I want to make it quite clear that this is a site dedicated to bringing Leadership to the forefront of you and your everyday lives. This is not a site to express the religious beliefs of any one particular religion. I will be using this section of my site to bring you points and excerpts from John Maxwell’s Leadership Bible. John has taken the Bible and gone into great in depth study of how Leadership has had a great impact on so much of Biblical History. To that end, I will directly quote from this book and also paraphrase as required.
With any and all of my entries, I look very favorably to your comments and feedback. Peace. BB (Bermuda Bob)
Tuesday 25 August 2015
We are at a point in history where The Almighty must invoke the Law of Navigation and help Leaders to L E A D – Revelation 11:3-13
In John Maxwell’s Book, the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership is Law #4, The Law of Navigation which states: Anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course. Vision is defined as the ability to see the whole trip before leaving the dock. A leader will also see obstacles before others do. A leader sees more, sees farther, and sees before others. A navigator (leader) listens – he finds out about grassroots level reactions. Navigators balance optimism with realism. Preparation is the key to good navigation. “It’s not the size of the project, it’s the size of the leader that counts.”
As you read through my essay, I’d like you to keep in mind four ideas:
- The laws can be learned. Some are easier to understand and apply than others, but every one of them can be acquired.
- The laws can stand alone. Each law complements all the others, but you don’t need one in order to learn another.
- The laws carry consequences with them. Apply the laws, and people will follow you. Violate or ignore them, and you will not be able to lead others.
- These laws are the foundation of leadership. Once you learn the principles, you have to practice them and apply them to your life.
As I continue to listen to the news from around the world it continues to become all the more clear to me that once again the need for Leadership and not just management is at the forefront of necessity. Because I am old enough, I am able to think back to younger days when I read the Classic Books by Orwell “1984” and Huxley’s “Brave New World”. Now both of these stories were written well before their time and interestingly enough much of what was written by them has been coming to pass and indeed passing us. We have just been through a period of internet data being monitored by our “Big Brother” and seemingly our populations are being divided by the “haves” and the “have-nots”.
We are in a predicament. We have and continue to elect leaders who are not leading. Oh mind you, they think they are leading but their course is not clear. Their actions or lack of actions are not clear. And unfortunately, the Checks and Balances that should be clear are in limbo.
My statement is but a brief synopsis of world events. It remains for you to fill in the blanks as to what is going on and who is shooting at who. The Enemy is at the Gate and we are not paying attention. But I am grateful to believe that in times of Crisis that Grand Overall Designer (God) will continue to raise up leaders who will indeed Navigate and Chart the course needed. Why do I believe this? Well if I don’t and you don’t we are in worse trouble. For the World will always need someone(s) to practice the Law of Navigation. The spiritual vacuum in the world will call for leaders to correct, connect and direct the people back on course to God and to reality. We must hold our leaders accountable and help them raise up their respective lids and levels of awareness to chart the course for everyone. Are we ready and are we aware? If you thought the book of Revelation was scary, the Book of What’s Happening Now is just as or more so.
In closing, I ask you as Leaders to ponder not just world events but your own local and personal events and then determine how your leadership stacks up and do you know what course to navigate? It’s not too late!
Peace. BB Your thoughts and comments always welcome.
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Tuesday 31 March 2015 (An Annual Repost During Easter Week)
The Greatest Story of Victory and not just under Friday Night Lights
This story of Values started many years ago on a chilly night when a Star shone brightly in the East where in a manger lay a baby wrapped in swaddling. The long awaited Savior and Messiah had arrived. Not much is really known about the first 30 years of His life for it was the final 3 years by which the Greatest Story would be told and for which we today are the victors because of it. My analogy of using the phrase “Friday Night Lights” is to bring to the forefront that when the clock hits 0:00 and you have not crossed the goal line, that Victory has not been achieved. This would not be the case for the Man called Jesus, the Christ for when the clock struck 0:00 in His Life, that He did indeed cross the goal line and with it He took the sting out of death.
Today is the anniversary of this event that we refer to as Good Friday. And for many of us, we will be at our places of worship under those Friday Night Lights to honor His death and crucifixion and await the glorious 3rd Day that we celebrate as Easter. While my faith and beliefs are strong, I strive always to write here from a Leadership perspective and I will endeavor to do so in this article. I write of a Man who was both a “server” and a “leader”. Jesus was the true and perfect example of what Transformational Leadership is all about.
There are so many of the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership that apply but I will speak to several of these laws and how Jesus exemplified both being a Leader and showing Leadership. Law #2 The Law of Influence-Leadership is not Title, Position, Power or Stature. It is Influence, nothing more, nothing less. Clearly this man came into the world and left this world with innocense. He certainly influenced many before but certainly many more after. Law #4 The Law of Navigation. Anyone can steer a ship but it takes a Leader to chart a course. Well 2000+ years later we are still following a course established. Law #10 The Law of Connection-Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand. Well 2000+ years later, the number of hearts that have been touched on a daily basis….and the number of hands that have reached out to others during this journey. Law #11 The Law of the Inner Circle– A leader’s potential is determined by those closest to him. Who could have guessed that a few “fishers of men” would go on to carry forward the message that would reach the whole world? Law #18 The Law of Sacrifice– The Leader must give up to Go Up. Well there can be no greater love than to give up one’s own life. Jesus gave up His life so we could have ours back. He died like us so we could live like Him. In our own very lives the best leaders have been those who have been the best servers and have humbled themselves and exalted others. The mark of a true leader is that a Leader will pay any price to get the job done.
I will close with that of the Law of Legacy. A Leader’s lasting value is measured by Succession. Anyone can make an organization look good for the moment or be a “flash in the pan”. But legacy leaders take a different approach. They are tomorrow people while keeping today in mind. The lasting legacy of what this Man did for us is clearly measured by how well each succeeding generation has evolved after His leaving.
1. decided ahead of time what He was willing to give up
2. took the initiative to start the process
3. established goals and priorities with each of his disciples
4. knowing his Death was nigh prepared to pass the baton. And pass it He did.
Jesus, invited, led by leading and showing
He invited His disciples to come and see
He asked them to follow Him
He asked them to commit to Him
So, as I get ready to go to my House of Worship and Live the Friday night lights, I ask you to take a few moments to ponder these laws and facts. If you are a believer, than please remember what this day is all about. Know that even though the clock is about to hit 0:00 that the sands of God’s Hour Glass never run out. Remember that Tomorrow Starts Now and that the Future Started Yesterday and we are already Late.
