It’s Not About Position, but more about Empowerment

It’s Not About Position, but more about Empowerment
Proverbs 17:2 states that it is better to be a wise slave than a foolish son.
For those who know and follow the teachings of John C. Maxwell, we know that to not study the maxims is to position yourself for something less than success.. Mind you, through trial and error you may eventually get to success but at what cost? John has stated that Leadership is Influence, nothing more, nothing less. And to that end, it is paramount that you study and learn the 5 Levels of Leadership. Level 1 begins where so many are stuck. The belief that leadership is based on your position. It might be your position at work, on a community board, or in your family. All too often, you hear people who want to move up the ladder saying that when they get the position, they will study the Leadership. What does in fact happen, all too often, is that the individual gets the “position” and forgets that they need the leadership. They have arrived and thus it is assumed that they now know what they need to know. Positional Leadership is not a safe level to be at as you don’t have the buy in of your team. You may think that you do but your really don’t. In fact, I heard a comment in a meeting the other day that if a person is not a leader they should not apply for the position. How crazy is that? 
Our influence has less to do with our position or title than it does with empowering others along the way of life we live. It’s not about position but more so about production. While it is so important that we continue to educate ourselves to be better leaders and managers, it is extremely important to continually strive to empower other people along the way. This is a major difference than just us holding a position. This is the key to the road of credibility that we must attain. Remember that you don’t want to just think that you have arrived because you have reached your Level 1 position. If you have hopes of being successful and building upon that credibility then you need to work towards the higher levels. At this point, I draw your attention to John’s book the 360 Degree Leader. Leaders need to understand that it is NOT about the Leader. It is about the Team which is made up of many Leaders. You must seek to empower, teach and train above, below and sideways of where you are in your Organization. The maxim of thinking that if you keep those around you weak, you will remain in a position of strength is just flat out WRONG! Your strength will weaken just as that of Sampson after the haircut.
I want to ask you 5 questions:
1. Consistency: Are you the same person no matter who is with you?
2. Choices: Do you make decisions based on how they benefit you or others?
3. Credit: Are you quick to recognize others for their efforts when you succeed?
4. Character: Do you work harder at your image or your integrity?
5. Credibility: Have you recognized that credibility is a victory, not a gift?
My call to action is to ask you to first determine where you are personally at regarding the 5 Levels of Leadership. Once you have made that determination, I ask you to evaluate and be honest with yourself as to whether you are empowering others. Truly empowering others. Of course, I would like to suggest that you will need to have a copy of the 5 Levels of Leadership and the 360 Degree Leader.
Contact me today at [email protected] and let’s arrange adding you to a Mastermind Group where you can interact with others as we seek to learn how to be better at “empowering” and less about position. I am also available to discuss how Coaching can and will be of value to you moving forward.
Peace. BB
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Defining Moments Do Define Your Leadership Because Talent Will Never Be Enough!

