The Law of Timing…Law #19 Jesus goes to see Lazarus – John 11:1-6
I am sure that most of you know the story of Lazarus and the fact that Jesus did in fact (according to belief and scripture) raise Lazarus from the dead. Correctly that would be that Jesus would awaken Lazarus. But what many do not know is that Jesus purposefully waited and did not go running to prevent him from dying. He stayed another 2 days where he was. You see the timing was not right. There was a bigger purpose. There was a bigger plan. Jesus was feeling the pain of not going right away but He knew that the timing had to be right in order to fulfill the Father’s Plan.
Timing is everything. His followers believed that the dead would rise again on the Last Day but now that the crowds had indeed been gathering, Jesus was able to say and I quote “I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.”
Thus under the principles of the Law of Timing, by Jesus waiting for all that was to precede him to happen, the raising of Lazarus would indeed get the attention of everyone in Jerusalem.
So I ask you today, what steps and actions are you putting in place to ensure that the Law of Timing works as it should for you?
Peace. BB