Have a Blessed and Wonderful Easter. Peace to all of You. BB
Wednesday 25 March 2015
Into Each Life a Little Rain Must Fall but the Light Overcomes the Darkness (How 1 Person can make a Difference)
I start out my story by prefacing that I am a teacher of Transformational Leadership who teaches with Intention and teaches you to be Intentional. Thus, I must state that while I am a Christian, that this writing from a Leadership perspective, should be appreciated from that perspective be you of any other faith or denomination.
We are once again, coming to the end of the Lenten Period (a 40 day and night period of what is supposed to be centered around fast and abstinence) that will culminate in what has come to be known as “The Greatest Story Ever Told”. The time when Jesus of Nazareth would be arrested, brought to trial and condemned to death and for those who believe, His Resurrection on the 3rd Day.
My story starts many, many years prior to that. It starts with a man who at the time was known to be 950 years old. It starts with Noah (Gen. 8:21). According to scripture, God was very unhappy with the way that mankind was living. He truly felt that wickedness and evil would continue to flourish. So much so that the Lord stated that He was grieved and said “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.” Now I don’t know about you, but this was about to have catastrophic effects. But one man, Noah (who lived a righteous life) found favor with the LORD. The LORD instructed Noah to build an ark large enough to carry Noah, his family and a pair of each of the animals of the earth. And so Noah set out to build the ark which of course brought great negativity to him as it appears that the earth up to that time had never known rain. And so the ark was built and so the LORD brought the rain. And it rained for 40 days and nights and washed away all the evil of the world. But God had made a covenant with Noah that He would never do this again and as a sign would remind all thru the rainbow.
My story now shifts to a time many, many years ago and many, many generations later to the area around Jerusalem. A time of Roman Rule and a time of great darkness. But in this case, the Lord God decided not to send another flood for destruction but rather to send His Son who would be a light to the world. The Story of His coming is explained in other stories and at a different time of the year. This story impacts on the fact that when Jesus had grown up and was about to embark on his appointed mission that He must first sharpen and hone His leadership skills. And so He went out into the desert for 40 days and 40 nights. And when He returned from this journey, Jesus began to be that Light that pierced the darkness. For in the book of John it is clearly stated “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life” and “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world might be saved through Him.”
Here is where God made a change in sending one to pay for all the sins and troubles of the world then, now and forever, rather than the previous way of total destruction. Jesus would show leadership throughout His 3 years of missionary work right up to the moment of his crucifixion and again through His rising. For while there are those who may still prefer to remain in darkness, always know that the light will dispel the darkness. God continues to maintain His covenant and established a new covenant through that of His Son.
Everything truly does rise and fall on leadership. Initially, one person made a difference but because of His Leadership, one has turned into many. As previously stated, this is referred to as the Greatest Story Ever Told and I encourage you to read up on the many signs and stories of this leadership that has helped so many to come out of the darkness into the light. Remember that you can count the seeds in an Apple but you cannot count the Apples in a single seed.
Monday 3 November 2014
It’s Not About Position, but more about Empowerment
Proverbs 17:2 states that it is better to be a wise slave than a foolish son.
For those who know and follow the teachings of John C. Maxwell, we know that to not study the maxims is to position yourself for something less than success.. Mind you, through trial and error you may eventually get to success but at what cost? John has stated that Leadership is Influence, nothing more, nothing less. And to that end, it is paramount that you study and learn the 5 Levels of Leadership. Level 1 begins where so many are stuck. The belief that leadership is based on your position. It might be your position at work, on a community board, or in your family. All too often, you hear people who want to move up the ladder saying that when they get the position, they will study the Leadership. What does in fact happen, all too often, is that the individual gets the “position” and forgets that they need the leadership. They have arrived and thus it is assumed that they now know what they need to know. Positional Leadership is not a safe level to be at as you don’t have the buy in of your team. You may think that you do but your really don’t.
Our influence has less to do with our position or title than it does with the empowering others along the way life we live. It’s not about position but more so about production. While it is so important that we continue to educate ourselves to be better leaders and managers, it is extremely important to continually strive to empower people along the way. This is a major difference than just us holding a position. This is the key to the road of credibility that we must attain. Remember that you don’t want to just think that you have arrived because you have reached your Level 1 position. If you have hopes of being successful and building upon that credibility then you need to work towards the higher levels. At this point, I draw your attention to John’s book the 360 Degree Leader. Leaders need to understand that it is NOT about the Leader. It is about the Team which is made up of many Leaders. You must seek to empower, teach and train above, below and sideways of where you are in your Organization. The maxim of thinking that if you keep those around you weak, that you will remain in a position of strength is just flat out WRONG! Your strength will weaken just as that of Sampson after the haircut.
I want to ask you 5 questions:
1. Consistency: Are you the same person no matter who is with you?
2. Choices: Do you make decisions based on how they benefit you or others?
3. Credit: Are you quick to recognize others for their efforts when you succeed?
4. Character: Do you work harder at your image or your integrity?
5. Credibility: Have you recognized that credibility is a victory, not a gift?
My call to action is to ask you to first determine where you are personally at regarding the 5 Levels of Leadership. Once you have made that determination, I ask you to evaluate and be honest with yourself as to whether you are empowering others. Truly empowering others. Of course, you will need to have a copy of the 5 Levels of Leadership and the 360 Degree Leader.
Contact me today at [email protected] and let’s arrange adding you to a Mastermind Group where you can interact with others as we seek to learn how to be better at “empowering” and less about position. Peace. BB
Tuesday 22 July 2014
A Leader must Give Up to Go Up and Moses was no exception. (Read on in my concluding Part II on Moses going from perceived greatness to Real Greatness. What are you prepared to give up to go up today?)
Exodus 3:1 – 4:13
Part II
In Part I we discussed how important it is for a leader to ensure to not only have your ladder up against the right wall but to ensure that it is as safe a climb as possible while you determine the price that you are willing to pay.
For those of you that know the story of Moses (watching the annual Ten Commandants with Charlton Heston will give you a great deal of insight), you will know that he was born of a Hebrew woman and cast adrift in a basket of reeds on the Nile River in hopes that he would be found and raised by another. As fate would have it, he was found and raised in the House of Pharaoh to become a Prince with much wealth, education and favor. Along with that raising was a great deal of pride and at times arrogance that can come with positions of power. But eventually, Moses would be found out as to his true relationship to the Hebrew people and ended up being exiled into the desert.
