Some days your Momentum can come to a grinding halt BUT….

After watching the video (link below) and after a good guffaw of laughter…I could not help but think of the Law of Momentum from John Maxwell’s 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Heck, this video could be linked with several laws but today I choose the Big Mo. Do you ever have times that you have put in so much time, energy and effort and things are really starting to move only for a setback to suddenly drop in? (No pun intended / Watch the video). Well, I don’t know about you, but I have come to learn that a set back is a set up for a come back!  It is because of the energy put in to establish the momentum that helps to get things back on track. Think of walls of water held back by a dam. The potential energy is always there for if the dam ever gave way….well you know the results. Momentum is so important especially when you are part of a TEAM. Think of the famous race in Ben Hur where the stallions had to harnessed a certain way so that their combined energies would allow the momentum to take them to victory. The long and the short of it is (again after you watch the video) is to not let a small setback completely ruin your vision and goals. Victory is just around the corner.