Defining Moments Do Define Your Leadership Because Talent Will Never Be Enough!
We all have days and we all have moments but know this, that hidden talent and treasure abounds in you and is waiting for the key moment to come forth. Your purpose that you have been placed here for knowing that one day the circumstances of life will empower the Coach to say to you to come off the bench and sidelines of Life and get in the game because the outcome depends on You! It is “being in the moment” where suddenly you realize what your “map of the world” comes to fruition. To realize that our talents and hidden talents may indeed require taking it to the supernatural. And who knew that on that day that you woke up, the calling would be called? That your Masterpiece of Life was being framed for others to take note of because that moment of time for you was NOW!
On any given day and in any given year you can be assured that it is the anniversary of something to be remembered. All too often, the only ones who remember are the ones who were impacted by the event in the first place. Such is the case regarding the crash of Air Florida Flight 90. On January 12th 1982, it was snowing in Washington DC. It really wasn’t that big of a snow storm by today’s standards but falling fast enough to cause accumulation on the wings of the plane. Top that off with the fact that the temperature dropped to 2 degrees F. The snow fall finally ended around 3pm that day and Air Florida was the first in line to take off but the pilot in his haste to get underway decided NOT to go through the de-icing process a 2nd time. Clearly his belief that all would be fine as it had so many other times lifted, prepared and directed his talents. The jet roared down the runway but struggled, as the giant beast, to gain speed and altitude. A mile away the pilot lost control of his aircraft as it stalled and plowed into and plunged over the 14th Street Bridge into the Potomac River. The jet quickly broke up and sunk but a few people managed to get out and were bobbing helplessly in the frigid cold water.
It was now at this point, while a helicopter had shown up trying to rescue the survivors that Lenny Skutnik (who was Lenny Skutnik? A person just like you or me who reacted to a situation) suddenly appeared and without concern for himself jumped in the water and began effecting a rescue. One of the survivors in the water, Arland Williams, a man of 50, could have immediately been saved by the helicopter but passed the harness to others several times rather than save himself. When the helicopter finally came back for him, he had gone under for the last time. A total of 78 people perished that day because talent was not enough.
So what has this got to do with Leadership you may be asking? Well in John Maxwell’s Book, “Talent Is Never Enough”, he goes on to explain that no matter how much talent you have, it requires Courage, Practice, Passion, Focus and Belief just to name a few, that hones and sharpens that talent. The Pilot who erred in his decision to make the take off without exacting safety procedures allowed his perceived talents to by pass common sense.Talent was clearly not enough on his part. I am sure that Lenny Skutnik did not wake up that morning and say, “Today, I am going to put my life on the line and rescue some people”. And the passenger who passed up rescue so that others could be rescued first, clearly not only believed that he would be rescued but focused with passion that he would. We all bring talent(s) to the table of life. But we must remember to practice, prepare, focus, believe and have passion and when the time comes for us to act, we must seize the initiative and be courageous. If you are serious about being a Leader, I wholeheartedly recommend your picking up a copy of this book because believe you me, Talent Is Not Enough!

Your Values are Important as are the Transformational Importance of Your Values A tribute to in the Remembrance of the struggle on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. day.