But you see, it was the fact, that Moses was in the desert that allowed him the quiet, solitude and time for 40 years of reflection. Thus, when God approached Moses through the Burning Bush, Moses had grown quiet enough in himself to be able to hear the soft voice of God. We in our journey to rush up that ladder don’t seem to focus on God’s voice speaking to us. And this can and will cause a slip or two on those rungs we must negotiate.
God’s communication with Moses came at a time when Moses had lost his cockiness and in fact when the Lord stated that Moses was to bring His people out of Egypt, Moses questioned his ability to do so. But it is in hunger for something (the desire to ensure that your ladder is up against the correct wall and the desire to ensure that you are able to climb to the top with success awaiting at the top) that would drive Moses.
Thus to conclude, there will be times that we must put our pride aside, we must get over our doubt and our fear. Life is full of trade offs. We must realize that time must be factored in. Will there be rejection by those we are trying to help? How much sacrifice are you willing to put into the path that you have chosen? So if you desire to lead. If you hope to fulfill the purpose for which you have been created and put on this Earth by God then you must always ensure that you have put your ladder up against the correct wall and be prepared that the journey you take is never alone. For even a soloist has a co-pilot over his shoulder.
Monday 7 July 2014
A Leader must Give Up to Go Up and Moses was no exception.
Exodus 3:1 – 4:13 Part I.
Part I
In a recent Podcast of mine, Leadership Episode 13, “If you are just focusing on climbing the ladder, make sure it’s up against the right wall”, I discussed climbing the ladder and the potential Leadership perils. I continue that journey is this article of my Leadership and the Bible series by examining further that the desire to climb the ladder hoping and thinking that freedom and power await at the top by saying and emphasizing that leadership really truly requires sacrifice.
Leaders on the way up must in many cases give up their rights regardless of profession. On any given day, if you discuss this with a leader, you will find out just how many sacrifices have been made on the road to success. And one thing is for sure, the higher the climb, the more sacrifices that were made. These sacrifices are an ongoing process and not a one time deal. Circumstances may change but the principles involved do not.
So let me pause here for a moment and ask you a question…What price are You willing to Pay to become a more effective Leader? Leaders that I have been describing are usually so busy focusing and pursuing the vision that they don’t take much of their time thinking about it. They just do what needs to be done and get it done. No one and I mean no one achieves success without sacrifice!
Now you may be wondering what this has to do about Leadership and the Bible. Well, we are focusing on Moses. As we follow the story in Exodus we can clearly see and appreciate that by the end of the story he did indeed give up much and sacrifice much to ultimately get where he got.
Be sure to check back for Part II as we further discover the sacrifices that a Leader who was given the World gave up much to follow the path that was set out for his further greatness…
Tuesday 27 May 2014
There will be times where you may be alone by telling the truth.
1 Kings 17:1 – 18:40
To be certain, when you tell the truth from the outset, you will never have to remember what you said. Herein lies the story and ordeals that faced Elijah, the Prophet. Clearly in so many cases, he stood alone as he spoke the truth.
During the time of Elijah, idolatry in Israel was running rampant. It was a sad time in Israel with drought and famine prevalent. It was clear that due to the lack of leadership and wickedness on the part of King Ahab that many of the people themselves turned their backs on the Lord God and began to worship Baal. Elijah being empowered as a true prophet and having been truthful throughout tried to show the Leadership the correct path to take. But this was not to be. As such, Elijah consumed with hoody indignation prayed that no rain was to fall on Israel. And for more than three years not a drop of rain would fall. Crops would wither and the people starve.
In a show of strength, Elijah would call down fire from heaven and destroy the idol Baal and over 450 of Baal’s so called priests. This is but a small part of the story and saga of the Prophet Elijah. What is important is to realize the courage and truthfulness. The ability to pray for judgement on his own people. To continually confront a king who was wicked and looked only to himself. To not flinch and be able to stand up to multitudes of false prophets.
Let me add to this the power of telling the truth. To tell the truth is to always be in a position to never have to remember what you said in the first place. Although Elijah was called to heaven by the Lord many, many years ago, his story still proclaims to all that True Leadership may mean that you will need to stand alone even when speaking the truth is difficult or not popular.
My call to action, is for you to relate today’s story to what is going on in your country. How your country’s leadership is performing or your perception of not performing. So when it all boils down…when you tell the truth you will never have to remember what you said.
Friday 18 April 2014
The Greatest Story of Victory and not just under Friday Night Lights
This story of Values started many years ago on a chilly night when a Star shone brightly in the East where in a manger lay a baby wrapped in swaddling. The long awaited Savior and Messiah had arrived. Not much is really known about the first 30 years of His life for it was the final 3 years by which the Greatest Story would be told and for which we today are the victors because of it. My analogy of using the phrase “Friday Night Lights” is to bring to the forefront that when the clock hits 0:00 and you have not crossed the goal line, that Victory has not been achieved. This would not be the case for the Man called Jesus, the Christ for when the clock struck 0:00 in His Life, that He did indeed cross the goal line and with it He took the sting out of death.
Today is the anniversary of this event that we refer to as Good Friday. And for many of us, we will be at our places of worship under those Friday Night Lights to honor His death and crucifixion and await the glorious 3rd Day that we celebrate as Easter. While my faith and beliefs are strong, I strive always to write here from a Leadership perspective and I will endeavor to do so in this article. I write of a Man who was both a “server” and a “leader”. Jesus was the true and perfect example of what Transformational Leadership is all about.
There are so many of the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership that apply but I will speak to several of these laws and how Jesus exemplified both being a Leader and showing Leadership. Law #2 The Law of Influence-Leadership is not Title, Position, Power or Stature. It is Influence, nothing more, nothing less. Clearly this man came into the world and left this world with innocense. He certainly influenced many before but certainly many more after. Law #4 The Law of Navigation. Anyone can steer a ship but it takes a Leader to chart a course. Well 2000+ years later we are still following a course established. Law #10 The Law of Connection-Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand. Well 2000+ years later, the number of hearts that have been touched on a daily basis….and the number of hands that have reached out to others during this journey. Law #11 The Law of the Inner Circle– A leader’s potential is determined by those closest to him. Who could have guessed that a few “fishers of men” would go on to carry forward the message that would reach the whole world? Law #18 The Law of Sacrifice– The Leader must give up to Go Up. Well there can be no greater love than to give up one’s own life. Jesus gave up His life so we could have ours back. He died like us so we could live like Him. In our own very lives the best leaders have been those who have been the best servers and have humbled themselves and exalted others. The mark of a true leader is that a Leader will pay any price to get the job done.
