that because you are the leader that you do not need mentoring. All too often, our leaders become complacent once they gain a position of leadership. Find a coach. Find a mentor. Be courageous. Get over your fears and chart your course for you and for your team. Remember that anyone can steer the ship but it takes a Leader to chart the course. This is where you through influence comes in. This is where you and cooperation from your Inner Circle come in. As mother Teresa said so well “You can do what I cannot do. I can do what you cannot do. Together we can do great things.”
     So your call to action is…will you choose to stand on the Pillars of Hercules or be found lying in the rubble that Sampson caused? Remember that Tomorrow Starts Now and that the Future Started Yesterday and we’re already late!
Peace. BB


The Jury is still out…Is it Your Journey or Your Destination that You Seek?

Taking a page from an Ancient Chinese Proverb…The Journey of 1000 miles and the journey of 1 both start out with a single step. I further add a quote from Napoleon Hill that states “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve”.

A few years ago, I was asked to sing at a funeral and was presented with a song that I had never heard of let alone knew how to sing it. After a short period of intense practice, I not only learned the song but soon began to realize that this song was calling to me and it was to become a part of me. The name of that song was “It’s My Journey” by Teresa Jennings.  To sing and to absorb verses such as:

– I’m on my way. Every bend in the road and corner shows me one more day. And it’s my day

– Every path I take. Every mountain and every river leads me on my way. And it’s my day

– Every single day is a part of the road I travel and when and where it goes, you will find me

– It’s my journey and I am on my way. It’s my journey and I will live this day…Everyday!
So what is your destination? Do you realize that your destinations are the dreams that you have turned into goals? Do you realize that unless you turn those dreams into written goals with dates on them that they will remain fantasies? These written down goals are just like the old fashioned Train and Plane tickets that used to be printed off showing the name of the destination and the travel date. Do you not realize that you cause the arrival to your destination to be less likely to happen than if you were to follow the “Yellow Brick Road” by not writing them down and putting a date on it? We must remember that we are always flowing either toward or away from any goal we give ourselves. Each and every day we choose the direction that we will follow. And yet, this is all part of our Journey! Why don’t we call the goals that you have clearly established as the Destinations along your Journey? And to make it more concrete, why don’t we say that each of those goals is a contract that you take out with yourself? So to not reach and achieve any of these goals not only precludes you from reaching your destination(s) but also shows that you have broken the contract with yourself! Wow! I would never want to be known as a contract breaker, especially with myself.
I am going to ask you to do one more thing before I bring this posting to a close. I am going to ask you as you travel your Journey to you Destination to act as if you’ve already accomplished your goals.Quitting is exactly what the majority of people do. Quitting is something that is so easy. Quitting is what will cause you to give up and not finish your Journey and fulfill YOUR Destiny! So if the penny hasn’t dropped by my last line you will see that the word “destination” and “destiny” are related.
So as the song goes….WE’re on our Way and it’s MY Day. It’s My Journey…It’s YOUR Journey! Live it. Go for it. For the sands of time are running my friend.
Thus, I ask you today to determine whether you are on Your Journey or looking to reach Your Destination. Let me hear from you on this. Tell me about your goals and your journey on the way to your destination.
Peace. BB