Your Values are Important as are the Transformational Importance of Your Values
A tribute to in the Remembrance of the struggle on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. day.
How important are your values? Are you prepared to put your values on the line? Since the beginning of time, slavery and bondage have been prevalent. Racism as well. Many struggles, indeed, many wars have been fought. Then in the 20th Century came the personification of non-violent demonstration under that of Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr.  As today is Martin Luther King Day, I am asking you to take a few moments to read this article which takes into account the road that was paved. The road indeed was long with many a winding turn… At the end of the article are links to Martin Luther King’s famous speech and that of a now Classic Song “Abraham, Martin and John”. 
Are you prepared to do what ever it takes to ensure that your values survive and be the shining light that others know you by and ultimately remember you by? Are you prepared to stand up for what is right when standing up for what is right may cause you to get knocked down? And will you get back up no matter how many times it takes?
239 years ago, just a mere speck in the total amount of time that man has been here on Earth and even more of a speak in the total that our planet has been around 55 men would put their transformational values on the line that would not only be for them but would represent many, many others.
“When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another”.
You see values and transformation go hand in hand. Values are paramount to the continuation and fulfillment of Transformation. 
The Declaration of Independence is one of the most important documents ever to be written, is loaded with transformational values. And it was because of these values that many would be inspired and compelled to face the hardships of what lay ahead on what they hoped would be a better life.
“That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it and to institute a new Government.”
Yes, it was in pursuit of these goals and values that would bind the men who signed this document to have to stick together and put it all on the line.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain  unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.
It is the adopting of specific values that lead us down the path, the road less traveled by. This pursuit should never be violated. But first the Eagle must be born. But sometimes, we have to put aside our values for that of the Greater Good knowing that eventually the Greater Good will evolve and  not only renew our values but strengthen them.
Less than 100 years later this young fledgling country would find itself embroiled in a Civil War due to the divergence of those values. The slavery of man could no longer be tolerated. Abraham Lincoln resolved to uphold these values. His understanding that he would not wish to be a slave nor equally wish to be a master inspired him to understand that there was a difference between what a leader can do and what a leader should and must do.
Thousands from both sides would test the limits of their values. Brother against brother. On the very anniversary of the birth of that eagle a battle would rage that would cost the lives of thousands of men who gladly gave up of themselves to preserve their values…The Battle of Gettysburg.
President Lincoln would go on to say…”Four Score and seven years ago our Fathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the proposition that All Men are created Equal and this Nation under God shall have a new birth of Freedom and concluded that Government of the People and by the People shall not perish from the Earth.”
It is important to note that President Lincoln was assassinated for his convictions to these Transformational Values!
But is of equal importance to note that the pursuit of these values and transformation would continue and have its greatest impacts to date under that of 3 Great Leaders: Martin Luther King Jr., President John F. Kennedy and his brother Bobby Kennedy.
These men sought to expand and enhance the values of Civil Rights and Transformation that continued to grow so that the Eagle born so many years prior would be able to stretch those wings and fly and soar to the betterment of the peoples involved.
Dr. King sought to continue the fight to rid the nation of segregation and discrimination. But he chose to enact the values of another great man. That of Mohandis Ghandi whose values enhanced the principles of non violence. It would be a long road with many a winding turn. But he was a man with a Dream.
As Dr. King put it “the time is always right to do what is right” and “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that”
Dr. King was assassinated for these transformational values.
Last, but not least was that of President John F. Kennedy who strove to re-awaken the sleeping values of a generation whose time had come.
“We choose to go to the moon in this decade…NOT because it is easy but because it is HARD!  “Because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, unwilling to postpone and which we intend to win!”
The United States of America did go on to accomplish those hard things but to note that John F. Kennedy was assassinated for these transformational values as was his younger brother, Robert (Bobby) Kennedy.
I ask you today to once again consider your values and the lengths that you are willing to go to fulfill and preserve them. I ask you whether you are prepared to put it all on the line. I ask you what are your values worth not only to you but to those that will follow you as a result of your fulfilling those values. Racism and slavery are still out there in our World. We are embroiled in so many conflicts both at home and abroad. Even the zealousness of Religion is rearing its head. But clearly, the principles that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and many before and many after have continued to strive for, that of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness will always persevere.
But I close with reminding you that while these men sacrificed all and made the ultimate sacrifice YOU don’t need to be assassinated to fulfill yours! But what choice will YOU make today to carry forth the flame?

What is the One Song (thing) that will tell everyone what you will be remembered for?

What is the One Song (thing) that will tell everyone what you will be remembered for? Will YOU step up to and cross the Line of Intention? Or will you Walk the Line?

If you have been following my postings throughout my blog site ( of late you will have noticed that I have been focusing on making the most of the time that you have been provided with noting full well that each and every day we receive is a gift. The purpose of today’s title is not to be that of someone who has reached the end of their road and ready to meet their maker. No, the purpose of today’s title is to get you to begin to focus on what exactly you want to be remembered for. I would like to add that these thoughts should be reflected on no matter what age you are at.
Okay, so let’s break this down a bit. So many of us go through life (yes, me too) like ducks on a pond. We look really good at the surface but we are moving our legs in what seems a hundred miles an hour and yet, we go no where. What ends up happening is that we get frustrated and go look for another pond with similar results. From pond to pond to pond we go all the while the days of our lives and the sand of our hour glass keep running. Now those Eagles out there on the other hand soaring in the sky grew their wings on the way down. They did it afraid. They knew that there were bigger and greater things to be achieved than just sitting on the pond.
So let’s wrap this up… There are 2 dates in your life of major significance…the day you were born and the day you found out why. If you had to make a choice, a decision, a reality check right now as to what one thing you would do to be remembered, WHAT would it be? It would be your song, YOUR Opus! What? Now. Now is the time to really think this one through. Now is YOUR moment. Cross that Line. Don’t just walk it!
Peace. BB
Oh by the way, this is a great opportunity to provide feedback on this…don’t hold back. Think like an Eagle and let us hear from you.