I will close with that of the Law of Legacy. A Leader’s lasting value is measured by Succession. Anyone can make an organization look good for the moment or be a “flash in the pan”. But legacy leaders take a different approach. They are tomorrow people while keeping today in mind. The lasting legacy of what this Man did for us is clearly measured by how well each succeeding generation has evolved after His leaving.
1. decided ahead of time what He was willing to give up
2. took the initiative to start the process
3. established goals and priorities with each of his disciples
4. knowing his Death was nigh prepared to pass the baton. And pass it He did.
Jesus, invited, led by leading and showing
He invited His disciples to come and see
He asked them to follow Him
He asked them to commit to Him
So, as I get ready to go to my House of Worship and Live the Friday night lights, I ask you to take a few moments to ponder these laws and facts. If you are a believer, than please remember what this day is all about. Know that even though the clock is about to hit 0:00 that the sands of God’s Hour Glass never run out. Remember that Tomorrow Starts Now and that the Future Started Yesterday and we are already Late.
Have a Blessed and Wonderful Easter. Peace to all of You. BB
Friday 21 March 2014
Leaders should and must look in the mirror from time to time. Matthew 6: 1-34
It would seem that we live in unique times. The news abounds on any given day about what our Leaders are doing or fail to be doing. Of course, it is usually the political leaders that we pay the most attention to but Leaders come in all shapes and sizes. They come from many different avenues of our society…business, political, education, military, law enforcement, religious just to name a few.
Regardless of from what venue leaders derive, one thing that must be attended to by all leaders is a “Motive Check”. Leaders Must Do the Right Thing for the Right Reason! Perhaps you were curious as to why I stated in my title that Leaders need to look in the mirror once in awhile. Well the main reason is to check themselves out. Yes, that is correct. Leaders can so easily get caught up in doing things for image sake. In case we forget, leaders are being watched by so many people and when you least expect it.
One of the lessons that I teach from John Maxwell’s Book “Everyone Communicates. Few Connect” is to ask leaders when does “first impression” mode cease. After some thought and discussion, the answer clearly comes forth that first impression mode never ends. I can remember being taught that you have 8-10 seconds to make a first impression and that may be true with those that you are speaking with up close but clearly we always have to remember that as Leaders we are being observed by people we don’t even know are observing us.
Sometimes as Leaders, we forget and get caught up in facades and hypocrisy. You remember the scripture (loosely translated) that those who fast should not show that they are fasting and that those who have title should not walk around flaunting it. We are compelled as Leaders to ensure that we do good, give to charity, prioritize what we do and ensure that our values are in order. Of course, as this is a Leadership and the Bible posting, we should also realize that prayer is of immense importance. For those who may not have prayed in a while, it couldn’t hurt to try it again for the first time.
But the most important part of this posting is to remind Leaders of the need to establish, define and action the Core Values.
1. Do the right thing for the right reasons
2. Pray God’s Agenda and not your own
3. Relationships will make or break you (Sounds like an Inner Circle statement)
4. Prioritize Eternal things
5. Don’t sweat the small stuff (and it’s all small stuff)
6. God’s Kingdom is paramount. Seek it
7. Judge yourself before you judge others
8. If you need something…ask. If you have something…Give
9. Stay true to YOUR Convictions. Stay the path
10. Obedience to God is the only sure foundation for life.
In closing, how many of the Leadership Laws can you deduce from this above list? If you are a leader or looking to become a leader, there is no time like NOW to do what you need to do to become that leader. Remember the law that people first buy into the leader and then they buy into the vision.
What are your thoughts? Send me your comments. Peace. BB
Friday 31 January 2014
God Can Use Even a Reluctant Leader Johah 3: 1-3
Water tends to seek its own level and most of us usually prefer to choose the path of Least Resistance. It is because of this that we tend to be reluctant when it comes to running the gauntlet .
Such was true when God called upon Jonah to take up the call and seek to cause Nineveh to repent of their sins. This was not to be an easy task but God was looking to form a divine partnership that would allow God to work thru Jonah and show His Strength and compassion. There are many times in live that we too tend to ignore our inner voice and run not walk from that task. And it is in that running that we tend to stumble and fall. This was to happen clearly to Jonah. He was given a choice: Help God in His Glory or end up in the Big Fish. I think you can imagine that the Fish was not the most pleasant of options. Eventually, Jonah came to his senses and went about God’s task of helping to bring repentance of sins in Nineveh. And as a result, God was compelled to spare Nineveh from destruction.
We as Leaders may not always understand why God wants them to do certain things but we should and must realize that it is not through our understanding but more to the obedience of His instructions. One can only think as to what the results may have been in the annals of history had Jonah not come to his senses and followed God’s plans. One can only imagine in our daily lives what the outcomes could and would be if we would give up our reluctance and follow that of our inner voice.
Thank God, that most of the time He gives us a 2nd Chance to get it right. Kind of like a “do over”. My call to action for you is to think of those times you have been reluctant and ask you to decide moving forward….God’s Plan or the Big Fish!
Peace. BB
Sunday 13 October 2013
Do You Stand on Your Convictions or allow yourself to be on the Chain Gang?
Our attitude makes the difference in our life more than anything else. And all things being equal, when we have a healthy and positive attitude, we we will prevail over those with the lousy attitude. Now attitude cannot replace talent but it is the difference maker. That is why “talent” is never enough! Now part of that evolves around Ethics and hand in hand this revolves around your Convictions.
Literally translated, a conviction is a strong belief that so governs your decisions that you are willing to die for it (them). And if we study history, we will see that there were / are many leaders who changed the world because of their convictions. In Scripture, we have a number of examples, such as that of Elijah in his conquering of the False prophets of Baal and his defeat by Jezebel. The Story of Joseph and his dealings with his brothers, being sold into slavery, etc. to his rise as Pharaoh’s trusted advisor. And lastly, to the Story of David and Bathsheba where the real hero of the story is that of her husband, Uriah, who refused to stray from his convictions. All of us live with personal convictions – which are our views of what is right and wrong. There are many instances to be found in Scripture that show and explain this. What is truly unique is that every single person on Earth has a differing list of convictions (and many similarities as well). As a rule, we should think seriously and even prayerfully about our personal convictions, so as to know why we take the personal stand about the issues and our comfort within them. It is important to not judge another’s convictions as much as not to hurt anyone by our own convictions. It is important to work hard not to violate your convictions and it is ever so important to show consideration to your fellow man who have differing convictions than yours.
So what is the true definition of this word which realistically has several definitions? For the sake of this article I define both so that you are clear as to the correct meaning. This is also why I chose the title to this essay as I have. The noun…the state or appearance of being convinced; a fixed or firmly held belief, opinion etc. OR…The judgment of a jury or judge that a person is guilty of a crime as charged. And of course the person who is convicted of a crime is known as a “convict”.
Convictions become our “strong inward compass” Our ethics will show forth from out convictions. Our true colors will shine forth. I love the part of the movie “Lincoln” where in a conversation Lincoln states that a compass will always point true but if you are not prepared for all that can and will happen along the way, what good is it in knowing the true direction?
Five key points to Convictions:
1. Idea – thought and concepts which are attractive (because they are yours)
2. Opinion – Ideas that you are indeed emotionally attached to but may change as your emotions change
3. Beliefs – strong feelings that you have which are tied to emotion but based on thoughtful reflection
4. Commitment – your decision to embrace a belief or principle which is based on your emotions, mind and will
5. Conviction – that strong belief that so governs your decisions that you are willing to die for it /them
I ask you today to ponder and think of where you are going and as to what your convictions are and will be. Apply them to your daily lives. Expose yourself to relevant needs. Seek to determine what your mission in life is.
As John Maxwell has stated to us a number of times…The two most important dates of our lives are the day we were born and the day we realize why. Talk to people who have deep convictions. Expose yourself to the needs around you. Determine your life mission and values by finding your passions and the contributions you wish to make in this LIFE that you have been given. Identify who you are and whether you like who you are and have become. Do you have a healthy self esteem? And most importantly while you are working on the dash between your dates, get someone to hold you accountable to your convictions.
So in closing, work your convictions and don’t allow yourself to be on the Chain Gang of life.
Peace BB. Let me know your thoughts.
Sunday 25 August 2013
We are at a point in history where God must invoke the Law of Navigation – Revelation 11:3-13
As I was listening to the news from around the world it became clear to me that once again the need for Leadership and not just management was at the forefront of necessity. Because I am old enough, I am able to think back to younger days when I read the Classic Books by Orwell “1984” and Huxley’s “Brave New World”. Now both of these stories were written well before their time and interestingly enough much of what was written by them has indeed been coming to pass and indeed passing us. We have just been through a period of internet data being monitored by our “Big Brother” and seemingly our populations are being divided by the “haves” and the “have-nots”.
We are in a predicament. We have elected leaders who are not leading. Oh mind you, they think they are leading but their course is not clear. Their actions or lack of actions are not clear. And unfortunately, the Checks and Balances that should be clear are in limbo.
I have given a brief synopsis of world events but for you to fill in the blanks as to what is going on and who is shooting at who. The Enemy is at the Gate and we are not paying attention. But I am grateful to believe that in times of Crisis that God will continue to raise up leaders who will indeed Navigate and Chart the course needed. Why do I believe this? Well if I don’t and you don’t we are in worse trouble. For the World will always need someone(s) to practice the Law of Navigation. The spiritual vacuum in the world will call for leaders to correct, connect and direct the people back to God and to reality. God will raise up these leaders to chart the course for everyone. Are we ready and are we aware? If you thought the book of Revelation was scary, the Book of What’s Happening Now is just as or more so.
In closing, I ask you to ponder not just world events but your own backyard events and then determine how your leadership stacks up and do you know what course to navigate?
Peace. BB Your thoughts and comments always welcome.
Friday 2 August 2013
Leaders always want the ball when it is crunch time. Are you ready for the Big Play? Law of Responsibility.
This comes from 2 Samuel 13
Having read the passages of this section of 2 Samuel, it becomes quite clear that King David continues on his road to having a mere shadow of the vast leadership he once commanded. So many negatives were occurring that David appeared to show an impotence and hesitation to showing Leadership. I would suggest that you read these passages in 2 Samuel but suffice to say that from a Leadership perspective….
If you Won’t Carry The Ball, You Can’t Lead the Team!
Many of you know the game of what I will call American Football. There are many positions that make up the Offense and they must all act together as a Team to be successful. But let me state that without a Quarterback, the offense does not work. Someone has to be in charge. That someone is the Quarterback. I remember some scenes from the movie “The Replacements” where a team was being put together but everything centered around getting a quarterback. In this movie, under the tutelage of the coach (some very classic leadership lines were used) that this quarterback finally realized that everything rises and falls on Leadership. Thus, at crunch time, when the game was on the line, the Coach said to him “Well, what are we going to do?”. The Quarterback replied…”I want the ball”! To which the Coach said “Good. Leaders always want the ball when the game is on the line!”
Now as I get back to the scripture side of this…Quarterbacks are not paid to run the ball (at least not all the time), they are paid to pass and hand off based on the play that they call.
So here are 5 points key changes in David’s Leadership that showed his diminishing Leadership.
1. He no longer worked proactively, but did so passively with those closest to him.
2. He was no longer full of joy but was instead full of grief and mourning.
3. He no longer acted on his convictions but instead rationalizes everything.
4. He was no longer a problem solver but instead went about licking his wounds. Kind of like a self pity pity party.
5. He no longer had desires to move forward but instead was more paralyzed in his decisions.
I ask you today to respond back on this entry with your thoughts. Clearly as I was writing this, I saw part of myself in this. There are times when I am as strong as a Lion when it comes to leading and at other times I am looking to feel sorry for myself. What prompts me out of this is that the people I sent the Pity Party invites to never RSVP’d.
So I ask you….Are you the Quarterback and want the ball or are you…..? As for ME….Coach, put me in! I’m Ready! I Want the Ball!
Friday 5 July 2013
Do for Others What They Cannot Do for Themselves (Do you have a Multicolored Dreamcoat) – Genesis 51
I am sure that you have seen or heard of the Broadway Show, Movie etc. known as Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.
Quite a story about someone who clearly was ahead of his time but due to jealousy was plotted against. The story of Joseph would eventually lead him into prison in Egypt. He would remain in prison for quite sometime until such time that the leader of Egypt (Pharaoh) heard about him and needed him. Because of what Joseph had to offer he quickly went from prisoner to Prime Minister to Pharaoh’s right hand. He was able to do for Pharaoh what Pharaoh was not able to do for himself. Side note that this is what the Law of the Inner Circle is all about.