Not Me…What about You?

As I sit here writing this post to you today, I am reminded of my Mentor’s wise words about sheep mentality. Clearly his summation of “herd’ mentality was so simple and yet so unique. He spoke with authority and then paused and added a simple phrase at the end of each of those sentences…”baah…baah”.  So where, you may ask, am I going with this? In conversations and writings with others, I have been emphasizing taking the “road less traveled by” and living each day because “the future started yesterday and we’re already late”.

    Each day, I continue to grow. It may be said that some are not happy with my growth, because I choose to think in a different direction. I choose to greet each new day as just that. A Happy New Day. I choose to be part of the picture and not that of the frame. You cannot see the picture when you are part of the frame. I imagine how Michelangelo stands before me as a piece of raw marble and knows that God will guide his hammer and chisel to carve out a masterpiece of me. So let’s see…
     Others may choose to live small lives…but not me! How about you?     Baah, Baah.
Others may choose to argue over small things…but not me! How about you? Baah, Baah.
I choose not to leave my future in the hands of others. How about you? Baah, Baah
I choose to strive each and every day to have the backs of those that I hold dear to me. How about you? Baah, Baah.
     There are so many things and people out there who cannot help but try to pull you down. All too often your friends will help not want you to be successful because they live in fear of you leaving them behind. I clearly think of the story of the crab in an uncovered bucket. He will get out. But you put more than one crab in that same bucket and just as it is about to get out the others pull him back in. Baah, Baah. Most of what is out there is what can be classified as “small stuff” and we need to learn how not to sweat the small stuff. When the Big Stuff occurs, that is the time to focus, but don’t let yourself get overwhelmed by the small stuff. You know, I was taught that it is all small stuff. I further, do not want others telling me what to do! There is a leadership law out there that says “People do what people see”. All too often, the other people trying to influence you are doing it wrong and it may not be their fault that they are doing it wrong as that is how they saw it. You must learn and know the difference. You must avoid the bash, baah of life.
     I am Special. You are Special. I must rise above the small things. You must rise above the small things. I must not let the small things wear me out. You must not let the small things wear you out. I must avoid the herd / flock mentality. You must avoid the herd / flock mentality.
     This upcoming week, why not join me in focusing on rising above the small things. Why not join me in getting away from Baah, Baah. If others want to cry over spilt milk, let them. If others want to leave there futures in the hands of others…LET THEM! Join me in saying and doing what is required to rise above all this and be and live the path that you were destined to.
I am and I will…What about You?
Your comments and thoughts are always welcome. Peace. BB

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Borrowed Money Can be paid back but can you say the same about Borrowed Time?

Borrowed Money Can be paid back but can you say the same about Borrowed Time?

I was watching an old movie the other day. It was one of those classics that when you see it you clearly have deep thoughts afterwards. In fact, I remember reading the novel when I was in Junior High School. Definitely quite some time ago. So you must be wondering at this point what the name of this movie / book was called. Well it was called “On Borrowed Time”. A story of how a man was able to catch Mr. Death and hold him captive and thus protect his family from the inevitable. Eventually, he was released so that time could continue to march on.

Time is a commodity in our existence that has a beginning and an ending. Time in our universe, on the other hand,has a beginning but no ending. The sands of time are never ending. Each and every one of us has the same 168 hours of time each week as the hour glass resets itself. We have been given an opportunity by our birth to travel on a journey of life that has numerous destinations. Unfortunately, all too often, we get side tracked along the way. While we are young, we handle everything as if tomorrow is such a long way off. As I remember the quote from Dickens’ classic novel “A Tale of Two Cities” that it was the best of times and it was the worst of times. I take it a step further and say that regardless, it is the times.