Just as with Joseph, all of us have gifts planted into us by the Creator that are to be used for the benefit(s) of others. Everyone has something that we all need.
So why do we not do for others what they cannot do for themselves?
1. Fear and intimidation – are we afraid we won’t measure up?
2. Pride and ego – are we too self centered with our resources?
3. Greed with our time – Do we keep score on how much we give?
4. Scarcity Mindset – Do we put a limit on the bare minimums that we will put out?
5. Lack of Vision – do we think that our actions won’t really make a difference?
Take a few moments to pause and reflect on what you do have to offer and how best to offer it. Take a few moments to realize that while you may not end up as Pharaoh’s right hand you could indeed become someone’s right hand who is in great need of that right hand. Remember the 2 most important dates in your life are the day you were born and the day you realize why.
Peace. BB
Sunday 12 May 2013
The Law of Timing…Law #19 Jesus goes to see Lazarus – John 11:1-6
I am sure that most of you know the story of Lazarus and the fact that Jesus did in fact (according to belief and scripture) raise Lazarus from the dead. Correctly that would be that Jesus would awaken Lazarus. But what many do not know is that Jesus purposefully waited and did not go running to prevent him from dying. He stayed another 2 days where he was. You see the timing was not right. There was a bigger purpose. There was a bigger plan. Jesus was feeling the pain of not going right away but He knew that the timing had to be right in order to fulfill the Father’s Plan.
Timing is everything. His followers believed that the dead would rise again on the Last Day but now that the crowds had indeed been gathering, Jesus was able to say and I quote “I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.”
Thus under the principles of the Law of Timing, by Jesus waiting for all that was to precede him to happen, the raising of Lazarus would indeed get the attention of everyone in Jerusalem.
So I ask you today, what steps and actions are you putting in place to ensure that the Law of Timing works as it should for you?
Peace. BB
Thursday 2 May 2013
The Law of Sacrifice…Law #18
God and Noah (sacrifice and covenant) Genesis 6:17,18
This writing ties in with my other posting on the Laws are the Laws. It is quite clear that some of the saddest wording in all of scripture takes place here in Genesis. Sad you may ask. Well yes, it is here that God became so saddened by mankind that He knew that He needed to do something about it. Of course, you will remember this as the story of what would amount to the Great Flood and that of the Ark. God loved the men and women that He had created. How could He do any other? It was He who created them to be like Him and to live and rule the earth and reflect His Glory.
But God realized that He was going to need to start again. He was disappointed in Mankind. He was going to do what we all look for in our lives…the opportunity to get a “Do Over”. There were no guarantees that these survivors of what was to come would be able to let alone actually do a better job. I won’t go into detail as to the story of the Flood. I will conclude that not only was Noah asked to make great sacrifice but God, He himself called upon Himself to make Great Sacrifice!
He who is knew that even HE would have to give up so that all could go up! And the fact that God extended a covenant…What a Blessing in the end.
Peace. BB
Sunday 21 April 2013
The Law of the Big Mo and the Tower of Babel
Genesis 11:4
When I first read up on this I was most intrigued as to how the Law of Momentum would have anything to do with the story of the Tower of Babel. Law #16 The Law of Momentum (which is explained in more detail in my “The Laws are the Laws” posting) clearly states that Momentum is a Leaders Best Friend.
Now the whole earth had one language and one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. Then they said to one another, “Come let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly.”….So they built a city and they built a Tower whose top reached to the heavens. Well as the story goes God was not all that pleased with this and He confused their language so that none would understand each other and cast them all over the earth. And the city and tower were called Babel because the Lord confused the language of all the earth.
Momentum is a Leader’s best friend. Unity of vision, language, and effort among the people of Babel provided tremendous momentum. Unfortunately, they used the Big Mo to go their own direction. As a result, God halted their momentum by confusing their language and scattering them to the four winds.
This is quite the story and quite the model or guideline to follow regarding your momentum. So I ask you…how will you use the Law of the Big Mo? Just remember that Momentum is easier to steer than to start.
Sunday 7 April 2013
A Leader Who Learned from His Failure and became a Rock to build on…
This week’s entry is taken from 1 Peter 1:1-5
When one clearly thinks about the name Peter, one thinks about the man who was charged with being the cornerstone of a new organization. A rock, a foundation for such that has grown for over the last 2000 years. One thinks of a man who was a stalwart and a model for all to emulate and follow. Here we have a man who stepped out on faith and out of the boat to walk on water, who witnessed the transfiguration just to name a few.
And yet…Peter if you asked him would have told you that he was indeed a failure. For did he not lose faith and begin to flounder in the water and need rescuing? Was he not also the same man who was prepared to die for a cause and most importantly for Christ himself…and yet denied him 3 times when it counted the most? If given enough time, talent and support a person will indeed grow. And grow Peter did!
His faith matured and he learned from his failures. He was filled by the Holy Spirit. For you see even the best of us will fail when we try to walk only with our own strengths and neglect that of the strength that the Holy Spirit provides.
Leadership Is Built on the Foundation of Focus and Self Discipline: Peter learned this lesson the hard way over three and a half tough years. He was transformed from being an impetuous and loud influence to that of a humble and thoughtful leader.
1. Gird your minds – Just as men would gird their loins so that their clothes would not get caught on obstructions we to need to gird our minds so that we stay focused.
2. Guard your hearts – Leaders must prevent old patterns from penetrating their hearts. Don’t let the old distract you and destroy your leadership. In today’s modern thought…work hard not to become what it was that you hated.
3. Guide your lifestyle – Leaders must pursue holiness and the only way to do that is to pursue the model that was given to us.
My call to action for you today is to provide feedback on today’s entry. Let me know what you agree with or disagree with but most importantly, tell us your thoughts and feelings on this.
Peace. BB
Thursday 21 March 2013
The Way Up is Down!
My discussion today is going to focus on the Law of Addition…”Leaders add value by serving others” taken from Mark 9:33 – 10:16.
I write this article to you today based on our approaching what many of us are going to refer to as Holy Week. But I remind all that I write this from the Leadership perspective so as to not infringe upon the beliefs of others. Please govern yourselves accordingly.
I as do many of my colleagues pride themselves on “servant leadership”. Servant Leadership is not something that comes easy and in fact takes continuous and constant work to fulfill. And it is to this that Jesus also had to deal with. Jesus had put together an Inner Circle, a Team of individuals to help him work his mission/plan. And that was part of the problem. He chose “individuals” and by that fact, they more often than not reverted back to the mentality of WIIFM (What’s in it for me). They were tasked to go out and work the mission. To go out and help others. All of them, yes ALL of them no matter how much they had done would still come back looking for heavy praise and acknowledgement. Why? Because their perceived importance was automatically hoisting them to what they considered a higher pedestal.
I am not sure if they ever fully understood what servant leadership was all about, even on the last night when Jesus took to washing each and everyone of their feet. Was this servitude? Was this humility? Was this Leadership?
It is known today that they eventually got the message but oh how much effort it took. I think it was worth it, don’t you?
In closing, His message was simple: Be Servant Leaders and add value to others by serving them. Have and exhibit humility, wonder, honesty, innocence and trust. There are 4 lessons to follow:
1. the greater the leader, the greater the servant.
2. Leaders include others when they serve.
3. Any service rendered will be rewarded.
4. Servant Leaders must become childlike.
Stay tuned for next week’s article.
What are your thoughts and comments?
Monday 11 March 2013
One Person with Courage makes a Majority
Samuel’s Influence (1 Samuel 7:1-17).
I am pleased today to bring you the interpretation directly from John Maxwell’s Leadership Bible. As we remember from the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership that one of the Laws clearly states that Leadership is Influence. Nothing More, Nothing Less! As you read the below interpretations, please realize the importance of this Law and fully note that what was successful back then is JUST as relevant and continues to work today when applied.
It didn’t take long for the Israelites to get a taste of the leadership of their new judge and prophet, Samuel. The prophet’s influence grew daily. When the people trusted him, they were delivered from the Philistines, saw the ark returned to their land, and enjoyed peace in the land. He became by far the most influential leader of his day.
But how did he gain such influence? What made everyone listen to him? At least three indispensable qualities gained him the influence he won:
1. Competence – God blessed Samuel with many gifts. He heard from the Lord, he could see the future unfold, and he wisely knew what to do in crisis. His abilities provided one reason that everyone listened to him.
2. Character – Unlike Eli, Samuel exuded integrity and honestly faced each area of his life. People trusted him and knew that he had Israel’s best interests in mind. They considered Samuel utterly trustworthy and depended upon him to intercede for them with God.
3. Connection – Samuel knew how to connect with people; he spoke their language. He expressed compassion for their predicaments and brought courage to their pursuits.
As I close this article out, we note the formula: Competence + Character + Connection = Influence. But we must also be mindful that we see woven in this formula: Wisdom, honesty, integrity, intercession, compassion and above all, COURAGE and with that anyone including you or I can be the majority that makes a difference!
Peace. BB
Saturday 2 March 2013
It is not always a requirement to fill someone else’s shoes…let alone their body armor. Or how David transformed a paralyzed army into a fighting force through the Law of Victory.
This week we are taking our Leadership and the Bible from 1 Samuel 17: 19-58
The Law of Victory: David defeats Goliath and Everyone Wins.
We all know the story of David defeating the Giant Goliath with a sling shot and stone but what you may or may not know is a little bit of the background involved. You see, David was a very small young man compared to that of King Saul or any of the other Hebrew soldiers. And certainly he was just as small as compared to that of the Philistines let alone Goliath. When the thought of David fighting Goliath was brought up, King Saul thought it ridiculous but none the less he was prepared to let him go and fight. But he felt so concerned that he gave David his own personal body armor to use. Well let your imagination run wild here as David literally was swimming in this armor. It was almost as if he was wearing a modern tank around him. EXCEPT that he could not move with it. He could not fight with it. He would have lost with it!
Well as I say the rest is history…David went up against the giant with nothing more than a sling and a stone but most importantly some very key and important concepts (7 in all) that I will mention below. Before I mention them, just remember that you can not always go into battle or run your life by trying to wear someone else’s shoes let alone their body armor!
1. His perspective differed from others. – He didn’t see what everyone else saw…an invincible giant. He saw an opportunity.
2. His methods differed from others. – He decided to use proven weapons that he knew would work, not the conventional ones.
3. His conviction differed from others. – He recognized Goliath had no covenant with God, while he felt passionately committed to God’s covenant.
4. His motives differed from others. – He heard Goliath’s threats against the God of Israel and knew God could beat him.
5. His vision differed from others. – He wanted to make Yahweh know to the world as the most powerful God on earth.
6. His experience differed from others. – He brought to the battlefield past victories over a lion and bear, not months of paralyzing fear.
7. His attitude differed from others. – He saw Goliath not as a threat too big to hit, but as a target to big to miss.
Saturday 9 February
Part of being an Effective Leader is to always have your eyes open seeking out good people.
Today’s Leadership entry is based on 2 Kings 2: 1-15 and the chemistry exuded by Elijah and Elisha.
It is no coincidence that when you look at a group of people that there are more similarities amongst them than there are differences. In fact, every one of us has a list of who and what kind of people we would like to have in our organization.
You see, while you are building your organization, the people that come forward is not solely based on what it is that you want but more so by who YOU are. Coming from the well will be more people drawn based on them having so many of the same qualities that you have.
Key here is to also point out that you will also go out and recruit people that are not like you. To that point, you must realize that they will not naturally be attracted to you. Whether they get hired ultimately is up to you. And if you think that some of the people coming forward can and could be better, perhaps it is time that you look to actually improve yourself.
Elijah used the Law of Magnetism to attract like minded people to his side. “Who you are is who you attract”.
1. Every Leader has a measure of magnetism.
2. A leader’s magnetism may impact others intellectually, emotionally, or volitionally.
Not all leaders affect people in the same way. The greatest leaders connect on multiple levels.
3. Magnetism is neither good nor bad – it depends on what a leader does with it.
Just think of and compare how Adolf Hitler used Magnetism vs how Mother Teresa did and the results.
4. A secure leader draws both similar and complementary followers
5. A Leader’s magnetism is never remains static. It will ebb and flow.
Thus in conclusion, when building that team, ensure that you have:
1. Mutual vision(s)
2. Mutual expectations
3. Mutual contributions
4. Mutual Commitment
And last but certainly not least, you need to ask yourself the question “Do you like what you see?”
You will discover much about yourself by looking at the people your leadership has been attracting. If what you observe pleases you great. But if not, all is not lost. You can grow and change in these areas of your leadership.
Saturday 2 February 2013
The Leader as a Doctor
Today’s Leadership topic based on the Bible comes from Romans 3:21-26.