Time does and will continue to march on. And if we are not careful, it will be gone in our lives to be carried away, just as the wind comes and goes. My first call to action for you this day, yes, this very day is to take action and plan out your time. That means that you need to write down everything that you need to accomplish and to set up your plan of action to take advantage of the time allotted. If you are not used to writing things down, you have two solutions: Either Change or get someone to help you make that list. You need to understand that procrastination is not your friend. Decide what is urgent vs important. Urgent means now! Important while not urgent must be actioned on a timely schedule. Decide that other people’s distractions cannot become your distractions. YOU must control YOUR time. Once time has come and gone, you cannot pay it back as if it were money that you borrowed. You cannot continue to live “On Borrowed Time”.

What are those distractions that can cause you to become sidetracked and off course? Well the list is virtually endless ranging from illness, fatigue, war to just plain procrastination. The “I’ll do it tomorrow” syndrome can be very contagious better known as the Scarlet O’Hara syndrome from the movie “Gone With the Wind”. The thinking that it is ok because you have plenty of time to get it done or that it won’t affect you if you put it off. Well, that is all well and good if you have lots of time! The challenge is that none of us knows just how much time we have. What is most important (and sometimes it takes a life time to figure out) is to determine what your why is. To determine what the dash between your dates is to be and then go after it with all the energy and gusto that you have. I will cover that in another post which will also include the “why” of what you spend your time on.

Get yourself an accountability partner who will hold you accountable to time. I hate to say this to you but your life depends upon it. As a fully certified Teacher, Trainer and Coach of the John Maxwell Team, I can help you to make the most of your time. Contact me today at [email protected]

The choice is yours but the results that will follow will be timeless…Peace. BB


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It’s Not About Position, but more about Empowerment. Where do you fit in?…

It’s Not About Position, but more about Empowerment. Where do you fit in (and what are you doing about it)?

Proverbs 17:2 states that it is better to be a wise slave than a foolish son.

For those who know and follow the teachings of John C. Maxwell, we know that to not study the maxims is to position yourself for something less than success.. Mind you, through trial and error you may eventually get to success but at what cost? John has stated that Leadership is Influence, nothing more, nothing less. And to that end, it is paramount that you study and learn the 5 Levels of Leadership. Level 1 begins where so many are stuck. The belief that leadership is based on your position. It might be your position at work, on a community board, or in your family. All too often, you hear people who want to move up the ladder saying that when they get the position, they will study the Leadership. What does in fact happen, all too often, is that the individual gets the “position” and forgets that they need the leadership. They have arrived and thus it is assumed that they now know what they need to know. Positional Leadership is not a safe level to be at as you don’t have the buy in of your team. You may think that you do but your really don’t.

Our influence has less to do with our position or title than it does with the empowering others along the way life we live. It’s not about position but more so about production. While it is so important that we continue to educate ourselves to be better leaders and managers, it is extremely important to continually strive to empower people along the way. This is a major difference than just us holding a position. This is the key to the road of credibility that we must attain. Remember that you don’t want to just think that you have arrived because you have reached your Level 1 position. If you have hopes of being successful and building upon that credibility then you need to work towards the higher levels. At this point, I draw your attention to John’s book the 360 Degree Leader. Leaders need to understand that it is NOT about the Leader. It is about the Team which is made up of many Leaders. You must seek to empower, teach and train above, below and sideways of where you are in your Organization. The maxim of thinking that if you keep those around you weak, that you will remain in a position of strength is just flat out WRONG! Your strength will weaken just as that of Sampson after the haircut.

I want to ask you 5 questions:

1. Consistency: Are you the same person no matter who is with you?
2. Choices: Do you make decisions based on how they benefit you or others?
3. Credit: Are you quick to recognize others for their efforts when you succeed?
4. Character: Do you work harder at your image or your integrity?
5. Credibility: Have you recognized that credibility is a victory, not a gift?

My call to action is to ask you to first determine where you are personally at regarding the 5 Levels of Leadership. Once you have made that determination, I ask you to evaluate and be honest with yourself as to whether you are empowering others. Truly empowering others. Of course, you will need to have a copy of the 5 Levels of Leadership and the 360 Degree Leader.