We have all been to see our physician from time to time. If you are similar to me, you probably don’t go to see the physician until things really begin to get out of hand. As a result, things that may have been prevented now need to be assessed and if you are fortunate reversed. In other words…the road to recovery. And that is if it is caught in time. Far better for you to get a regular check up just as you regularly tune up your car.
So to is it when it comes to the Leader as a Spiritual Doctor. The Leader must be able to match the problem with the solution(s). It will take understanding that begins both broad and general but will become deep and personal.
Just as a doctor to be relevant must examine his patient so too must the Leader examine the individual and the situations. So as the doctor can write the prescription and course of action can the Leader write the prescription for the solution and courses of action.
Peace. BB
Saturday 26 January 2013
Generosity: Leaders Give Before they Receive (excerpt from Ecclesiastes 11:1-9)
There is no question that the concept and principles of Servant Leadership are the building blocks of those whose Leadership will rise and grow to greatness not to mention the wisdom that is gained along the way.
In the morning, sow your seed and in the evening do not withhold your hand. Solomon knew much when it came to investment. It was He who taught his leaders not only to be generous but to be last to receive while ensuring that others were given first. They knew that by following these ways that they would eventually receive more than they expected.
To that end, the wise leader would take heed to embrace and follow these truths when it came to generosity:
1. Givers Go First
2. Givers receive a return
3. The return may not (and probably won’t be) immediate
4. Giving does NOT keep us from misfortune
5. If you DO NOT give, you cannot expect a return
6. The return will be in proportion to your giving
7. The motive for giving is love for God (is this not motive enough?)
In conclusion: We have all been taught that it is better to give than to receive and we learned to do so with the expectation that there would not necessarily be an expectation. But here we learn that the good leaders knows that by giving and giving well, the abundance of God’s gifts will come back to the giver. At least that is my translation. Feel free to comment and add your thoughts to this. I look forward to hearing from you. Should you wish, email me at [email protected] or go directly to my Leadership Facebook page…
Bermuda Bob, Your Leadership Expert or BermudaLeadership441
Saturday 12 January 2013
The Law of Legacy: Jesus Raised Up Leaders
Before I get into the meat of this discussion, I need to first state and describe Law #21 The Law of Legacy of the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. That is that a Leader’s lasting value is measured by succession. Our ability as leaders will not be measured by what we built or what we established or even what we accomplished. We truly will be judged by how well the people we invested in will carry on AFTER we are gone. In fact, someday your life will be summarized in a single sentence. Now is the time for you to decide what that sentence will be.
History tells us that Jesus had a public life of about 3 years. We will call this His Public Ministry. It was during this period that He called upon the 12 to follow Him. Now of what we know of these 12 men from numerous backgrounds He cast before them a vision of what was and what was to come. The most important thing that Jesus cast out to these men was that they would need to become Leaders….”Fisher’s of Men”. Now how did these men compare? Were they the best and leading men of their neighborhoods? Were they the elite of society or would they need to learn as to what their futures and the futures of many to follow would be?
1. Jesus found these men in the course of the everyday world.
2. These men were handpicked. They were not chosen by some popularity contest. Each one of them was the “right” one.
3. Most important. These men were not just chosen to be followers but they were chosen to be LEADERS.
4. Jesus did not try to overwhelm these men with big words and language that was hard to understand. He kept it “simple”
5. These men learned of and how to be leaders by undertaking a “journey”. Jesus demonstrated His Leadership along the way as they learned.
In conclusion, I would almost equate the above to that of a newly formed government and to that of the various Ministers of the Cabinet or if in the US to the President who chooses his Secretaries of…. to help run the affairs of the country. I would even suggest that all of the above goes hand in hand with that of the Beatitudes (Mathew 5).
Your lasting value as a Leader is in your hands. Will you be remembered because of those you taught and helped and was able to pass the baton on to? Or will you be remembered NOT because you tried to do everything yourself and were afraid to allow others to be a part of?
Remember, if you think you know everything about being a leader….think again!
Saturday 5 January 2013
Jabez’s Honorable Mention (1 Chronicles 4:9,10)
God singled out one man from more than 600 others for special recognition in the genealogical lists of 1 Chronicles. Why did the Lord say Jabez lived above average? Because he modeled three qualities that make leaders rise to the top:
1. Great Ambition 2. Great Faith and 3. Great Prayer
“Now Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, and his mother called his name Jabez, saying “Because I bore him in pain. And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh that YOU would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain! So God granted him what he requested.
This is such a brief, short and yet so powerful reading. We have experienced so many leaders in our lives. If you are reading this you are a person who as either been around during the mid 1900’s or late 1900’s into the 21 century. I have seen good leaders and those that have been decreed (history has a habit of labeling people) not so good. So in this particular case, I will ask you to self refer. What is your ambition? How great is Your Faith these days? And most importantly, what is your Prayer input lately? As I get older, I find myself having more and greater conversations with my Creator. But I have learned one thing if I have learned a thousand…if you don’t ask, if you don’t seek you will not find and you will not receive. So, I would suggest that you take the very basic and simple “Prayer of Jabez” and say it a few times a day. Who knows what it will do for you? I do know what it has done for me? Peace. BB
Thank you for the reminder on things to look for in our personal leadership that may have signs of diminishing leadership.
I keep a “red nose” in my purse as a reminder to overcome my pity party!
On a day when we celebrate my Dad’s 76th birthday, I am reminded how fortunate I am to have both parents still alive and reasonably well.
Time passes, our population is getting older but there seems to be a noted change in the movement of our youth today.
The respect we have for our elders, the law, the church and many other areas seems to be disappearing in front of our eyes with our leadership around the world making questionable choices, to say the least, with corruption and violence are rife in our governments, our cities and our communities.
Poverty is blamed in many areas but was never an excuse for, amongst others, Mother Theresa to do great things for so many people.We can give similar examples of people who have suffered all kinds of violence in their youth, in their marriages, who haven’t used it as an excuse but as a catalyst to make a positive difference in their lives and the lives of others.
I personally feel the need for us to stand up and be the difference we want to see in this world, to go to our schools and communicate with our youths, to talk with our communities, our leaders, our politicians about transformational leadership; About honesty and integrity, about transparency …about values and the need to lead in times of great turmoil around the world….
We can not do this on our own but need Divine Guidance to show us how to navigate the waters of our communities at large; We need direction from God, and to God to get the courage, persistence and perseverance to make a difference…even if it is one child,one adult, one community, one leader at a time.
I believe Together we will make a difference.