Contact me today at [email protected] and let’s arrange adding you to a Mastermind Group where you can interact with others as we seek to learn how to be better at “empowering” and less about position. Peace. BB

A Commitment to Commitment. That is what separates us from the rest.

A Commitment to Commitment. That is what separates us from the rest.

There are many things which drive us in life. In fact, there are many things which we drive away from as well. One of these is that of commitment. Commitment to oneself and just as important is commitment to others. I think back to a film I once saw called “1776” which of course was based on the early days leading to the Declaration of Independence. All throughout the film we are reminded of how much is at stake and how all the signers of the Declaration realized that they were pledging and putting everything on the line for the greater cause. One of the most important lines I remember from this film was about commitment as follows: “Commitment, commitment. There are only two creatures of value on the face of this earth – those with a commitment and those who require the commitment of others.

So what is commitment? What is commitment all about? To each person, commitment has a different meaning.

How many marathon runners can you remember seeing giving up before they reach the finish line? I am sure that they are all tired well before the finish line. How many stories have you heard of soldiers charging up that hill not fully knowing what was waiting at the top or if they would even reach the top? But one thing is clearly the case and true…everyone you lead depends on you.

1. Heart. I remember watching the movie “The Replacements” and at a particular point when all seemed lost, the coach was asked what it would take to turn things around. His reply was “Heart, miles and miles of heart” Well that is where commitment starts, in your heart! You can’t wait for everything to be perfect before you start to do anything. Look into your heart before you do anything else. Heart is what separates good from great.

2. Action. There is an age old adage that states “I can’t hear what you’re saying because your actions speak louder than words”. Well this one saying basically sums up its effect on commitment. You either are doing it and thus your commitment shows or you are not.

3. Achievement. How many times will you get up after you are knocked down? The answer always is one more time!

Let’s reflect here for a moment. There is no room for coping out. If you have not set any goals you will not know what to commit to. Stop Holding Out. You can only be afraid for just so long. Shoot for your goals by committing to them. Give up any urge what so ever to be a drop out. Yes, it is going to be tough but that is why the caterpillar turns into the beautiful butterfly because it was tough to get out of that cocoon. Or as J F Kennedy said in one of his speeches. We are not doing this because it is easy but because it is hard. You need to be “all in” and you need to commit “all out”. Are you so committed to your commitment that you are prepared to give your life for it? I hope that it does not come to that but that is what it is all about.

My call to action for you is to sit down with a pad of paper and write down your goals. If you don’t have any or many, come up with some. Then determine which ones are the most important and set a plan in place to action them. Get yourself a coach. Yes, a coach. If you look around you will find that the most successful people out there do in fact have coaches. If you don’t presently have one, contact me at [email protected] and we can talk further on this as I am fully certified to help you.

Your Comments always welcome.

Peace. BB

Are you focused on others or just on You?

Are you focused on others or just on You?

It would not be fair of me to write about you so instead I will write about me in the First Person. You see, I learned a long time ago that when you point a finger at someone, there are 3 fingers pointing back at you. But again, I said that I will write this in the first person, ME!

Have you ever thought about “charisma”? Well, I have. I have asked myself many times, just what is it that causes others to want to be with or follow someone else. Well this is a Leadership article but let me take it a step further. We use the word Leadership so freely these days that we think that we all have it. Oopps, I said that I would write this in the first person, didn’t I? So, I have a title. I have a position. And naturally, I assume (dangerous word to use) that I am a Leader. Recently, I learned to use a different word when it comes to leadership. And that descriptive word is “influencer”. How does my leadership allow me to influence others to the point where they want to follow me? In many ways, another word that will compliment this is charisma.

How can I have charisma? I need to be more concerned about making others feel good about themselves than I am about making them feel good about me. I have found it so much better doing things under a spirit of approval than that of a spirit of criticism.

I used to think that charisma was a mystical word that only certain people had. Some think that it is. But charisma is like a magnet that attracts all or most anyway to you. So clearly, this charisma thing is something that can and should be developed. Again, as I write this, in the first person, I clearly describe me now versus the me I was…

1. Do I love life? Well I do now. I used to be a miserable and grumpy person. Why, because I thought that to be a good leader I needed to be so. I thought that the lack of a smile and a staunch hard attitude would make me respected and appreciated. The only thing that I found out was that I was feared and that I tended to be depressed a lot. Now, I am passionate about life. And I try to help people to be about their lives. There is just too much negativity in this world and that is not what it is meant to be.

2. Treat people like each and every one of them is a “10”. Now let me tell you, that I run into some people who I sometimes wonder about. Well if I had a mirror, that was what I used to look like. Today, I try to see the good in everyone and to help them see the best that is in each of them.

3. It’s all about “HOPE”. This is an acronym that I have learned about. While the word in and of itself has deep meaning, when broken down, its meaning becomes more unique. HOPE stands for Helping Other People Excel. I need to be a dealer in HOPE.

4. The greatest thing that I have learned to become is that of a “Server”. I used to be a follower of that famous radio station “WIIFM” (What’s in it for me). Today, I am a follower of “WIIFO” (What’s in it for others). I am much happier helping others. I am much happier giving of myself be it wisdom, resources etc. In fact, my main push in life, my Why, is that of helping others thru a Magnificent Obsession.

So I have written this in the first person…ME! I challenge you to ask yourself, how you rate yourself when it comes to charisma. How do you rate when it comes to Pride, Insecurity, Moodiness, Perfectionism and most importantly, Cynicism?

In closing, join me in working at some simple things to improve your charisma…
-Change your focus
-Play the first impression game
-Share yourself

Help people feel welcome around you and help them to know that you are sorry when they have to leave.

Let me know your thoughts and comments. Write to me at [email protected] or leave your thoughts here on Facebook. What will YOU do today to effect YOU today that will have an affect on others?

Your Foundation is built on the Rock of Your Character

Thursday 28 August 2014
Your Foundation is built on the Rock of Your Character
All leaders, no matter what, will go through and have gone through circumstances of life. How often, I have heard people say, well under the circumstances… What I have learned is to ask and please note that I ask myself as well…who gave you / me permission to be under there?
Crisis and adversity will lead you to a crossroads. The path that you choose to take will define you and either make or break you. Will you choose the path of character or will you choose the path of compromise? Every time you choose character, you grow stronger. Every time you choose character you realize that it may have negative consequences but you know that you have chosen the right path. The development of your character is not only important in your development as a leader but no less in the development of you as a human being.
Integrity is a word but the actions you put behind it are the real indicators of your character. Your character determines who you are. It determines how you see things and how you deal with things. John Maxwell wrote an entire book to show that Talent is never enough. While you are born with talents or you develop the gifts of your talents, they are never enough if you don’t use your character to go with them. True Leadership always involves the interaction of other people. Those whom you are supposedly leading will not trust you if you have or show a flawed character. As a successful leader, you cannot allow yourself to fall into the quicksand of arrogance and other destructive flaws. This is a terrible price to pay for a weak character.
But know that it is never too late. If you find yourself, in a character compromise situation…take a time out. John Maxwell has said many times that if you are in over your head it doesn’t matter how deep the water is. I like to take this one step further, especially as you take a time out to assess your situation. If you find yourself in over your head, try standing up and taking a step forward. Make every effort to find any potential cracks in yourself. Look for weaknesses in yourself. Be prepared to face the music and make amends with those that you must face. And last but never least, rebuild. Getting a do over is always important and ensure that you have created a plan to move forward.
Your character is so important not just on the outside but on your inside. Remember that your character inspires confidence in others and most importantly in YOU!  igibrat001p4
As always, I look forward to your comments and feedback. Post here or on my Facebook Leadership page or email me at [email protected]. Peace. BB